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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Flower Power: Flower Remedies


Good Morning!

Flower Power: Flower Remedies

This week I will be discussing the work and energy behind "Flower
Power". Not only is it a phrase from the 60's associated with peace
and the hippie movement, I find the phrase, itself empowering! So
this week I am going to explore the nature of "Flower Power"!

The essence of flowers is a subtle, aromatic and volatile liquid
extracted from the flowers, seeds, leaves, stems, bark and roots of
herbs, bushes, shrubs and trees through distillation. It is a form of
vibrational healing, which works on many levels. Flower remedies are
homeopathic essences, which benefit a specific mental and emotional
state. Below is a small sampling of the power of flowers, with there
color, qualities and patterns of imbalance they treat:

Agrimony: (Agrimonia eupatoria) (yellow)
Positive qualities: Emotional honesty, acknowledging and working with
emotional pain, obtaining true inner peace.
Patterns of Imbalance: Anxiety hidden by a mask of cheerfulness;
denial and avoidance of emotional pain, addictive behavior to
anesthetize feelings.

Beech: (Fagus sylvatica) (red)
Positive qualities: Tolerance, acceptance of others' differences and
imperfections, seeing the good within each person and situation.
Patterns of Imbalance: Criticalness, judgmental attitudes,
intolerance; perfectionist expectations of others; over sensitivity
to one's social and physical environment.

Cherry Plum: (Prunus cerasifera) (white)
Positive qualities: Spiritual surrender and trust, feeling guided and
protected by a Higher Power; balance and equanimity despite extreme
Patterns of Imbalance: Fear of losing control, or of mental and
emotional breakdown; desperate, destructive impulses.

Clematis: (Clematis vitalba) (white)
Positive qualities: Awake, focused presence; manifesting inspiration
in practical life; embodiment.
Patterns of Imbalance: Avoidance of the present by daydreaming; other-
worldly and impractical ideals.

Elm: (Ulmus procera) (reddish brown)
Positive qualities: Joyous service, faith and confidence to complete
one's task
Patterns of Imbalance: Overwhelmed by duties and responsibilities,
feeling unequal to the task required.

Gentian: (Gentiana amarella) (purple)
Positive qualities: Perseverance, confidence; faith to continue
despite apparent setbacks
Patterns of Imbalance: Discouragement after a setback; doubt.

Honeysuckle: (Lonicera caprifolium) (red/white)
Positive qualities: Being fully in the present; learning from the
past while releasing it.
Patterns of Imbalance: Nostalgia; emotional attachment to the past,
longing for what was.

Impatiens: (Impatiens glandulifera) (pink/mauve)
Positive qualities: Patience, acceptance; flowing with the pace of
life and others.
Patterns of Imbalance: Impatience, irritation, tension, intolerance.

Larch: (Larix decidua) (red), (yellow)
Positive qualities: Self-confidence, creative expression, spontaneity
Patterns of Imbalance: Lack of confidence, expectation of failure,

Mustard: (Sinapis arvensis) (yellow)
Positive qualities: Emotional equanimity, finding joy in life
Patterns of Imbalance: Melancholy, gloom, despair; generalized
depression without obvious cause.

Oak: (Quercus robur) (red)
Positive qualities: Balanced strength, accepting limits, knowing when
to surrender.
Patterns of Imbalance: Iron-willed, inflexible; over striving beyond
one's limits.

Pine: (Pinus sylvestris) (red- male), (yellow-female)
Positive qualities: Self-acceptance, self-forgiveness; freedom from
inappropriate guilt and blame.
Patterns of Imbalance: Guilt, self- blame, self-criticism, inability
to accept oneself.

Rock Rose: (Helianthemum nummularium) (yellow)
Positive qualities: Self-transcending courage, inner peace and
tranquillity when facing great challenges.
Patterns of Imbalance: Deep fear, terror, panic; fear of death or

Star of Bethlehem: (Ornithogalum umbellatum) (white)
Positive qualities: Bringing soothing, healing qualities, a sense of
inner divinity.
Patterns of Imbalance: Shock or trauma, either recent or from a past
experience; need for comfort and reassurance from the spiritual

Vervain: (Verbena officinalis) (pink/mauve)
Positive qualities: Ability to practice moderation, tolerance, and
balance; "the middle way"; grounded idealism.
Patterns of Imbalance: Overbearing or intolerant behavior; over
enthusiasm or extreme fanaticism; nervous exhaustion from over

Wild Rose: (Rosa canina) (pink or white) also known as Dog Rose.
Positive qualities: Will to live, joy in life.
Patterns of Imbalance: Resignation, lack of hope, giving up on life;
lingering illness.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: allergies


Also Burdock Root is a blood cleanser and detoxifier. Make sure you eat a
healthy diet, fruits, veggies, nuts, cold pressed Olive oil, cold water
fish. Eat less meat, sugar, dairy and no food chemicals and processed foods.
Veggies with Chloraphyll and yellow veggies with Vitamin A. Also drink a
good brand of Aloe Vera juice and apply Aloe Vera on skin.

