Hello, I would start with the possibility of a milk allergy, Leone
From: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of rlroberr5
Sent: Wednesday, 29 February 2012 6:21 a.m.
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Elderberry, Cod Liver Oil & Coconut Oil for
Infant Immune Booster?
Hi! My seven- month old son has had a cough since he was 3 months. We
consistantly suction his nose, elevate him while sleeping, run the cool-
mist humidifier, etc. I guess I should mention that I am no longer
We do not have holistic docotrs in our city. The closest is three hours
away. So, I found a pediatrician that will tolorate my stance against
vaccinations. His ped put him on daily breathing treatments, and we saw a
specialist at the Children's Hospital who diagnosed him w/ tracheomalacia.
His ped wanted to continue breathing treatments and is throwing a variety of
meds at us to try to help. I refuse to keep offering random medications, and
I no longer trust the ped or any doctor we've seen, for that matter.
I recently started giving him a daily probiotic in his morning bottle as an
immune booster. He went an entire week without coughing! That's the first
time in months. However, the cough is back, and I can tell it's associated
with drainage from his nose. I have been looking into elderberry, cod liver
oil and coconut oil. The black elderberry, certified organic made by Gaia
Herbs specifically states that it supports upper respitory functions. I've
found that
cod liver oil contains mercury, and that makes me want to steer clear. I
haven't found a coconut oil, yet, that doesn't come in hard form and
requires to be melted.
Could anyone please share your thoughts and ideas? I would greatly
appreciate the brand names of any herbs or oils suggested.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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