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Thursday, September 8, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Tips For Improving Fatigue


Good Morning!

Tips For Improving Fatigue

Fatigue is a sign that your body is in need of conserving energy. It can be a sign that your body is expanding more energy than it can produce. It could also be the symptoms of an underlying health problem. It can be the first signs of developing physical or emotional problems or a variety of infectious diseases. Consulting a medical professional is the first step that should be taken in
order to rule out certain physical illnesses.

Physical examination and routine laboratory tests although required to rule out other possible causes of a patient's symptoms, no laboratory test, no matter how esoteric or exotic, can diagnose this condition or measure its severity.

If no physical illness is found, a regimen of proper diet, detoxing, exercise, and plenty of rest and water is a good start. Try to manage stress and balance situations around you.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition that is debilitating with a variety of symptoms that resemble those of flu or other viral infections. The cause of CFS is not known but several theories posture that it is a "reaction" to a virus.

This is why it is mistaken many times for other disorders. Often mistaken by some to be a result of infection with the Epstein-Barr virus, which is a member of the herpes family and the same virus that causes mononucleosis or Lyme disease. However, there is no convincing evidence that most cases of CFS are caused by an infection. Some other theories suggest that chronic fatigue is related to overwork, stress, a weak immune system, allergies, low blood pressure, hormonal imbalance or environmental toxins. In some cases it may follow the death of a close relative or an operation.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is also known as Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), and Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome.

Symptoms other than fatigue may include nausea, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, chronic cough, diarrhea, dry eyes, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, jaw pain, night sweats, alcohol and drug intolerance, dizzy spells, tingling sensations and lack of appetite.

There can be many ways to find relief. On a positive note, chronic fatigue syndrome is not necessarily a lifelong sickness. Many people have recovered well after being sick. Exercise, stress reduction and good nutrition all have amazing effects and will help with the ups and downs, with the downs becoming less severe and less frequent.

Finding Balance: in a modern society we tend to "burn the candle at both ends". There MUST be a proper balance in the amount of work that we do, in the amount of sleep we have in the foods that we enjoy and in the amount of "down time" we give ourselves.

Excessive Work: can drain the very core of our energy. Today, if you are not working for a company who is placing high demands on your time, health and relationships, then you have your own business, which often has no boundaries when it comes to building and maintaining your dream.

Improper Diet: can be a nutrition zapper that robs the body of proper vitamins, mineral and sufficient amino acids that are important for energy product. A balance of fresh vegetables, complexed carbs, whole grain, as well as, fruits, nuts, seeds and protein are very important for maintaining proper energy levels.

Lack of Exercise: is a major problem in fatigue syndromes. Regular exercise builds stamina that can help anyone battle stress. But even something as casual as a walk around the block can help you burn off some of the tension that you carrying around. Stretching is a great tension reducer.

Poor Sleep Habits: can drain us of a good day full of vital energy.
Overthinking, anxiety and a racing mind are all issues that cause difficulty in falling asleep and/or difficulty staying asleep.

Dehydration: is a hidden issue that is seldom realized. Thirst is one indicator of dehydration, but it is not an early warning sign. By the time you feel thirsty, you might already be dehydrated. Other symptoms of dehydration include feeling dizzy and lightheaded, having a dry or sticky mouth, producing less urine and darker urine. As the condition progresses, a person will start to feel much sicker as more body systems (or organs) are affected by the dehydration.

Overuse of medications: All medications have risks as well as benefits. The benefits of medicines are the helpful effects you get when you take them, such as fighting infection or relieving pain. Medication side effects are the #4 leading cause of death in the U.S. annually (JAMA 1998). All medications have possible side effects, which can include nausea, vomiting, headaches, rashes, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, dry mouth, dizziness, muscle soreness,
fatigue or lose of appetite.

Tips For Improving Fatigue

1. Balance Your Day: set boundaries with work, family, friends, exercise. To much of ANYTHING is not a good thing. Although we are constantly reminded that MODERATION is the key, we seldom recognize it in ourselves. Plan your day out on paper. Divide your time evenly and stick to it.

