Everyone is different one remedy may help some people, but not others. Also there are different causes. Have to research and experiment to see what works, what improves, even heals. Many indigo children have ADD & ADHD. I am one of them who was born with ADHD.
I was healed by an Osteopath doctor with a Cranial Sacral Adjustment. I felt like a new person, all my ADHD symptoms were gone, including that nervous tension within me. I found out about Osteopathy thru a library book "A Touch of Life" by Robert Fulford. During the last half of Robert Fulford practice he devoted his work to children. He mentions when children are born they are out of alignment because of the crude way they are delivered, a forceps delivery.
My daughter was born with the cord around her neck. She had a brain dysfunction called dyscalculia, a math learning disability. I brought her to my Osteopath and he cured her. When a body is out of alignment it can cause any kind of ailment and dysfunction.
With ADD & ADHD there can be many reasons for it, like an allergy, chemicals, hormonal, or a child has not developed his motor coordination yet. I knew a child who did not have his motor coordination and was hyperactive, his mother refused to give him Ritalin. By age 10 everything came together and he no longer had ADHD.
In a message dated 5/11/2016 8:50:41 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com writes:
can I guess that is she on ritalin?
loss of sleep is a known side effect.
try to reduce the ritalin & give zinc+ B6 instead.
ADHD is not a one size fits all. it can be many (other) things
yes ritalin works in the class room.
there is usually a better way.
tell us more. include "unrelated" issues. they usually hold the key to finding the underlying problem.
in the sleep issue also describe exactly what happens.
maybe some members will be able to advise
Posted by: Boonight@aol.com
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