All good suggestions for you and your husband. Hypnotism would be
beneficial too, and perhaps you could explore that along with other
alternative therapies, and his meds.
Wilayne, AZ
On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 6:40 AM, Serena DragonWolf <> wrote:
> I understand what he is going through and empathize with you both. I have
> PTSD and other things. I would urge you to find a mental health clinic that
> has a sliding scale. It cost me 2. A session to see my therapist, nurse,
> and
> Psychiatrist.Having someone other than my spouse to help me thru the rough
> spots has been invaluable. Your husband's conditions are very serious and
> he
> should never stop taking his meds, and alternative therapies that work with
> him and his meds. I would rather let my body adjust to the side effects
> than
> to have to deal with how things were before the meds, in my opinion. He
> also
> has to use positive self talk when the flashbacks come and when the
> negative
> talk comes. Yoga, meditation, Tae Bo may help burn excess energy and focus
> the mind. Aromatherapy would help.
> I think you are a very special person to search for ways to help him and
> stick by him.
> Serena
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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