Hi Sonja,
What works best for me at night with coughing are Thayers slippery elm lozenges..For daytime use mullein,lomatium and lobelia all in tinctures ,liquides and maybe even capsules,(tho i think liquid is preferable),are all gr8 for your lungs and coughing..
Hope this will be of assistance to you, Alana
--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "sonjab@..." <sonjab@...> wrote:
> I hope some of you wonderful people can give me some suggestions. I started coughing four days ago and still coughing. When i lay down at night, or try, I hear a slight wheezing that keeps me awake between the coughing.
> I almost feel like it could be bronchitis as I had something like that last spring. Went to the doctor then got a breathing treatment, first ever, and a prescription for either a steroid or prednisone not sure which. After I took that most of my tasting ability disappeared so all my favorite foods smell wonderful but have very little if any taste. The only taste seems to be bitter. Even the strong taste of salt and vinegar Chips that used to make my lips pucker doesnt do anything now. Well anyway I dont want to go that route again. So if anyone had suggestions to help with the lung stuff or taste bud stuff i would greatly appreciate it.
> With much thanks
> Sonja
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