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Sunday, November 14, 2010

[AlternativeAnswers] dr Bate's Newsletter 11-11-10 - Collooidal Silver


Hi all,

If you just joined this newsletter, welcome. Feel free to copy anything
here and send it to friends and family. Naturally, I like to sell my
Neuroliminal Training, but my ego gets a boost if I help people.

The editorial this week is on Colloidal Silver. Few people are even aware
of this very good antibiotic, and most MD's haven't the faintest idea of
what it can do. CS and large quantities of vitamin C are the only
antibiotics that can really kill "staph" and MRSA, yet, few MD's or
hospitals are even aware of these facts. (Abram Hoffer called this
"educationally handicapped".)

Nor, does it upset the balance of yeast and bacteria in the gut that is so
necessary to good health. It is an excellent deodorant, although you are
better off without any if your gut works right. (A wipe underarm with CS
works better than expensive deodorants, and isn't allergic as are

It kills bacteria and yeast almost equally, so your gut can usually recover
IF,(and only IF) it is in good shape to begin with (which is not the usual
case in our present society).

If the silver molecules are small enough, many of the larger virus cells are
also killed with CS. With CS and vitamin C, I'll never take another
dangerous vaccine.

Antibiotics as used by MD's are made from fungus/yeast While they do kill
bacteria, they do not kill yeast or fungus, so yeast multiplies as bacteria
is killed off. The result is Candida, or yeast overgrowth, and I believe
that about 80-90% of all persons have this to some extent. I don't.

Want to know more?

*http://drbate.com/Ref/antibiotics.html * This web page has more info on
antibiotics in general. It also have more info on Colloidal Silver. If you
spend about $30 you can make your own by the pint or more for pennies. I
never take antibiotics anymore. I take vitamin C (an excellent antibiotic
in the blood), and use it with CS if I get any infection. Also, much more
info about Colloidal Silver in general.

*http://drbate.com/Ref/gut.html * This web page has much more info on
getting and keeping the gut in balance. When this is done, all your body
excretions from breath to underarm odor to stools will not smell even close
to what it probably does now.

I have a dental plate, and even if I don't clean it for a day, there is no
bad breath odor. I can go (in Florida) for several days without a bath or
swimming and not be offensive generally. That's how well a "balanced" gut
works. I'll bet yours doesn't.


From Natural News:

Novartis announced today that it would begin microchipping pills, enabling
sensors to track the "compliance" of pill-popping patients.
But this technology is raising huge red flags here at NaturalNews. In
today's story, I explain why this may be dangerous medicine that could
violate your privacy:
On the good news side, research proves that eating apples can prevent heart
disease! (No, don't bite your iPad... we mean food apples)
Did you know that fish oil helps prevent brain damage after a stroke?
Laptop computers are causing a problem with men: They're cooking their
"junk" and causing infertility problems.
This topic is just begging for a humorous (but factually correct) article,
so if you'd like a little humor today, check out my take on this manly
computing problem:
Today, David Gutierrez reports on a study published in the British Medical
Journal that sheds light on the true dangers of taking statin drugs:


From Dr Mercola
Dr Dercola has an addition - Dr. Karen Becker - a vet. She has an
interesting article on why cats throw up. Unfottunately, Mercola and Beckers
websites couldn't be found this AM, so I can't give you the URL's.


Alliance for Natural Health has an excellent article on Genetically Aaltered
Also from ANH-USA: Traditional Medicines to Become Illegal in Europe


The Lose Weight/SMR Plus CD is selling well, and reports are still
excellent. Not one has been returned under my guarantee. Average loss is 5
pounds per month, a safe weight loss, with no diets or exercise regimen to
"come off", and gain it all back. This really does work.


Phil Bate PhD -Inventor of Neuroliminal Training
Solves ADD-Autism, depression, insomnia, by solving allergies

http://drbate.com - drbate@bellsouth.net

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

[AlternativeAnswers] Clean Up Your Body Care Routine


Get Toxic Body Care Products out of your Home

Many of us believe that the U.S. government regulates personal care
products for safety, long-term health impacts or environmental damage.

Unfortunately, that's just not the case. Many common, popular body care
products have ingredients that are harmful to both people and the
environment. These toxic ingredients are even found in items like baby

So just how harmful are they?

Many popular kinds of shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, moisturizer,
makeup, body wash, perfume, and other items that are part of our daily
routine have ingredients in them that are now known to cause (or
strongly suspected to cause) cancer, organ damage, hormone imbalance,
fertility issues, allergies, skin irritations, and more.

