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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Non Compliant With Your Health


Good Morning!

Non Compliant With Your Health

Non compliance is one of the biggest issues health care practitioners face today. It even happens among ourselves. Practitioner or not, we all have some degree of this. There is a resistance to not taking better care of ourselves! I hear these excuses in my practice daily:

"I want to get better/exercise/eat right... I just don't have the
"I can't remember to take my herbs or supplements!"
"I just can't afford the treatments".

Translates to: I don't love myself enough. I am not worthy. I don't deserve to feel better. I choose to neglect myself. I don't really want to get better. How will I get sympathy and attention if I am not sick?

Resistance to change, being unaware, making assumptions or preconceived ideas, fear, as well as our own belief systems are the most notable culprits when it comes to non compliance.

1. Try the 3 M's: Get motivated, get moving, get out the mirror!

2. Motivating ourselves is the fire, which jump starts our actions. Find a good
reason to be motivated...good health, better career, a new
relationship....whatever your reason, make your choice and stick to it! Then use
tools to get you motivated. Try inspiring music, the power of scent (lemon,
orange, floral scents) or a more mind centering process like yoga, meditation or

3. Moving is the action to your motivation! There is a mountain of proof that
movement is the best thing for mind, body and spirit. Moving helps with
depression, increases our cardiovascular system, moves energy (Qi) and blood,
stimulates the brain, increases hormone production and takes us from one place
to the next. Use movement as a tool.

4. A mirror is a reflection of ourselves. How many times have we seen ourselves
in others, both the good and the bad. A mirror is also a great tool. A mirror
will tell you the truth. Look into one. What do you see? Since it can reflect
back our true self, take advantage of its power and speak your positive
affirmations into it. An affirmation is a word, phrase or statement asserting
the existence or the truth of something. It is the act of affirming, asserting
or stating something. Speaking your affirmation into the mirror is the best way
to make your words a reality.

5. Be More Aware: Learn what your resistance is about. Why are you not "taking
your herbs", "listening to other's opinions instead of your practitioner's
advise" or not "finding time to do your exercises"? Look inside yourself (try
the mirror by speaking the truth into it). What do you see. Is it a deep seated
belief holding you back? Is it the lack of self love, self respect, self
discipline? Whatever the reason....acknowledge it. Do not judge it. See it for
what it is....an obstacle in the way of change. A blockage that is not allowing
you to transform. What is the reason behind this belief?

6. Make Room for Change: Make it a nourishing, self respecting place for change
to take place in your mind. In the same way, create a life affirming, positive
path to reach your goal. Make no excuses. Procrastination is the bi-product of
feeling unworthy. Self worth leads us in the right direction.

7. A lack of awareness + not being grounded + being unfamiliar = FEAR. Become
familiar with what your goal is. Once you are familiar with the reasons why your
goal is important and familiar with the information you did not know or
understand about your goal, this takes the fear out of it! Take initiative and
responsibility in seeing your true goal through to completion. Once you are
familiar, there is less fear and you become more grounded in your approach.

8. Make Every Effort: to do something each day that brings you closer to your
goal. You will do this now, because you understand why you want to reach this
goal, what it means to you and the fear behind it is gone. You will make the
effort now because your are aware of the fact that you love and respect yourself
more and deserve to make the effort.

9. The Honoring of Ourselves: is something we tend to lose sight of, especially
as we grow older. "Excuse instead of action" seems to be the norm, instead of
the exception. Honoring everyone else first (husband, wife, children, family,
friends, colleagues) is the path we so often go down first, before we take care
of our own needs. If you are not in tip top (mind, body, spirit) shape, how can
you effectively care for others?

10. The attaining of your goal is one of the most rewarding and self gratifying
accomplishments we can do for ourselves. And guess what? You deserve every
single bit of it!

Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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[AlternativeAnswers] My Life After Death: Workshop, 2/25/2012, 10:00 am

Reminder from:   AlternativeAnswers Yahoo! Group
Title:   My Life After Death: Workshop
Date:   Saturday February 25, 2012
Time:   10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Location:   The Caritas Spiritist Center, 5723 Arapahoe Ave., #1A, Boulder, CO
Notes:   My Life After Death
A dramatic military near death experience reveals life-giving wisdom
with Robert Caplan

• Lecture: Friday, February 10, 7:00 - 9:00 pm
• Workshop: Saturday, February 25, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Workshop: The Facts of Life after My Death
An interactive seminar
Using simple metaphors and spontaneous loving humor, Robert inspires his audiences to look deeper within themselves for a more meaningful life. He creates a practical bridge between ordinary daily activity and spiritual life. He encourages us to trust our uniqueness and face challenges in new and affirming ways.

• Lecture: $10
• Workshop: General Public $50; Caritas Members $40
• To register, call 303-449-3066 or go to www.CaritasSpiritistCenter.org
At The Caritas Spiritist Center
5723 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 1A, Boulder, CO 80303

Robert Caplan holds degrees in Science Education and Social Work, both from Wayne State University in Detroit Michigan. He has training in pastoral psychotherapy, and he has taught at all levels from kindergarten through college. He has experience as a national communications trainer for parents, teachers, clergy, therapists, law enforcement personnel and executives. From 1992 to 1996, he taught Adult and Career Development within the Department of Transpersonal Counseling Psychology at the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Since 2001, Caplan has served as a volunteer chaplain at the Boulder Community Hospital.
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[AlternativeAnswers] Thank You, Andrew


I don't think I've ever posted on this group, but I just wanted to thank Andrew for all of his knowledge and experience that he shares with everyone. I've been reading and collecting them for a couple of years now, and just recently bought two items from the Peacefulmind webpage, and I'm very impressed with them.

I'm in the process of detoxing from prescription drugs; it took me four months to get off of Cymbalta, but I was also able to stop taking Soma, Vicodan, and Ambien at the same time.

Now I'm working on getting off Oxycontin, which is equally hard but in a different way than it was for the Cymbalta. For the Cymbalta it was more of a head/mind dependency, for the Oxycontin it's more of a body dependency. Ironically, the pain that I originally started taking it for, is now longer bothering me. Now I have what they call hyperalgesia which feels like a full body ache like when you are getting the flu. The pain receptors in my brain are now totally screwed up. My husband heard Deepak Chopra talk on CNN and said that detoxing from drugs (prescription or otherwise) takes in steps.. 3 days (the worst), then 3 months (transition) and then 3 years for complete healing.
This makes sense to me and I am preparing myself for it.

Anyway, much of the information that is helping me get through all of this comes from this group and the Peacefulmind webpage.

Thank you for being here and providing such helpful information.

Namaste, Cindi

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