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Friday, January 18, 2013

[AlternativeAnswers] Lost my mother


This new year has brought loss of my mother on 4th Jan 2013.It came as a shock to me. Kindly pray if it can brig some peace to her soul.

Yours in grief


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[AlternativeAnswers] Finding Your Wise Mind The Balance Between The Left Brain And The Right Brain


This is an article I wrote on my blog www.tipstobehappyinlife.com

Finding Your Wise Mind The Balance Between The Left Brain And The Right Brain

I thought of the Wizard of OZ "If I Only Had a Brain" when I started writing this article. My brain is stuck at times and I have to learn how to recharge, and find balance between the left and the right side. So like the Scarecrow, I have a brain, I just need to train it, and take control of my mind, feelings and thoughts. The time is now, and I have taken steps to change, and find happiness for myself by living in the moment and find my wise mind.
In an effort to find my happiness I turned to DBT which stands for Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Developed by Marsha Linehan in 1993. The method focuses on being " dialectical" which works to find balance between the left brain and the right brain. The self help group I'm in has taught me skills to change my behavior through meditation, living in the moment, and finding my wise mind. Some people might call it intuition, gut feeling, inner voice, or higher power. When I practice wise mind I think of a situation and observe my feelings, thoughts, and urges that come to me. Then I ask myself what is my wise mind telling me?
Everyone has that inner voice inside them, and the idea is to pay attention on purpose to what the voice is telling you, and not to judge what you see. When being in the present moment you will control your words and just observe without speaking out of turn, and stop sticking your foot in your mouth; like I have done many times. We also practice breathing by repeating the words wise mind in and out to ourselves to find our center. Take notice of your body, and observe everything inside and out side yourself. Sometimes the group can stir up a lot of emotions, but that is part of the process of learning about oneself and growing.
In the end it's all about finding happiness. Being happy is so important in life because we only have one chance to get things right. When you find happiness you will have more meaningful relationships, and people will want to be with you. Finding you wise mind takes a lot of practice but if you practice everyday it becomes easier. Listen, and observe, and everything will come together. There is much more to learn about Dialectical Behavior Therapy. I have not learned everything since it is only a 10 week course. My brain and I are a work in progress, we are still trying to achieve greatness and find happiness. My left brain, and my right brain thank you for letting me share with you.

You can find information on Marsha Linehan on the internet listed under DBT training Dialectical Behavioral Therapy/Core Mindfulness Skills/Wise Mind ...

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[AlternativeAnswers] Dr Bate's newsletter 1/20/13 - Bits and Pieces


Some Health Info You Probably Can Use

This week, is a collection of health advice I've accumulated over time. I
do not get paid by any of the companies involved. the only thing I sell
are my Neuroliminal Training CD's, so I have no vested interest. I never
trust any person with a vested interest. The opinions expressed are mine
based on study and experience of Orthomolecular Medicine.
Individuality: *While we are all pretty much alike, we all have slightly
different genetic requirements. We all need vitamin A for example, but one
person might need up to 10 times as much as another. This complicates
figuring your individual needs. After World War II, it was found that some
American prisoners of Japanese prison camps needed up to 100 times the
amount of some of the Vitamin B's than normal. There is genetic imbalance
of copper/zinc in one group that uptakes copper up t0 50 times normal, and
this is a major cause of schizophrenia in this small group.

*FDA (Food and Drug Administration): * None of the amounts listed as
"Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)" is correct, primarily because Big
Pharma makes their money from "sick" people, and by keeping vitamins low,
more people are sick. In effect, ig Pharma "owns" the FDA, and the Medical
Vitamin C: * The real road to better health starts with Vitamin C. A
correct amount starts with taking 1000mg (1 gram) per 40 pounds of your
weight - split into at least two daily portions. Plain ascorbic acid is
the most useful, as it takes out toxic (and nutritional) minerals.
Ascorbates do not (If it has my name (Bate) as part of the name, it doesn't
do this, and it's slightly less powerful.

