Hi there Lady Love (Love your name),
I'm glad you liked the article. I'm hoping that it helps others. I cannot believe how much anti-inflammatory foods have helped me. Amazing!
Have a great day!
--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "ladylove6260" <ladylove6260@...> wrote:
> Hello to All
> I just became a member of the group today. Kim your article on anti-inflammatory foods was very good. Not only do these foods help to reduce inflammation, they are also filled with vitamins and nutrients that the body can use. Eating foods that are in their natural state and using a cooking method that does the least destruction to the food prevents the loss of nutrients and enzymes helps to give the body what it needs to bring it into balance. Having raw foods and juices in your diet is also very good. Just wanted to say I conquer with your suggestions.
> Have a great weekend!
> Lady Love
> --- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "Kim" <digibiz2@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone, I started eating anti-inflammatory foods a couple of months ago and they actually helped menstrual cramps (2 months NO cramps), headaches and allergies. Have any of you tried Anti-Inflammatory foods for pain? Here is something you might be interested in.
> >
> > Natural Pain Relief?
> >
> > Recently my diet got EVEN HEALTHIER! Want to know how? Read on
> >
> > Have you heard of the Anti-Inflammatory diet? The Anti-Inflammatory diet consists of foods that decrease inflammation in the body and can provide natural pain relief. When the body is inflamed, it can cause many serious illnesses. When inflammation persists or serves no purpose, it damages the body and causes illness.
> >
> > Lately I've been reading a lot about this subject.
> >
> > Natural Pain Relief Soup?
> > When I found out there was a possible way to obtain natural pain relief, it gave me an idea. I'd been suffering from cramps and headaches and wanted to find something that would provide natural pain relief, instead of immediately reaching for that nasty Ibuprofen bottle. I started by adding avocados, and sweet potatoes to my diet, and also created a fabulous lentil soup with Cumin and Turmeric to see what would happen.
> >
> > What happened was simply amazing. Not only did I NOT experience cramps, I had less headaches. As an added bonus, this natural pain relief actually helped my allergies too. How could this be?
> >
> > Apparently, inflammation can make your joints hurt, and can cause cramps, headaches, and allergies. Who knew? It just seemed logical that maybe anti-inflammatory foods would provide some natural pain relief. That's what it did for me!
> >
> >
> > Besides relieving allergies, cramps and headaches, I also discovered that eating anti inflammatory foods can provided natural pain relief for Arthritis sufferers. Unbelievable.
> >
> > Some of the great tasting foods that I recently added to my already healthy diet, that provide natural pain relief for the body, are Turmeric, avocados, sweet potatoes, and kale. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and blueberries are also anti-inflammatory, which I eat several times a week.
> >
> > Besides providing natural pain relief, there are other benefits of eating anti-inflammatory foods.
> > Turmeric has a mustard taste to it and smells terrific when soup is cooking. Turmeric is an anti-oxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent and can be used to reduce inflammation of the shoulders, knee and elbow joints and can provide natural pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis. It may also lower cholesterol levels. I purchased mine in the spice isle at the grocery store.
> >
> > Did you know that Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to provide natural pain relief to achy joints caused by rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis? Ginger can be frozen and used when needed. It lasts forever in the freezer. Before putting it into the freezer, cut a piece of the skin off, then whenever you need some ginger, take it out of the freezer and grate it into your tea or your soup. I'm going to try that. It's also supposed to help with seasickness and general nausea.
> >
> > Lentils are anti-inflammatory foods, and keep your blood sugar stable. Plus they are full of fiber and protein. I buy the red ones, they taste good and cook in 20 minutes. They don't even need to be soaked first.
> >
> > Have you ever tried Kombu? I cook with this all the time, mostly in soups. Kombu is anti-inflammatory and known for it's detoxifying effect. The iodine it contains makes it important in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Kombu is also important because it protects the immune system.
> >
> > What foods cause inflammation?
> > Do you consume refined sugar? Sugar is no longer a part of my diet, because SUGAR causes inflammation! Red and processed meat, alcohol, most dairy products, and common cooking oils also cause inflammation.
> >
> > If you frequently suffer from cramps or headaches, you might want to consider adding some healthy, good-tasting, anti-inflammatory foods to your diet. Maybe instead of reaching for the bottle, reach for natural pain relief like an avocado instead! It may not work for you, but it did help me!
> >
> > Ingredients for Natural Pain Relief Soup:
> > 3/4 Pan of Water
> > 1 cup red lentils
> > 1 Stick of Kombu
> > 1 TBSPN Turmeric
> > 1/2 TBSPN Cumin
> > 2 Cups Broccoli and Carrots
> >
> > Combine water, lentils, Kombu, Turmeric, and Cumin. Bring to a boil. Skim off foam. After the lentils have softened (about 20 minutes) add the raw veggies and cook for another 20 minutes. EASY!
> >
> >
> > http://energyfitgirl.com/natural-pain-relief-with-anti-inflammatory-foods/3336/. Let me know what you think!
> >
> > Have a great day,
> > Kim
> >