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Thursday, March 8, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Elderberry, Cod Liver Oil & Coconut Oil for Infant Immune Booster?


Is he allergic to dairy? Are you aware of any other things your son might be allergic to? Our son has many allergies/sensitivities. He had a total IGA of 4030 when he was younger at 2 or 3 years old. My wife had to stop breastfeeding him at 8 months because he reacted to anything she ate. He was allergic to all baby formulas including the elemental formulas like Neocate at $50 a can. Until he was about 3 years old he was limited to eating 1)grapefruit (5 or 6 a day) 2) dandelion greens juice(we had to make it ourselves) 3)quinoa, 4)drinking red pepper puree juice (we had to make it ourselves - boil the peppers, peel, puree, and strain the puree for use in the bottle) and when he was about 2yrs old, 5)hemp seed nut butter. He is much better now - he is now 8 years old and has been drug free for 5+ years now and is getting stronger as a result. He still can't eat dairy, soy, or eggs without severe reactions though (i.e. throat itching & closing, wheezing etc.)

The reason I tell you all this is there might be one small ingredient in something he is eating that he is allergic to. If he is eating a large diet it may take some work to find out what. If your son is reacting to something he is eating, or something in his environment, supplementation may never help.

My wife used to get a lot of sinus problems (congestion, infections) she stopped eating dairy and no longer has those issues.

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "katbeaudry" <katbeaudry@...> wrote:
> Have you considered nebulizing with collodial silver, just a few drops to line the bottom of the nebulizer cup, should take about 5-7 mins until your baby is finished. Perhaps 2-3 times a day. Also consider giving him 1 oz orally per day. You can purchase this at a health food store. It works wonders on lungs, among other things. It is safe. Collodial silver was used prior to the introduction of pharmaceutical antibiotics. Just google benefits of collodial silver and lungs, or something in that nature. I personally have use it on my son (at the time 8 yr old, now 15), my husband when he gets congested, and myself for the same reason. Gone in a few days, easier breathing.
> KAt
> --- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "rlroberr5" <rlroberr5@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi! My seven- month old son has had a cough since he was 3 months. We
> > consistantly suction his nose, elevate him while sleeping, run the cool- mist humidifier, etc. I guess I should mention that I am no longer breastfeeding.
> > We do not have holistic docotrs in our city. The closest is three hours away. So, I found a pediatrician that will tolorate my stance against vaccinations. His ped put him on daily breathing treatments, and we saw a specialist at the Children's Hospital who diagnosed him w/ tracheomalacia. His ped wanted to continue breathing treatments and is throwing a variety of meds at us to try to help. I refuse to keep offering random medications, and I no longer trust the ped or any doctor we've seen, for that matter.
> > I recently started giving him a daily probiotic in his morning bottle as an immune booster. He went an entire week without coughing! That's the first time in months. However, the cough is back, and I can tell it's associated with drainage from his nose. I have been looking into elderberry, cod liver oil and coconut oil. The black elderberry, certified organic made by Gaia Herbs specifically states that it supports upper respitory functions. I've found that
> > cod liver oil contains mercury, and that makes me want to steer clear. I haven't found a coconut oil, yet, that doesn't come in hard form and requires to be melted.
> > Could anyone please share your thoughts and ideas? I would greatly appreciate the brand names of any herbs or oils suggested.
> >

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Flea & tick stuff


Hi all, not sure if this is considered off topic but I'm looking for help with flea & tick stuff for my dog. A friend of mine said that some of the top of the brand ones have poison in them. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks, Jennifer

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[AlternativeAnswers] Natural Antihistamine Foods


Natural Antihistamine Foods:

The Immune system of the body produces the chemical known as histamine
naturally. When histamine is released, it makes the liquid to leak out
from blood vessels that makes the mucus membranes of throat and nose to
swell, and stimulates the glands to produce mucus, enhances the flow of
the blood to the affected area, produces symptoms like running nose,
sneezing, itching, irritation, watering of eyes, swelling and reddening
of the affected area, and makes the patient difficult to breathe. Many
physiological changes, such as secretion of gastric acid, allergy,
swelling and inflammation of the affected area, neurotransmission occur
due to the release of histamines.

Natural antihistamine foods make the body to produce antihistamines that
fights against allergies. Let us discuss some foods that contain
antihistamine qualities. Antihistamines are the chemicals that arrest
the action of histamines and provide relief from allergy. These Natural
foods, which produce antihistamines naturally to fight against allergy
and inflammation without any side effects, unlike antihistamines
medicines. Now, so many people are suffering from allergies due to
environmental factors, health disorders, and there is a need to reduce
the allergic reaction of histamines either with natural foods, or
medication as per the severity of the disease. In case of mild allergic
disorders, intake of natural foods as per the advice of Health Care
Professionals would heal the allergic reactions and provide relief from
the allergy, but for severe cases of allergy, proper medical diagnosis
and treatment is necessary according to Doctors.

Natural antihistamine foods are; there are certain herbs that inhibit
the activities of histamines naturally and provide relief from allergic
rhinitis or hay fever, which is very common during the season from
August to October. Herbalists recommend herbal water, which contains the
combination of herbs, such as saffron, licorice, cardamom, black seed,
fennel, anise, chamomile and caraway, which is given to prevent allergic
reactions due to the release of histamines. Food products which are
very rich source of bioflavonoid, like quercetin, pycnogenol and Vitamin
C, reduce or prevent histamine reactions. Citrus fruits such as
oranges, lemon, and apples, black currants, strawberries, blueberries,
and vegetables namely, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, legumes also reduce
the impact of histamines and provide effective relief from inflammation
and swelling reactions of allergic rhinitis and allergic symptoms.

For more details please

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