More info here: Personal Care Ingredients

These products are overwhelming our immune systems and making us
unhealthy. Using safe, natural products is the only way to go.

But it's not that easy.

Manufacturers are recognizing growing consumer concern. Instead of
responding with safer products, they are focusing on marketing the same
old products as more natural.

They use many dirty labeling tricks. A couple of examples:

They'll add a tiny amount of an herbal extract or aloe and say it's
"made with natural ingredients."

Or they'll call their product organic even though no organic ingredients
are actually present (or there's just a minuscule amount).

How can they get away with such deception?

Read more about natural body care
at my site as well as this very informative video found at the link

The Story of Cosmetics <http://storyofstuff.org/cosmetics>

It's obvious now that the cosmetic industry has not had our best
interest at heart. Not the biggest surprise, I know, but still...

The cosmetic industry has known these things for many years, yet they
still have not moved toward safer, more natural products.

Many European governments have had enough, and have strict regulations
about what can and cannot be put in our body care products. The
European Union has banned over 1,000 different chemicals.

So what about the U.S.?

Not surprisingly, the U.S. government is lagging behind - letting the
industry regulate itself. Last I checked (not that long ago) we had
banned only eight chemicals used in personal care. Yes, eight. As in
less than 1% of what Europe has already considered too toxic.

The fact is that, in the U.S., any company can add any ingredient to any
body care product. The same company decides if it is safe and how to
label it. The same company does not have to report any cosmetic-related
injuries to the FDA and does not have to recall it if it has been found
to cause injuries.

You can see the problem with this, right?

More info on this here: Safe Cosmetics

Many of us do not realize that choosing safe cosmetics is more important
than eating organic foods.

This is simply because toxic pesticides found on produce are generally
at low levels.

But your shampoo more than likely has harmful ingredients as part of the
main formula....

So please take a little time to educate yourself about what you are
putting on your body on a daily basis.

A good resource for this is Skin Deep <http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com>
brought to you by Environmental Working Group (a non-profit,
consumer-funded organization).

The above site allows you to look up your favorite products for free. It
also offers safer, more natural alternatives.

Although, honestly, sometimes the more natural alternatives just don't
work. Or they don't work as well as their synthetic competitors.

So I have been on a mission to find the best, most natural, least toxic
products for personal care. Yes, products that actually work.

After a year of searching around and using myself and my husband as
guinea pigs, here is what I found.

Non-Toxic Cosmetics
> that Work.

Dr. Bronner's comes out on top for most body care needs.

For deodorant, the Body Crystal simply cannot be beat.

And for makeup, Afterglow Cosmetics is still the best I have found.
I've actually been using their products for over three years now.

You can find more information on the link above.

I hope that this information has been useful to you.

For questions feel free to contact me
<http://www.how-to-boost-your-immune-system.com/contact.html> .

Wishing you the best of health!

Melissa Makris

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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: My daughter get shivring



Thank u for kind reply but my neuro doctor is saying that is a one kind of

From: europanz <upulagi@yahoo.com>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, 9 November, 2010 2:43:38 PM
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: My daughter get shivring

Take her to a chiropractor who specialises in KINESIOLOGY. What they do is,,
they can identify what exactly your daughter needs on the way of
nutrients/vitamins/minerals etc.It`s non invasive and thorough, My sister was
very ill. She couldnt sleep and her feet were so painful and swollen she could
hardly walk.After three days with no sleep,She went to the doctor who said he
couldn`t do anything for her and sent her to the chiropractor across the road.
He tested her with Kinesiolgy and found out she was very low in magnesium,
iron,B6 and B12 and some other things, Once she corrected her deficiencies.. she
found she could sleep and her feet came right.Magnesium is a common deficiency
and a lack of it causes trembling and twitching.Its hard to find it in pills
becauses its bulky but you find it it veges and fruits.
--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, gowtham gowtham <gowtham2007k@...>
> Sir
> I need advice on my daughter health ,She is 5 years old, when she was at

> age 1 whenever she awake her
> right side leg and whole body have a shake, upto date she is in same manner,

> She is getting treatment from
> neuro doctor but no improvement . she taking Levipil 25 mg and Topomac before
> that she was taking
> encorate syrup so many medicines changed but she is not getting well. So
> advice.
> Thanking you
> Yours
> gowtham,
> India
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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