2. Improve How You Work: work smart. Do not allow the "fires you put out" each day to become uncontrollable. Allow a certain amount of time for these issues as well as new projects, clients or meetings.

3. Get Exercise: If you are saying, how can I exercise, when I am so tired. This is all the more reason why you need to jump start your metabolism. Exercise is what your body instinctively wants to do especially under stress: fight or flight, and it works. It burns off some of the stress chemicals which tension produces. Therefore, a tired muscle is a relaxed muscle. Regular exercise builds
stamina that can help anyone battle stress. But even something as casual as a walk around the block can help you burn off some of the tension that you carrying around.

4. Take A Look At Food: Carbohydrates provide glucose for energy. Excessive carbohydrates can increase blood sugar levels to dangerous levels, which then makes your body shut down to protect itself. Protein is important because it allows the brain to synthesis the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, which help keep your mind attentive and alert. Excessive protein levels make the organs of digestion work much harder to process this food and robs your energy
stores. Find the balance for YOU. Listen to your body! It will tell you what makes you feel good and what does not. Especially in the long term. If you have issues with excess heat, look at eating foods that have a cooling nature. If you have excess cold, look at eating foods that have a warming nature. Neutral foods help to regulate our system.

5. Prepare for Better Sleep: Overthinking is a culprit that will rob you of great energizing and restorative sleep. Turn off that mind by starting to wind down early. Give yourself "quiet time". Utilize the power of peaceful music, a good book, diffusing essential oils, warm milk or tea before you lay down.

6. Manage Your Best Energy Times: Take advantage of your natural energy highs. Do your most strenuous work, thinking, planning, exercise when you have your greatest energy. Note the time of day when you feel your best and when you feel your worse. Expand your energy where it is most needed, pull back where you feel you can.

7. Keep Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids, especially on hot, dry, windy days. If you're doing strenuous exercise, drink some fluids before the activity begins. You should also drink at regular intervals (every 20 minutes or so) during your activity and after the activity ends.

8. Limit Time You Sit Down: Reduce sedentary behaviors such as watching television and using computers. Being in one place for long periods actually slows metabolism and energy production.

9. Learn To Do Nothing: Our urge to drive ourselves to greater accomplishments, creates other issues such as exhaustion. Create/allow a few hours in your week to simply relax and do nothing. If you cannot find a few hours, it is time to rethink your priorities and commitments.

10. View Your Lifestyle: If illness is not the cause of your fatigue, then it is a lifestyle issue. Are you creating unnecessary stress for yourself? Are there ongoing problems in your life that may be causing prolonged anxiety or depression? Consider counseling or talking about your issues with family, career personal or your doctor. Find the issues that are taking you away from a vital, energetic life!

11. Talk To Others: Sometimes sharing your problems with others who are suffering some of the same symptoms, can be very helpful. Be sure and go to the chronic fatigue forum to find others to confide in.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] National Yoga Month: Reasons To Incorporate Yoga As A Lifestyle


Ashtanga Yoga consists of Yama, Niyama, Pranayama, Asanas, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. These lead the practioner to be one with God (Yoga = Yuj i.e. to join, the Atman is joined to the Paramatman, or Soul with God). The number of Asanas or physical postures are immense, your Guru will tell you which ones you need to do.
From: Andrea Gauland <tehuafarm@no8wireless.co.nz>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] National Yoga Month: Reasons To Incorporate Yoga As A Lifestyle

How does one determine the best type of yoga to practice?

