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Thursday, January 10, 2013

[AlternativeAnswers] Patrick Schweiss of The Sedona International Film Festival, FriNite, 11 Jan 2013


Join Andrew Aloha "Live"



The Sedona International Film Festival


Our Guest Psychic Medium
Neil Baker

FriNite, 11 January 2013
From 7 – 8:30pm AZT
On Spiritual Image Production's BlogTalkRadio

Connect with Us @ http://lnk.ms/6wQwY http://lnk.ms/6wQwY>

Or, BTR and Skype Users call (646) 716-4251

Or, conference call (712) 432-0075, access code 689328#

Join radio show host Andrew Aloha "Live" on "The Golden Age
Psychic Travel Show" as we introduce you to business establishments
and vendors, then do psychic readings on them afterwards. What does 2013
have in store for them? Are there ghosts in their stores that they may
wish to deal with? Are there specific changes they may wish consider
making that may allow them to grow better and faster? Are there new
products they may wish to consider marketing and selling? There is much
potential and possibility.....tune in and find out for yourself.....:)

This month we're featuring Sedona International Film Festival
http://www.sedonafilmfestival.org/> , which celebrates more than 16
years of screenings and educational workshops. In that history, the
Festival has achieved recognition as a world-class film festival. Each
year, audiences and the next generation of filmmakers come together from
all over the world to participate in this inspiring celebration of the
power of independent film. Audiences and filmmakers herald the Sedona
International Film Festival as one of their favorites. They have
garnered an impressive national reputation as one of the best regional
festivals in the United States.......for more on this story go to

For more on The Sedona International Film Festival go to
www.sedonafilmfestival.org http://www.sedonafilmfestival.org/>


Andrew Aloha

For More Visit Us @:

FRIDAYS, BEGINNING 1 FEB 2013, 2 – 4pm

Light Stream Technologies


Mention Andrew Aloha and get a discount on your next visit to
www.sedona.hamptoninn.com http://www.sedona.hamptoninn.com/>

LifeVantage's - Protandim: AntiAging Herbal Formula
Enroll Today!

A Big Aloha to the following for underwriting our show:

Revitalized Bio Genic Water @ www.revitalizedbiogenic.com

Born out of the Soviet space industry, Revitalized Water, the product of
30 years, and billions of dollars of Russian research is believed brings
about more the science of water together in one product than any other
water available today. The well-defined, perfect crystal shaped water
enables rapid absorption and usefulness by our cells. Thus, the
increased osmotic drive created by imprinting the water with a high
amplitude frequency that assists the cells with a healthier foundation
for nutrient uptake and release of toxins, speeds up the delivery of
nutrients into the cells and potentially increases your energy.

Neil Baker @ www.neilbakerpsychic.com http://www.neilbakerpsychic.com/>

Neil tunes into your vibrational energy and translates it using his
talent as a gifted psychic. He believes that one must get to the core of
a specific issue in order to present understanding and course of action
to follow. He tunes into the content of your soul and evaluates it in
terms of past life events or present life circumstances. Or, whether
what's happening now is connected to a past life. From there, he
determines even deeper layers of information that reveal meanings behind
our present connections and their ultimate outcomes.

Gary Krupa, CPA @ wwwgarykrupacpa.com http://wwwgarykrupacpa.com/>

Do you need financial auditing, accounting or tax advice? Gary Krupa,
CPA, offers 25 years of diverse accounting services in Arizona,
California and New York. He offers services in accounting, bookkeeping,
payroll, computer technology, auditing, tax preparation, review and
planning, and business development. He assists clients through helping
them avoid paying heavy tax fines, reducing fees and tax liabilities,
taking advantage of hidden deductions, avoiding LLC startup
complications, and combing creative agreements with grants.

