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Friday, January 22, 2016

[AlternativeAnswers] Evolutionary Money, Friday, 22 January 2016


"Evolutionary Money" reminder
Friday, 22 January 2016
07:00 PM to 08:30 PM
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time - Dublin / Edinburgh / Lisbon / London
The Caritas Center
Evolutionary Money Friday, January 22 * 7 – 9 pm With Laurie Hyland $15 General Public/$10 Caritas Members You are invited to an evening of interactive discussion about the role of money in our lives. We know we are in a time of great transformation in ourselves and in our world, and we know without a doubt that everything is connected. What we do not know is that money and the economy are included in this inter-connectedness. The Evolutionary Money Mini-Workshop will give you a delicious taste of how the discomfort in our relationship to money can be transformed to joy, peace, and calmness. It will be a journey from the roots of our current relationship to new images of connectedness with money. Evolutionary Money will appeal to those who are interested in personal and social transformation. It will appeal to those who want a new relationship to money, and a new lens through which to view our economy. It unveils our personal and universal, unconscious money and economic belief systems. It builds a path that will change the way we conceptually see money and our economy. As Einstein once said, we cannot solve our problems within the context they were created. Today, global economic decisions, as well as people's personal decisions about money, are embedded in the world of Newtonian Physics – a Separating Worldview and an old paradigm. Evolutionary Money creates a new and all-encompassing context using quantum physics or the Connecting Worldview as the new paradigm. The time spent together will illuminate the individual and cultural patterns that cause us problems. She will lead us through several interactive exercises to initiate the discovery of our authentic desire in relationship to money. Come and experience the transforming methodologies of Evolutionary Money. Please bring a pen/pencil and something to write on. Laurie's book Evolutionary Money will be given away to the first 8 people to register for the evening. Laurie Z. Hyland, MBA, spent 25 years as a certified financial planner and registered investment advisor. Out of this experience she came to understand how our culture has misinformed us about the role of money in our lives and in our world. We have been taught that money is only a necessity; while, in fact, the deep appreciation of money is the key to unlocking its connecting power for ourselves and for our world. At The Caritas Center, 5723 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder, CO 80303* 303-449.3066 * www.CaritasCenter.org
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