*Multi (One A Day)**:* at least 90% of the "one-a-day" vitamin supplements
are almost worthless. I've been taking Solgar VM-75 multi vitamin and
mineral supplement for over 30 years. (It's sold in almost every Health
store, and runs about 90 tablets for $20-25. There is a slightly better
mail order multi from Bill Douglas, (google - NewMarket Health Products)
that is at least as good, and slightly better. The problem with taking
ascorbic acid vitamin C is that it does take out virtually all minerals,
including the toxic ones, so you have to put back the nutritionally
necessary ones. This is the cheapest method of clearing your body of
mercury, aluminum, cadmium, lead, etc. Take out all minerals, and then put
back in nutritionals Same as chelation, but cheaper and healthier.

*Pain: *For any muscle or joint pain, DMSO works better than any "drug"
from ig Pharma, and lots of MD's use if for their family, but because Big
Pharma keeps it off the FDA "approved" list, they can't (by law) prescribe
it. It's approved for vet's and animal uses. Vets use it on their
family. For burns, simple aloe is much more efficient than any Big Pharma
product. (Did you know that the three gifts of the Magi to the baby Jesus
weren't Myrrh, Frankincense and gold, Aloe doesn't grow in England, so the
translators mistakenly thought "aloe" was "alloy" and it became gold. All
;three gifts were healing herbs. As an agnostic, I wonder how many more
bible stories have similar mistakes?

*Wheat (Gluten): *Almost everybody has a problem with wheat, and I've
found that as a diabetic, it raises my glucose even faster(and higher) than
sugar. The evidence that whole wheat is not so good for you is mounting.
I find that I do better (in health not in taste) with gluten free breads
etc, To add injury to insult - wheat and other grains are now "gene
Modified), and that evidence is horrendous for your health.

*Corn Products:* Virtually all are now GMO, and dangerous to our health.
Monsanto has spent millions to try to block "labeling" laws being passed,
and GMO grains are killing people, and shortening life spans. There are
rumors that rich people like Bill Gates are using this as a way to cut
population. (Our biggest problem for the human race.) Did you know that
while the present population has raised the age of death, the "baby
boomers" are dying off much earlier, maybe solving the Social Security
financing problem? Can we double the population many times more?

*Thyroid problems:* Did you know that you can test yourself easily (and
more accurately with only a plain thermometer? Learn how to control your
thyroid better than your MD can, and use a "natural product. For more
information on this go to:

*PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome: *A lot of young women suffer needlessly with
this affliction that is simple to solve.

Herpes Problems:* Stop spending money on expensive drugs. There's a
simple solution to preventing the outbreak of this disease, and another if
and when it does happen at http://drbate.com/content/

*Mental Problems: *There's a simpler non-drug set of four therapies that
has solved many of these problems ranging from simple insomnia to ADD to
Autism, all depressions, even up to schizophrenia in many cases at
A lot of "normal" people (whatever that is) have greatly improved their
life, and will probably live longer by using these therapies - I know I
have reversed my aging factors dramatically using it.

*Losing Weight: *The "safe" if slow weight loss program also works better
using that same 4 therapies. After a month or more depending on
"INDIVIDUALITY". if you are overweight, you start losing 5 pounds a month
down to your ideal weight. I guarantee it!

There are over 100 pages on my website all with free information on
non-drug solutions that work better and cheaper than any from Big Pharma.
One woman recently told me that she spent over 4 hours going over my
Weekly Alternate Health Article Digest
*From NaturalNews:*
Here are some simple healing recipes for cleansing your liver and blood:

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 038720_healing_recipes_leaver_
Gluten confirmed to cause "wheat belly" weight gain. Here's the latest:

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 038699_gluten_weight_gain_
Breaking news: Texas lawmakers to introduce Firearms Protection Act that
will result in feds being arrested if they try to implement
unconstitutional gun restrictions in the state of Texas:

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 038693_Firearms_Protection_
Also breaking today: New York has just created a psychiatric police state
thanks to mafia Gov. Cuomo:
http://www.naturalnews.com/ 038692_New_York_police_state_
Learn about these 25 muscle-building foods:

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 038698_muscle_building_foods_
And here's how to treat respiratory infections using everyday foods and

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 038688_respiratory_tract_
Warning: Diet soda causes depression!