When listing the uses of Swedish Bitters, the list would be quite
extensive. It can easily be termed as a wonder tonic that heals most ailments you
may suffer from. You may use it to clean wounds as an antiseptic, clear away
all blemishes or scars from your body, sooth any burns, fight toothache,
improve digestion, fight off insomnia and skin allergies. Some people
suffering from epilepsy, eye infections, hemorrhoids, frostbites, eye diseases etc
have shown great improvement by consuming this tonic.
Swedish Bitters is an effective antiseptic and speeds the healing process
by assisting in closing wounds. On repeated application, you would be able
to observe visible changes in the wound.
As in Swedish Bitters the herbs are mixed with alcohol it acts as a strong
disinfectant by keeping the affected area dry and moisture-free along with
combating the infection. It eradicates the toxins and the herbs help in
healing naturally. Swedish Bitters is effective against blisters in the mouth
too and would help bring down any oral infection.
Swedish Bitters is the best possible solution for all stomach ailments.
Acidity, gas, cramps, indigestion, bloating etc.

Stinging Nettle has been used for centuries to treat allergy symptoms,
particularly hayfever which is the most common allergy problem. It contains
biologically active compounds that reduce inflammation
An infusion of the plant is very valuable in stemming internal bleeding. It
is also used to treat anemia, excessive menstruation, hemorrhoids,
digestive, arthritis, rheumatism and skin complaints, especially eczema.
Externally, the plant can be used to treat skin complaints, arthritic pain, gout,
sciatica, neuralgia, hemorrhoids and hair problems.
Taken orally, products made from nettle's aerial parts may interfere with
the body's production of prostaglandins and other inflammation-causing
chemicals. Consequently, nettle may have an anti-inflammatory effect. It may
also enhance responses of the immune system. Chemicals in nettle's aerial
parts are also thought to reduce the feeling of pain or interfere with the way
that nerves send pain signals. All of these effects may reduce the pain and
stiffness of arthritis and other similar conditions.
Side effect: Stinging nettle is a diuretic, it may enhance the effects of
diuretic drugs. Nettle may lower blood sugar and decrease blood pressure, so
it may interfere with drugs taken for diabetes and high blood pressure.
Nettle also affects blood clotting, and may interfere with blood-thinning
In a message dated 5/1/2012 12:23:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
nikkimbowles@sbcglobal.net writes:

We can use herbs that assist in cleansing the blood (oregon
grape/dandelion) the Liver (milk thistle) and the brain (huperzine A and Ginkgo Biloba)

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-----Original Message-----

From: Lucia <lucia_n36@yahoo.com>

Sender: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com

Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 10:00:04

To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com<AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com>

Reply-To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com

Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: allergies

And what can we do to get rid of them? They are so ugly, especially on the
back of the hands.


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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Edema help please


Dark or Tart Cherry juice reduces inflammation and pain.

Vitamin E & C, Cayenne, Black Pepper and Ginger heals and increases
circulation. When sitting or lying down elevate your foot.

Dandelion, Cornsilk, Horsetail, Parley and Celery are used for fluid

Internally Apple Cider Vinegar helps your body to rid itself of poisons and
gets your system back in balance. Take two teaspoons of vinegar, and one
or two teaspoons of honey in a glass of water. Externally Vinegar: Some
people soothe their injured foot or ankle with vinegar. Just mix equal parts
vinegar and water, heat it in the microwave then soak a towel in it. Wrap it
around the affected area and let it sit for five minutes.
Mustard oil is an effective home remedy for edema. Take some warm mustard
oil and rub it on the affected areas. Soak 2 teaspoons of mustard seeds in
water and apply the solution to the affected areas.

In a message dated 5/1/2012 8:14:12 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
carus_lupus@yahoo.co.uk writes:


I fell and twisted my foot badly. It's very painful and swollen. I have an
edema. I have been rested and lifted my feet, put cold in the beginning
and heat later. I'm better, but the improvement is too slow. I can scarcely
walk. I'm a vegetarian and My diet is mostly fruits and vegetables.
Does anyone have any recommendations, suggestions, please?


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