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Friday, November 12, 2010

[AlternativeAnswers] Alternative medicine for Nilket?


Greetings Nilket,

I'll assume that you've had a complete physical...so allow me to suggest complementary areas to explore:

1. For GI:
a)  test for H. pylori
b)  test for hypochlorhydria (Heidelberg test...or just try using 1-2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 6-8 ounces of water about 20 minutes before each meal).
c) evaluate gall bladder function
d) possible food sensitivity can be partially identified with Coca pulse test and food diary (just google this)
e) possible prediabetes (check fasting blood sugars...if high 90s to 100s...you may wish to consult with MD/dietician). May also have too low fiber in your diet and need slower absorption (if not sensitive, use oats, ground flaxseed, barley).

f) do an adrenal stress test (www.zrtlabs.com) checking 4x throughout the day. You may have experienced too much stress in recent years, reducing adrenal reserve (intolerance to foods, temperature changes, emotional stressors)...

2.  Feeling nervous and depressed may suggest "hypoadrenal" function. This is not a conventionally recognized condition (doctor's more often only think in terms of Addison's disease, but this is more "subacute")...but, again suggests that you should do the test above. In the meantime, look into Magnesium glycinate, frequent back massages, sunlight exposure (whole body if possible for 20 minutes at noon). Of course you would need to STOP all caffeine (chocolate and coffee and colas).

3. High blood pressure? The recent rise is important to discuss with your doctor as this may be related to your nervousness and depression. Check for pheochromocytoma (doctor, of course, will likely know what to do here)...which raises BP and associated with increased anxiety, etc.

Your symptoms can be related to a bunch of underlying metabolic diseases....so get a medical diagnosis before trying too many alternative medicine approaches.

best wishes and blessings,


> 1.I have a sensitive stomatch. With slight change in food, I have

> indigestion. Even heavy things cause me flatulance. If I dont get food in

> time, I get irritated.

> 2.I have low blood sugar. With empty stomatch, I feel very weak.This also

> affexcts my memory / speech.

> 3. I have very high triglycerides- around 600

> 4. Often I feel nervous and depressed

> 5. Since last 3 months, I have high blood pressure.

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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Alternative Medicines


Dear M'am,

Thanks for responding. However, could not understand the message.  If you want
any details I can send them.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,


From: Mercurius Trismegistus <magisterium_magnum@comcast.net>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, November 10, 2010 11:42:48 PM
Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Alternative Medicines

Sounds like you have alot of things going on. Hard to recommend an herbal
formula without examining you in person. Maybe Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan if
there's heat symptoms. High blood pressure would qualify there. Diet is
Try peppermint tea for the stomach. Are you gluten intolerant?

----- Original Message -----
From: "nilket6" <nilket6@yahoo.com>
To: <AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 6:02 AM
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Alternative Medicines

> Since childhood I am facing following problems and despite lot of
> medication-allopathic, ayurvedic and homiopathic, there is not much of
> improvement. Can anyone suggrest alternative medicines :
> 1.I have a sensitive stomatch. With slight change in food, I have
> indigestion. Even heavy things cause me flatulance. If I dont get food in
> time, I get irritated.
> 2.I have low blood sugar. With empty stomatch, I feel very weak.This also
> affexcts my memory / speech.
> 3. I have very high triglycerides- around 600
> 4. Often I feel nervous and depressed
> 5. Since last 3 months, I have high blood pressure.
> All these things have put lot of restrictions on my food intake.
> ------------------------------------
> *********************************************
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Thursday, November 11, 2010

[AlternativeAnswers] Encourage your doctors to attend.Getting their MD(h) will expand their knowledge


Dr. Bruce H Shelton MD MD(H) DiHom FBIH

Dear Doctor:

We've met and/or crossed paths at one of the numerous Integrative Seminars
we've both attended over the last 25 years. Since 1990 I've taught or
attended the approximate 285 teaching events where we have undoubtedly met.