On 7/09/2011, at 2:59 AM, Andrew Pacholyk wrote:

> Good Morning!
> September is national yoga awareness month. I am dedicating my
> writings to the power of yoga! Yoga has been a huge influence in my
> life and has given back to me in so many ways! So this month, I am
> introducing the power of yoga and how it may have an influence over
> you.
> National Yoga Month: Reasons To Incorporate Yoga As A Lifestyle

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[AlternativeAnswers] Join Andrew Aloha “Live” with Charles Muir & Leah Alchin, FriNite, 9 Sep 2011



Join Andrew Aloha "Live"
with Charles Muir & Leah Alchin
in "Methods of Female Sacred Spot Massage for Sexual Healing and

Charles Muir & Leah Alchin

FriNite, 9 September 2011
From 7 – 8:30pm MST
On Spiritual Image Production's BlogTalkRadio

Connect with us @ http://lnk.ms/50TJd <http://lnk.ms/50TJd> or
http://tobtr.com/s/2287535 <http://tobtr.com/s/2287535>

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[Listen to Andrew Aloha with Spiritual Image Productions on
BlogTalkRadio] <http://lnk.ms/6wQwY>
(Click Button Here to Listen!)

Thirty-one years of Charles Muir's teaching experience to over 25,000
students has resulted in Source School of Tantra Yoga's unique and
renowned educational system. His revolutionary work has been quoted in
over one hundred published books. Charles Muir is credited as the
Pioneer of the modern Tantra movement in the United States, and he
continues to be one of the movement's most distinguished, respected,
and sought-after teachers.

Leah is the co-founder of "More Love" seminars, a west coast-based
provider of personal coaching and private seminars designed to help
people be proactive in expanding their ability to experience sexual
healing, pleasure, increased energy, personal empowerment, deeper
intimacy, happiness, and love.....for more on this story go to
http://lnk.ms/50TJd <http://lnk.ms/50TJd>

For more on Muir & Alchin go to: www.sourcetantra.com

Visit Us @:

*** The following are featured shows with Andrew Aloha & Spiritual Image

Join Andrew Aloha "Live" with "The Golden Age Music
Show" the 1st Sunday of the Month, 7 – 8:30pm, MST. The 1st
three callers to make a song request win a "Free" album signed by the
artist/s. For more go to:

Join Andrew Aloha "Live" with "The Golden Age Channel
Panel" the 1st Friday of the Month, 7 – 9pm, MST. Connect with
various Saints, Masters, Enlightened Beings on the other side as we talk
to individuals who bring them forth as an extension of their essence.
For more go to:

Join Andrew Aloha in "Live From Sedona" as I/We innerview people
from all walks of life including authors, musicians, psychics, political
figures, ufologists, scientists, etc. every 2nd Friday of the Month, 7
– 8:30 pm, MST. For more go to:
www.spiritualimageproductions.com/LiveFromSedona <http://lnk.ms/50TJd>

Join Andrew Aloha "Live" with "The Golden Age Psychic
Show" the 3rd Friday of the Month, 7 – 9pm, MST. Get in on
"FREE" mini readings. For more go to:

Join Andrew Aloha "Live" in "Intimacy, Tantra, and Relationships
Psychically Fulfilled", an online Tantra Session every 4th Friday of the
Month, 7 - 9 p.m. MST. For more go to:

Join Andrew Aloha "Live" for a Special Full Moon
"Transmission Meditation on the Air", Monday, 12 September 2011,
2 – 4pm
For more on "Transmission Meditation on the Air" go to:

For more on Andrew Aloha & SIP go to:
SIP's Golden Age Aloha Tours <http://lnk.ms/KffTR>
SIP's Golden Age Private Party Sessions <http://lnkd.in/6MaRcg>
SIP's Golden Age Membership Club <http://lnk.ms/H7xWt>
"SIP's Divine Calendar" <http://lnk.ms/5b5w7>
SIP's "Divine Events" <http://lnk.ms/94Zy8>
SIP's "Live From Sedona" <http://lnk.ms/50TJd>
SIP's Divine Newsletter <http://lnk.ms/58rXV>
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"The Golden Age Channel Panel" <http://lnk.ms/GWG4X>
"The Golden Age Psychic Show" <http://lnk.ms/BtFCW>
"SIP's Golden Age Online Prayer Circle"
"The Revolutionary Golden Age Healing Extravaganza"
"Intimacy, Tantra, and Relationships Psychically Fulfilled"
"SIP's Transmission Meditation" <http://lnk.ms/5KG4c>
"SIP's OnDemand Radio Shows" <http://lnk.ms/5b5qv>
SIP's "SIP's Conference Calls" <http://lnk.ms/B5l4c>
Andrew Aloha's Travels <http://lnk.ms/Ccy5q>
SIP's Underwriter Corner <http://lnk.ms/6wgn9>
SIP's Monthly Stats <http://lnk.ms/6S5xQ>
"The Golden Age Psychic Show Meetup" <http://lnk.ms/D4RL4>
"Andrew Aloha's SoulGarden TV" <http://lnk.ms/D4QW4>
"SIP's BlogSpot" <http://lnk.ms/D4PT6>
"Andrew Aloha's Linked In" <http://lnk.ms/FPxNR>
Andrew Aloha's YouTube <http://lnk.ms/4KxM6>
Andrew Aloha's Facebook <http://lnk.ms/G43Fg>
Andrew Aloha's MySpace <http://lnk.ms/5b601>
Andrew Aloha's Twitter <http://lnk.ms/4KxTh>