Nell Tomassen Reboh @ www.e-lxr.com http://www.e-lxr.com/>

Certified Master Healer and Master Teacher of New Paradigm
Multi-Dimensional Transformation at the School of Esoteric Sciences,
Nell Tomassen Reboh empowers you with hands-on, cognitive release work,
group and distant healings, channelings from Archangels and
Intergalactic Masters' of Light, Space clearings for home,
businesses, hospitals, etc. She works with Relationships, Parenting,
Career Path, Life Purpose, Gem elixirs, Animal Communication and teaches
New Paradigm MDT and Master Teacher workshops.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Creating A Healthy Belief System


I started : 'Power of Intention a fes weeks ago. It does help, but I have to study yours. Perhaps I should change my mantra? I am not sure... This things need time/reflecting on it.

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "yogiguruji" wrote:
> Good Morning!
> Creating A Healthy Belief System
> A belief system that serves us well, is a belief in unlimited
> abundance, a deserving and humble nature and room to understand that,
> which serves the common good. Consider these suggestions for creating
> a healthy belief system that serves you:
> 1. Start by allowing abundance into your life: There are no limits
> except for those we impose on ourselves. Believing you cannot have
> what you want in your life, is a self-destructive and disparaging
> idea that you create yourself.
> 2. Use the words "unlimited possibilities": This is your mantra. I
> have, I desire, I believe in...."unlimited possibilities". Abundance
> is a long lasting, enduring enjoyment of life. It is being in love
> with living.
> 3. Understand that you are deserving: No, it is not your "karma", not
> your "lot in life", not "what you deserve"... we are ALL deserving.
> You deserve all that the Universe is able to give, and these
> are "endless possibilities".
> 4. Improve your self esteem: We can all seek to improve ourselves. It
> is time you became committed to truly loving and appreciating
> yourself and who you are. Take a minute to look at your
> individualism. Honor who you are. Honor what it took to get you
> there. Chest up and get moving!
> 5. Improve feelings of self-hate arising out of guilt: Is it possible
> that your guilty feelings are excessive, your self-hate is an
> overreaction? Yes. Look back at the cause of this belief. Who are you
> really punishing here? Re-evaluate your situation. Stop the self
> punishment and forgive yourself....and others. It serves only to wear
> you down.
> 6. Look at your negative beliefs: What is standing in your way? Is it
> issues around love, money, health. Take a look at these issues on an
> individual basis. Remove the question from the situation. Does it
> really have value? What is the true connection between you and this
> belief?
> 7. Are you general happy?: If so, make a list of 10 things that bring
> you happiness! If you believe you are not, make a list of 5 thinks
> that do not. Evaluate these 5 items of unhappiness. Each has a
> solution that you are going to solve!
> 8. Perhaps there is a current belief that no longer serves you: have
> the courage and the strength to seek the truth. Allow yourself to let
> go of an old, hurtful or useless idea or concept that does you no
> good. Allow yourself. Let it go.
> 9. Search for meaning by reading and reflection: The search itself
> will help restore a degree of sense and purpose to existence.
> 10. Some important values: about your belief system include giving,
> sharing, accepting compliments and recognizing new beginnings.
> Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.
> Peacefulmind.com
> Therapies for healing
> mind, body, spirit

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[AlternativeAnswers] [Be the Change] Sustainability, Permaculture and Leadership


Hello friends,

Many people think of permaculture as gardening, but that's a lot like
thinking of math as being only good for building bridges. Permaculture is
a sustainable design science rooted in observation of nature and providing
solutions to some of our most pressing problems. The same branching
pattern that's found in tree is also found in a river, in your heart, and
numerous other places. That pattern maximizes edge (surface area for
exchanging information or nutrients), increases diversity and serves a
whole range of other functions.