Ten ACAM seminars
Three Chelation Courses
Four Otolaryngic Allergy Seminars
One 6 day Interro Conference with Dr. Fuller Royal in Las Vegas
One 465 hours course in Classical Homeopathy from the British Institute of
Three Medical Week Seminars in Germany
Fifteen Dietrich Klinghardt Seminars (including the seminal 5 day
conference in 1995 at DFW airport in Texas)
Over 100 Heel Seminars that I personally taught as Heel USA Medical
Director (including several trips to Australia)
My 465 students in the 54 hour course I created for Heel and registered
with the British Institute of Homeopathy becoming their Dean of Bio-energetic
Ten PLEO/Sanum Seminars (five that I was the MC while folks like Dr. Rau
were presenting)
Three Dark-field Microscope courses from folks like Michael Coyle and
Maria Gabriel
Ten Biomeridian Seminars in the USA
One 5 day BEST conference in Australia
Five Meditherm Thermogram Conferences
Two International Biological Dental Conferences
Three ZYTO Seminars in Utah
The numerous countless Articles that I've helped review for explore
Magazine every other month for 25 years
One Hundred AHIMA monthly meetings
30 Desbio Webinars I've taught in the last 24 months now as Chief Medical
Advisor to Deseret Biologicals

We've met each other and learned together and have come to know each
other. I've personally put into practice all of the tidbits of information I've
both learned and taught in the last 25 years and now along with my 22
peers here in Arizona who have had similar life experiences are putting on a
seminar March 4-6, 2011 to teach our fellow physicians what we do to treat
our patients here in Arizona where we are fortunate to be separately
licensed as Homeopathic Medical Doctors. Here in Arizona WE DOCTOR WHAT WE'VE
LEARNED and now we want to teach it to YOU.

We are attaching the brochure, _AHIMAbrochure.pdf_
(http://www.ahimaconference.com/index.php/download_file/view/63/) , for our upcoming conference
which features what conference attendees have in store for them from the 22
separate speakers over the three days of this momentous meeting which will be
a culmination in all of our Integrative Medical careers.

In addition we will be introducing the beginning of a new Research IRB for
Dark-field Microscopy being co-sponsored by AHIMA that will be open to
AHIMA members starting first with the ones that attend this conference. If you
have an unused currently illegal to use Dark Field Microscope in your
storage room, you will want to attend our meeting to start the process (will
involve another specific IRB meeting later in the spring) of participating
and making application to get the process approved. (It's not yet a reality
and will take this meeting to initiate the process).

The tapes of this seminar will become the core of a new course at AMCH
(_American Medical College of Homeopathy_ (http://www.amcofh.org/) ) to train
Doctors for the Arizona Homeopathic Medical License.

You will also have the opportunity to visit with our exhibitors which
currently number close to twenty including Signature Sponsor _Deseret
Biologicals_ (http://www.desbio.com/) .

On Saturday night March 5, you will be able to participate in AHIMA's
annual awards dinner. This year we are naming our annual award for all time to
be named after Dr. Gladys T. McGarey MD, MD(H) just recently turned 90
years old and still going strong and presenting the award in 2011 to Chrystyne
Jackson the founder of _Explore_ (http://www.explorepub.com/) a peer
review Journal (previous winners of the award were Burton Goldberg in 2009 and
Suzanne Somers in 2010).

No matter what other conferences you are attending this year, this is the
conference you do not want to miss. For a complete list of speakers,
conference agenda, view the brochure and to register, please visit
_www.ahimaconference.com_ (http://www.ahimaconference.com/) or _Click Here_
(http://http//www.ahimaconference.com/index.php/registration/) to register. Please
sign up today. The early bird discount ends on December 1, 2010. For
additional information, please contact Lisa at the AHIMA office, 602.263.3589, or
ahima.confernece@gmail.com or myself, shelton@drbruceshelton.com.

Warmest regards,

Dr. Bruce H Shelton MD MD(H) DiHom FBIH
President AHIMA

AHIMA Conference, March 4-6, 2011, _www.ahimaconference.com_

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