*Cholesterol - Enemy or Friend?
All the media hype about cholesterol makes it an "enemy", which is just not
so. Cholesterol is a fat that's a precursor to several hormones necessary
to life. As a matter of fact, sunlight on the skin changes cholesterol into
vitamin D. So, without cholesterol, we're in trouble.
As usual, Big Pharma is a major part of the problem. Their drugs (statins)
that lower cholesterol are big money makers, so they have a vested interest
in "scaring" us into taking them. And they have been doing that for many
years with more phony research showing that high cholesterol will kill us.
The facts are the opposite. A cholesterol level above 300 is actually
better than a lower one. The largely ignored research shows clearly that
levels around 160 or so are more likely to have severe heart attacks.
So, if cholesterol is "good" what's all the hullabaloo about? Well, it
seems that some researchers found that high levels of cholesterol in the
blood correlate to high incidence of heart problems. Also, artery plaque is
composed of cholesterol (and other fats) along with calcium. Many medical
researchers immediately "jumped" to the (wrong) conclusion that cholesterol
was "bad".
Lots of articles came out in various magazines written by so-called medical
"experts". The upshot was that foods that contain cholesterol were "banned"
by many MD's. These included eggs, butter, cheeses and meats. Actually,
eggs are the most perfect food. In one case, kidnapped victims were fed
only hard boiled eggs for a long period of captivity, and when finally
released, they were in better health that before the ordeal.
Butter is much better for us than margarine. To make oils into fats, nickel
is involved, and that's toxic to some extent, and the oils used are not
nearly as healthy as plain old butter.
Once upon a time, there was a cardiac specialist MD who had high levels of
cholesterol. He also had a family history of heart problems (a good reason
to go into cardiac specialty just as some psychiatrists and psychologists
go into their professions because of personal mental problems). He stopped
eating any cholesterol-laden foods and continually tested his levels. He
was very surprised to find that his cholesterol didn't drop. He was a bit
smarter than the rest and he did more research and found that 80% of the
cholesterol in the blood is manufactured in the liver and is NOT derived
directly from the cholesterol in food. And, that's not a fairy story!!
So, if the liver makes it, why does it go high? To understand this, you
need a bit more information. When you eat something, it is broken down into
very small bits in order to pass thru the intestinal walls. (See
Digestion). Protein is broken down into individual amino acids, starch is
broken into various sugars and fats are broken down into various fatty
Next, lets look at sugar which is the real culprit. When starches are
broken down into sugars, they in turn, are changed to glucose, which the
body needs for energy. Once the glucose is in the blood stream, it is
literally forced into all cells in the body by insulin. If you are running
a marathon, your body uses it as energy. BUT, if you are watching TV, you
don't need energy, so the cell converts this into "future" energy by
changing it into a fatty acid and ejects it back into the bloodstream.
Depending on several factors, this fatty acid can be any combination of
three types. The term "triglycerides" means 3 fatty acids.
Now, the liver "sees" this triglycerides level rising and it starts to use
some of these "fats" to make cholesterol in order to "balance" these
levels. This is why high cholesterol levels are linked to high
triglycerides levels.
At the turn of the last century, the average person in the US ate 5-10 lbs
of sugar PER YEAR. Today, it's up to over 200 lbs a year. If you want to
correlate things, correlate this - in Africa among poor persons who eat a
diet literally free of sugar, there is NO diabetes, NO occluded arteries,
NONE of our "civilized diseases". If these "poor" persons are "Helped" to
eat a modern diet full of sugar, they develop all these diseases. Now,
that's a correlation.
There's another correlation that I use as an analogy. People who drive
older used cars have lower cholesterol than people who drive new luxury
cars. The moral - don't drive a new luxury car! Of course, it has nothing
to do with the car, but the correlation is generally true simply because
the people who drive a luxury car eat more sugar laden diets. It's the same
thing with foods containing cholesterol. (Another might be drawn about
poorer families, including blacks, that develop as better athletes!) Is
sugar a real enemy? You make up your own mind. I'm addicted to it and so
are most of the people I know.
Eggs are not eaten by millions of people because the medical profession in
it's usual wrongheadedness (fostered by the lies and phony research spread
by Big Pharma) trumpeted that correlation and the media made it worse,
(also as usual). In fact, eggs are the most perfect food for humans.