Andrew Aloha

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Marketing Team, you deserve it!!!!

Crystal Dawn Morris @ www.tantraforawakening.com

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the mission of helping people live a more conscious, connected, and
juicy life. She actively supports you in experiencing more love, joy and
freedom in your life, offering practical tools that are easy to use and
give immediate results. After attending an event or coaching session
with Morris students and clients report being more open and present to
the bliss that is available in every moment. Her commitment is to create
a world based on love, respect and compassion for all beings.

Neil Baker @ www.neilbakerpsychic.com <http://www.neilbakerpsychic.com/>

Neil tunes into your vibrational energy and translates it using his
talent as a gifted psychic. He believes that one must get to the core of
a specific issue in order to present understanding and course of action
to follow. He tunes into the content of your soul and evaluates it in
terms of past life events or present life circumstances. Or, whether
what's happening now is connected to a past life. From there, he
determines even deeper layers of information that reveal meanings behind
our present connections and their ultimate outcomes.

Pamela Dussault @ www.passagetoinnerjoy.com

Pamela Dussault is a spiritual counselor, psychic intuitive, healer,
teacher, author and creator of "Passage To Inner Joy", where you
learn how to have inner joy and peace. Her mission is to help people
align with their bodies and higher self through healing and counseling
sessions that help them overcome their fears and other limiting factors
in order to make room for abundant love and joy in their lives. Some
healing techniques she uses include Massage, Reiki, Shamanic Healing,
Polarity, Remote Body Activation, Meditation, Self-Hypnosis, and EFT.
She also offers classes intuitional development and connection with the

Celeste Korsholm @ www.artsedona.net

Celeste Korsholm is an internationally known Visionary Artist and well
known for her Clairvoyant Readings. She is also a teacher and published
writer with a Masters Degree in Fine Art from Penn State University. Her
soul portraits, original paintings and published writings bring the
cosmic beauty, universal wisdom and unconditional love of Spirit into
human awareness, which inspire a deep communion with the eternal, divine

Kili Amma @ www.spiritualimageproductions.com/Kili_Amma

A Reiki Master, Psychic, Medium and "indigo", Kili Amma grew up
knowing things before they would happen. She remembers seeing and
talking with Jesus (whom she knew as Sananda) while still in a crib.
Later in her 20's, he would also point out differences between what
was meant in the Bible and what was actually written. Additionally, as a
child she would astral-travel in her sleep, helping children who were
being used in dark magic. She uses crystals, rattles, tuning forks,
essential oils, herbs, and toning in her healing sessions and her
passion is to help others along their awakening path.

Chrystal Chilton @ www.crystal-vision2010.webs.com <http:///>

Having been on numerous radio/television shows, paranormal
investigations and press interviews, Psychic-Medium Crystal Chilton has
been at this profession since she was fifteen years old when she first
discovered her ability. She resides in Hampshire, England and bought her
own house at the age of 21 from the earnings she received from doing
readings. Thereafter she began working for various prominent psychic
lines in England since. In 1996, she also successfully helped lead to
the arrests and convictions of eight murder cases, with two more pending
at the moment. She has done well over 120,000 readings since she began
her career.

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