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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

RE: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: anyone know about what causes nipples to turn dark and rough?


do a blood test for vitamin d levels.

add kelp or nori or sea weeds in diet for iodine content and other micro minerals.

To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
From: forvibranthealth@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 10:13:52 -0700
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: anyone know about what causes nipples to turn dark and rough?

Thanks to all for input about what can cause nipples to turn blackish and scaly or crusty with burning and itching in the breasts and lymphatic areas, swollen abdomen and other symptoms.

The edema in the legs and ankles has been mostly resolved with homeopathic drainage remedies and an herbal diuretic and acupuncture. She lost 6 lbs of water weight and even the swelling in the abdomen went down.

Still having the nipple symptoms and lots of burning sensation and now nausea.

So any other input is welcome.

Want to especially thank John for the connection between celiac and Addisons.

She tested negative for celiac twice, Isn't sure if the tests have not been accurate or if she is gluten sensitive rather than celiac, but seems to get worse when she eats gluten, so has mostly gone off it.Every once in a while she eats a few bites of something with gluten. Even a small amt seems to bother her.

We were aware that Addison's can cause the nipple darkening, but did not know that celiac can cause Addisons. Her last saliva tests show borderline low cortisol at some times of day and normal cortisol at others, so her doctors don't want to test her for Addisons.

Her doctors have only run standard blood tests so far and seem at a loss, and aren't really trying to figure it out. She has gone to 3 doctors, and osteopath, her Ob/Gyn and a naturopath in the last month and still no answers or referral to anyone else. She has actually been complaining of these symptoms to these doctors for the last 5 months - with the edema and the increase in other symptoms occuring just in the last month.

She has been sick for years and misdiagnosed or undiagnosed for most of that time, and so has gone through all her savings and is living on disability. So she cannot pay out of pocket for a really good functional medicine doc - which is what I think she needs.

Thanks again.


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[AlternativeAnswers] St. John's Wort


Hi all, I was wondering how much a person can take during the day. Here's what's going on...I started my 13 1/2yr old daughter on it in the middle of April, the dose was 450mg 1 time a day...I put her on it to help with her PMS and we did start to see a difference she was less anxious and calmer. But for some reason it doesn't seem to be working for her PMS. Is this enough St. John's Wort or can I up the dose to 2 pills a day? Any help would be great. Thanks, Jennifer

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[AlternativeAnswers] Exploring Spiritism: Spirit Guides


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Ever wonder about those "guardian angels, mentors, angels and
guides" you feel? This week, we'll explore:

* what a Spirit Guide is and is not,
* how to attune with our guides, and
* who are the different guides for various aspects of our lives?

Cleansing passes administered following program.

The Caritas Spiritist Center, 5723 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder, CO 80303


www.CaritasSpiritistCenter.org <http://www.caritasspiritistcenter.org/>

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