Join an incredible regenerative leadership and permaculture design
certification retreat in the San Francisco Bay Area, February 16-24th or
April 20-28th, and go beyond sustainability towards a wildly fulfilling
life and a truly regenerative culture. We offer a no-nonsense, deeply
pragmatic, mainstream approach to permaculture. No ideologies, only
functional design and solutions that truly work. "This course was the
BEST time I have had in the past 6 years" -- Lana T

The most common example of biomimicry and permaculture is velcro, which was
invented by a swiss engineer who removed burrs from his dog, and noticed
how the small hooks on the burr grabbed to his dog's fur. Another great
example is better packaging designs. Have you ever considered how nature
packages pomegranate seeds inside a pomegranate? What we teach is
fundamentally the art of biomimicry -- observing nature and designing our
whole way of life with the patterns of nature, while often allowing nature
to do much of the work for us.

-> Read more @ http://www.permaculturedesigntraining.com
-> San Francisco Bay Area - February 16-24 or April 20-28th
-> Contact us for details about scholarships available for this course!
-> Call 1-800-376-3775

Go beyond sustainability towards a truly regenerative culture. Imagine
waking up each day with the knowledge that your whole life, including your
career, is completely aligned with your deepest passions, desires,
principles and values. The experiential permaculture design certification
course is your path towards a career in regenerative permaculture design
and a truly thriving life, deeply rooted in the patterns of nature and a
larger vision of regenerative community and regenerative culture.

Come get inspired by learning pragmatic permaculture design and
regenerative leadership skills for your life, career, business, and
community from the world's leading sustainability experts; and earn your
internationally recognized Permaculture Design Certificate. The skills
offered in this course are applicable to every aspect of your life, far
beyond the garden - you will learn to design nature-inspired, resilient,
regenerative systems – composting toilets, water-catchment system,
natural green buildings, eco-villages and much more.

While many people think of permaculture as gardening, that's a lot like
thinking of math as being about building bridges. Permaculture is a
sustainable design science rooted in observation of natural patterns. For
example, the same branching pattern of a tree is present in every river, as
well as in our own bodies -- the pattern maximizes edge, increases
diversity, and serves at least a dozen other functions. The very concepts
of diversity increasing stability of natural living systems and edge
increasing diversity are core permaculture teachings.

-> Read more @ http://www.permaculturedesigntraining.com
-> San Francisco Bay Area - February 16-24 or April 20-28th
-> Contact us for details about scholarships available for this course!
-> Call 1-800-376-3775

Consistently ranked as the single most powerful and transformational
experience of participants' entire lives, the experiential intensive
inspires real vision and personal regenerative leadership through practical
solutions of natural pattern observation and bio-mimicry design for a truly
regenerative culture.

Want to know why you should join the program? Check out just some of the
many testimonials from past participants

"I really enjoyed the experience, I can feel my permaculture mind
continuing to grow as things settle in from the course." -- Jaye M

"Thank you for the experience I had - it was wonderful. Best wishes and
continued growth." -- Susan L

"My experience in the course was invaluable. I find myself with a new
permaculture lens that I can put on at will, and see the world around me in
a way that I feel leads to making more conscious decisions and living
better in harmony with the earth." - Deborah F.

Join an unforgettable program in leadership, permaculture and sustainable
design with the world'smost renowned instructors and change your life, your
community and your planet. Not only do Regenerative Leadership Institute
courses offer the most complete curriculum of any similar program, but the
people who come to the programs make this the most powerful training
offered anywhere. Gain cutting-edge skills in nature-inspired sustainable
design that's applicable virtually anywhere design is used -- from green
businesses to your own back yard.

-> Read more @ http://www.permaculturedesigntraining.com
-> San Francisco Bay Area - February 16-24 or April 20-28th
-> Contact us for details about scholarships available for this course!
-> Call 1-800-376-3775

The Regenerative Leadership Institute is the nation's ecological design and
sustainable living school; our instructors are key leaders in sustainable
living and permaculture design.
We hope you will be able to join us for this incredible, life-changing
experiential course!


Regenerative Leadership Institute
The Nation's Sustainable Living and Permaculture Design School
A+ Rated by the Better Business Bureau
1-800-376-3775 // www.permaculturedesigntraining.com
14525 SW Millikan Way, Suite 17760, Beaverton, OR 97005
Love us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/regenerativeleader

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