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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Pennies dropped out of pocket formed perfect triangle


with those #'s (3,6,9) i looked up in my Angel Numbers book (by Doreen  Virtue) the # 369 means:

Your prayers about being fully supported on your spiritual path have been heard & answered, and you are fulfilling your Divine life purpose...



From: robert dunkel <rjdunkel@yahoo.com>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Pennies dropped out of pocket formed perfect triangle

with your preface in mind one can read a lot of things into this occurance but first thing in my mind was an equilateral triangle which at 3 inches could mean what is termed a 3,6,9 triangle/ not being heads up may be interpreted  different ways but the fact that they are all 3 tails may be a message confirming you and being grounded as copper represents energy as electric/ Tesla is quoted as saying if we really understood the power of 3, 6 and 9 the mysteries would be revealed...so keep an eye open for what is happening around you and feel the balance that is there and use it to channel what you need now...

--- On Mon, 3/19/12, KitKat <gafkaf@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

From: KitKat <gafkaf@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Pennies dropped out of pocket formed perfect triangle
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, March 19, 2012, 11:20 AM


I took something out of my pocket the other day, and some coins came out along with it and fell to the floor. When I looked down, I noticed that it was three pennies, all shiny, all on "tails" and in the formation of a triangle. I measured them and they were each 3 inches apart! Does anyone know if there is any meaning in this ? I tend to not accept things as coincidental, but meaningful, but I don't have any clue about this, and also I've gone through some periods of time when I look at the clock and at that very moment it is on my birthdate(5:29)frequently. Any thoughts or knowledge on either of these types of occurrences?

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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Peanuts Health Benefits


yes they have... they want us to continue to eat meat & non-nutritive foods.. where if you eat a plant based diet & seeds & nuts you wont have all the problems you do with the S.A.D.!! 



From: Christine Mattice <chris1203@inbox.com>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 11:01 AM
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Peanuts Health Benefits

Great article. Nuts have been given a bad rap because of their fat content. But the fact is that most nuts contain good fats that are healthy for you. Peanuts, walnuts,almonds...all are healthy. In fact, I just did a Google search and found this interesing article on 8 healhty nuts

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Monday, March 19, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Formula, probiotics, intestinal problems and infants


--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "angelessences" <vikkivaughn@...> wrote:
> Hi Teri,
> I'm new to this group but I just dealt with this issue with my new daughter. I tried breast feeding her but she was VERY intolerant to it. I could tell she was in a lot of pain. I tried modifying my diet but it didn't help. Reluctantly, with tears, I had to switch to formula. She had a terrible time with that too. We tried "Gentlease" and Soy based but nothing worked. It was either constipation, cramping or diarrhea. The nurse at the Dr.'s office would tell us to try her on the various formulas for a few weeks but I could see they weren't workin after a few days. Poor little doll suffered so much! Finally we tried Nutramigen as recommended by her Pedi. It took a few days but worked wonderfully. It seems that she had a problem digesting protein or a sensitivity to it. Now she is a 19 month toddler full of energy and eating all kinds of organic foods, milk and almond milk.
> Good luck and many blessings to your family and the little one!!!
> Vikki in RI
> --- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "bodytotalk" <tgrisler@> wrote:
> >
> > Hello dear group,
> >
> > My nieces 2 mo old baby boy is having troubles. She stopped nursing him completely after breastfeeding combined with formula since birth. Her milk just would not come in completely in order to fulfill the baby. She tried a few different formulas, not sure how much time she allowed for the baby to get used to each before trying another, but he is having troubles with constipation, cramping, gas and bubbles in tummy. We know he is in pain at times. He will go several days with out having a bowel movement and when he does, the consistency of the bm is hard like clay, smells bad because has been in his intestines too long.
> >
> > What advice can anyone give for this problem? What is the best formula to give, can he be given probiotics for good bacteria for his intestines? I showed her how to do colon massage and stimulation on him and the day I did this, he did have a small bowel movement a couple hours after I finished doing the manipulation. Is it recommended to give infants spring water at all? She has heard that water can harm the baby? Sounds odd, but we dont know.
> >
> > We would appreciate any help with all this. You can also email me or send post for all to see--doesnt matter--I would appreciate any help from anyone.
> >
> > In wellness, Teri from Calif.

It is not the baby it is the formulae that is creating the prblem

well for digestion you can give him Neo-peptine drop(just a digestive enzymes) 4drop twice daily
and when making the formulae to child double the qty of water .. so it is palatable to his age..
give him complete oil massage daily for few days ..

make him active (let him spread and move hands and feet a lot)

i think it will help you out.

tell me what comes out ..

Dr M A Chishti

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