*Ok, I want to mention this also, because it helped with one of my goats who
had such severe anemia when I bought him, that he surely should have died.
I used iron injections and B1 (Thiamine) shots. The thiamine has cobalt in
it, or, the other way around. The coba**lt/thiamine was absolutely vital
for iron absorption. And it helped, a lot! Anemia is a slow thing to
"cure." It will take time to rebuild those red blood cells.
**Season's Greetings to All*
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 8:44 PM, Erin R. <figure1789@woh.rr.com> wrote:
> *Yellow Dock, nettles, alfalfa, spinach, fenugreek, elecampagne, sage and
> burdock are all iron rich herbs. If you just want to try one, go for the
> yellow dock.
> I use Vitex but don't know how it affects my iron, which tends to be low.
> I use it to keep my period regular and for peri- menopause.
> Liz, I copied this from you: *homeopathic Ferrum Phosphoricum 6X potency
> (a tissue salt remedy).
> What is it, and what is a tissue salt remedy? It sounds interesting!
> Erin
> OH
> *Season's Greetings to All*
> <http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/thetristateminiaturegoatclub>****
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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