Measured on a scale of 100, eggs rate 100, and all other foods only reach
99 or less. Eggs actually contain lecithin, another fat that actually
lowers cholesterol. (Remember the dieter who drinks a diet soda with his
doughnut so it doesn't count. Not the same!)
A study in England reported in the Lancet, 30 or so years ago, found that
persons who ate 6 eggs per week had lower cholesterol than persons who ate
none. Several studies have also shown that persons who eat butter live
longer and better than those who eat margarine. Margarine has nickel (used
to make oils into fats) and it has close to the same fatty acid content as
butter. (Of course US Med Journals have ignored these because their "life"
depends on Big Pharma advertising).
I personally eat 3 eggs 4-5 times per week and I use only butter in my
house. Did you know that eggs are the most "perfect" food for amino
acids? They are rated at 1.00, and all other foods we eat are rated as
0.99 or less. Of course, I also take more than the recommended
vitamin/mineral supplements. See Vitamins/Minerals for this list and that
undoubtedly helps me. From all the research I've done and read over the
past 30 years of nutritional study, that's one man's "educated opinion, you
make up your own mind.
Alternate Health Digest
from Natural News:
One in five Americans believes the world is coming to an end; many point to
2012 prophecies
(editors note: As an agnostic, I do not believe fully, but there is more
than the Mayan legends, including Cayce and Nostradamus, and others who
have prophesied a coming end, so I can not disbelieve either)
Vaccines have been based on medical fraud for over a hundred years
Swiss government report declares homeopathy is 'cost effective' in treating
Vitamin C cured polio during the epidemic of 1948 - 49
Graphic photos surface of Michigan DNR forced shooting of baby pigs,
breastfeeding momma pig
Dangerous glass fibers in cigarettes worsen lung damage for smokers
No jab, no education: New CA law requires middle schoolers to provide proof
of Tdap vaccination in order to receive education
(Editor: What's happened to our "free country?")
FBI nabs five mastermind geniuses after teaching them how to blow up a
bridge in Cleveland
Hacking expert David Chalk says 100 percent certainty of catastrophic
failure of smart energy grid within three years
Fukushima still spewing massive radiation plumes; America in 'huge
trouble,' says nuclear expert
(Ed note: If I were younger, I'd think seriously about the Southern
Hemisphere and emigrating there.)
GMO alert: top 10 genetically modified foods to avoid eating
Human genes engineered into experimental GMO rice being grown in Kansas
CISPA passes the House; epic privacy battle moves to the Senate
FDA refuses to ban antibiotics in livestock, resorts to voluntary phase out
that will be ignored by industry
from Dr Mercola:
Courts slap FDA and FTC for Unjustified Attacks
(ed note: Again, what happened to our "Free Country"?
Never Put This on Your Face or Skin
The Root Cause of Anxiety and Depression That Few Suspect
(ed note: Dr Mercola leaves out "allergy and other stress " factors which
are even more critical. See "www.drbate.com")
Massive Corruption Revealed to Be at the Core of Many Drug Approvals
My Researcher's Own Story: Did Overzealous Screening Cause Her Cancer?
Over 60 Billion Doses a Year and Not ONE Death, But Still Not Safe?
The Beverage that is Even WORSE than High Fructose Corn Syrup Soda
from Alliance for Natural Health
FDA Breaks Promise on Proposed New Supplement Rules
Vermont Legislature Battles over Vaccines
You Did It! The GMO Labeling Initiative WILL Be on the Ballot in California!
from NewsMax - Health
Thermoscan Beats Mammogram to Cut Radiation Exposure
Suzanne Somers Drops 'Bombshell' in Book: 'I Was a Human Guinea Pig'
from Easy Health Digest:
Here Comes Another GMO Corn And More Herbicide
Testosterone Deficiency: Causes And Treatment
from Dr Bate:
Looking for "alternate"cancer treatments that have worked for many people?
That's the alternate Health News for this last week. I hope that it has
helped you and yours to understand what is happening in this maze of
misinformation from the FDA and Big Pharma. And, the AMA and hospitals are
included as "culprits" because of their "educational handicaps".
Phil Bate PhD - Orthomolecular Psychologist (30 plus years)
Inventor of NT Therapy - An inexpensive, effective approach &
"at home" therapy for ADD- autism, insomnia, depression etc
- drbate@bellsouth.net
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