Yes many people have these issues. However, specific combinations of numbers along with the patterns they form can make one more susceptible to specific health issues. Without going in to a long explanation, let's use Alzheimer's Disease as an example.
Alzheimer's 53/8 Disease 26/8 = 79/16/7
First and foremost this is a
disease about learning to "let go". The
prevalence of 7's (codependency issues i.e., needing to be needed) and 8's (power and control issues i.e., doing for
others grudgingly or being non-receptive to help, in any form. Overall, there is a strong need to control
their environments.A second consideration as to
the cause of Alzheimer's is the need for retaliation. This group has allowed themselves to be
controlled by those in their environment . . . especially a partner. This can be a passive way of "making" others
do for them.
The numeric pattern of
79/16/7 shows that this disease is a result of unresolved issues involving the
need to be in control (7), internalizing emotions (9), being overly protective
of others (79), having a lack of self-esteem (1), and a concern about making
mistakes or being misunderstood (7). I
believe that individuals that "contract" this illness have tried to mentally or
physically control their environment due to very strong anxieties about being
abandoned. They have tried throughout
their entire lives to put 'square pegs' into round holes (16). They may see themselves as martyrs (the cause
only known to them). They offer advice when it hasn't been asked for, and then
become frustrated, disappointed, angry, inflexible or unforgiving when their
advice (26/8) or assistance is ignored. Their anxiety (35/8) about not being able to make everything perfect for
everyone all of the time (16), places a strain on their nervous system
(53/8). They may have a messianic sense
of responsibility (16/7) i.e., a need to save or protect everyone and a belief
that if they don't their inadequacies will be pointed out by others (7). There is also a tendency to internalize their
emotions and not "release" them (9), placing additional strain on their nervous
system. Ultimately, this disease is the
catalyst for the Soul to complete its lessons about trust, vulnerability, and unconditional
· Plaques 28/1 passive/aggressive pattern
· Apolipoprotein
82/1 aggressive/passive pattern
· Beta Amyloid 42/6 sensitivity issues and communication issues (2) coupled with a desire to
do it their way (4) when it comes to involvements with family, community, or work.
Another example
Auto (12/3) Immune (30/3)
Disorder(47/2) = 89/17/8
The only numbers not included in
this disease are 5 and 6. This implies
the way back is to be more flexible (physically, mentally, and emotionally all
5 stuff) and to take personal responsibility for ones actions as well as to
become more involved in service to community (whether it's through family,
work, or community . . . all 6 stuff)
All systems (3) (mind, body,
spirit) are in disarray due to a loss of confidence (3) causing an inability to
accept or hold onto the idea of self-empowerment (8). Auto Immune Disorders can become chronic
Auto Immune Disorders develop as
a result of long term behavior patterns revolving around issues of abandonment/separation
(7) influenced by sub-patterns related to feelings of inadequacy (3), constriction
(4), and issues of control (who has it? 8).
· 89/17/8
Read the pattern from the outside (89/17/8) in (89/17/8),
then 89/17/8.
The 8's on
either end indicate difficulty with power issues i.e., allowing the Self
to be disempowered by others by not accepting their own Self empowerment. Other issues associated with 8 energy are
anger, frustration, personal power, money, status, and recognition.
The numerical value of the word
chronic, is 43/7. (The dictionary
defines chronic as "Lasting for a long
period of time or marked by frequent recurrence, as certain diseases. Subject to a habit or pattern of behavior for
a long time."[1]) The
43 indicates that feeling's of inadequacy (3) with a tendency towards
stubbornness or constriction (4) create a negative 7 behavior pattern. The negative 7 pattern involves issues of
control…who has it . . . not the negative 8 that feels disempowered.
A negative 7 can also demonstrate a loss of "faith." They can develop the belief that "things"
will never get better and that there's no way out (chronic 7). This type of attitude can drain the life
force from the physical body. Whatever
"space" was occupied by the life force, will be reoccupied by other "forces" .
. . viruses, bacteria, molds, etc..
The negative 9 either does things to be loved or to maintain
control. Both patterns drain the
physical body's energy and change its frequency. The change in frequency permits other
frequencies such as viruses, bacteria, molds, fungus to take root leading to illnesses
and diseases.
All of the above descriptions
center on actions by the Ego aspect of the
Self to protect its self (1).
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition © 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Lovin" what I'm doin' and where I'm at . . . .
From: Anna Sage <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] sinusitis
Doesn't everyone have those issues though? Everyone has problems with leting
go and control issues. Very broad but tell me more :-)
On Wednesday, September 28, 2011, Michael Brill <>
> Hello, I'm new to the group but believe I can help you. I am a
numerologist and have researched and written about the relationship between
our behaviors and our health issues. If you send me your birth date and
birth name I will tell you the underlying causes of you health issue. I can
tell you now that a major issue is not releasing emotions or speaking your
heart felt truths. Sinusitis numerically transposes to a 40 indicating some
difficulty in letting go of emotional issues as well as some control issues.
> For legitimacy, the name of my book is "Numerology for Healing." My name
is Michael Brill and my website is
> Lovin" what I'm doin' and where I'm at . . . .
> Michael
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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