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 038686_diet_soda_depression_

Have you heard about the Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs? They're trying
to get mercury removed from vaccines. Learn more:

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 038675_coalition_mercury-free_
Peter Breggin's newest article reveals how even mainstream journalists are
now discussing the link between psychiatric drugs and violent shooters:

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 038674_psychiatric_drugs_mass_
Is the Sandy Hook assault rifle story a media hoax? Here's some compelling

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 038664_Sandy_Hook_security_
Here's how to beat diabetes with powerful, therapeutic herbs:

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 038673_diabetes_medicinal_
And here's how to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation:

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 038671_electromagnetic_
*From Dr Mercola:*
Cholesterol Plays Key Role in Cell Signaling

http://articles.mercola.com/ sites/articles/archive/2013/
01/16/cholesterol-regulates- cell-signaling.aspx?e_cid=
The "Meat" You Should Avoid - Contains 70 Ingredients (Including Shoe

https://mail.google.com/mail/ u/0/?shva=1#label/Health+
Threats to Your Water Supply Abound -- The Devastating Impact of
Fertilizers, Fracking, and Water-Hungry GMO's

http://articles.mercola.com/ sites/articles/archive/2013/
01/15/minnesota-water- contamination-problem.aspx?e_
Confirmed--Fructose Can Increase Your Hunger and Lead to Overeating

http://articles.mercola.com/ sites/articles/archive/2013/
01/14/fructose-spurs- overeating.aspx?e_cid=
Aspirin Use Linked to Macular Degeneration

http://articles.mercola.com/ sites/articles/archive/2013/
01/14/aspirin-increases- macular-degeneration-risk.
Help Flush These Brain-Damaging Toxins Out of Your Body

http://articles.mercola.com/ sites/articles/archive/2013/
01/13/mercury-detoxification- protocol.aspx?e_cid=20130113_
*From Alliance for Natural Health::*
AMA Pediatrics Group Wants to Keep Mercury in Our Vaccines--Action Alert!

http://www.anh-usa.org/ama- wants-to-keep-mercury-in-
Flu "Epidemic": The Numbers Just Don't Add Up

http://www.anh-usa.org/flu- epidemic-the-numbers-just-do-

Cheap and Effective TB Drug Being Ignored? Action Alert!

http://www.anh-usa.org/reader% E2%80%99s-corner-cheap-and-
From Easy Health Digest:
Relaxation Positively Affects Genetic Expression

http://easyhealthoptions.com/ alternative-medicine/
Genes And Behavior

http://easyhealthoptions.com/ alternative-medicine/genes-
Why Coffee Is Healthy For You

http://easyhealthoptions.com/ alternative-medicine/why-
When Pain Won't Go Away, It May Be Tension Myositis Syndrome

http://easyhealthoptions.com/ alternative-medicine/when-
Holding In Your Feelings Can Lead To Serious Illness

http://easyhealthoptions.com/ general-health/holding-in-
Shortened Penis, Could It Happen To You?

http://easyhealthoptions.com/ mens-health/shortened-penis-
*From NewsMax Health:*
4 Best Ways to Beat Aging, Live Longer, Healthier

http://www.newsmaxhealth.com/ headline_health/Ways_Live_
From Truth About ABS.com
The #1 WORST Food that CAUSES Faster Aging (beware!)

*From Dr Bate*:
There are some people that did not get my free book "The Health
Revolution". It is available for downloading at:

This weekly newsletter on non drug Health is free, and presents a digest of
the latest news in the Alternate Health field with a minimum of
advertising. Please feel free to send to friends or relatives that may
find it useful. It may be copied and used by anyone.

Have a good week!

Phil Bate PhD - Orthomolecular Psychologist (30 plus years)
Inventor of NT Therapy - An inexpensive, effective approach &
"at home" therapy for ADD- autism, insomnia, depression etc
- drbate@bellsouth.net

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