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Friday, July 31, 2015

[AlternativeAnswers] IONS: The Near Death Experience and Its Implications on Consciousness, Saturday, 01 August 2015


"IONS: The Near Death Experience and Its Implications on Consciousness" reminder
Saturday, 01 August 2015
11:00 AM to 01:00 PM
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time - Dublin / Edinburgh / Lisbon / London
IONS August Meeting Theme: The Near-Death Experience and Its Implications Re: Consciousness Saturday, August 1 10AM – 12 PM Suggested Donation $5 With the development of increasingly effective resuscitative techniques, medical science has opened what some may consider a Pandora's Box, containing reports of conscious experiences during the time patients were clinically dead. Reports of what was occurring in the room during the time doctors and nurses were striving to resuscitate the patient rule out the possibility that the experience occurred outside the time that the heart and brain were flatlined. These memories are referred to as "Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)," although cardiologist Sam Parnia, in his compelling book, "Erasing Death" prefers the term "Actual-Death Experience," stating that the patients he resuscitates have experienced cardiac arrest and cessation of brain function, therefore by current scientific standards, are clinically dead, not "near dead." NDEs challenge the prevailing beliefs on the part of mainstream science regarding the nature of consciousness as chemical activity produced by - and limited to - the brain. If the brain has no activity, how can consciousness continue? The common elements of many NDEs also reveal patterns of experience in an after-death state - at least, in the minutes or hours immediately following death - implying the likelihood of survival of consciousness after death. In our August meeting, we will discuss various types of NDE, their paradigm-shifting implications for medical science and biology, and the long-term effects of these experiences on the people who have them. Please join us! At The Caritas Center 5723 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-3066 *www.CaritasCenter.org
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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: (earth_things) The Lion's Gate 8:8:8


I was sent this article on The Lion's gate Alignment on 8:8:8, sharing this wonderful day and moment in time with others.

The Lion's Gate

Harmonic Alignment on 8:8:8





With Venus and Uranus now in the retrograde cycle, and the Blue Moon occurring on Friday, we continue to be pushed (and I mean pushed) forward towards our own personal  awakening that will occur with the Final Total Lunar Eclipse late September.   There is an acceleration of energy being sent to our beautiful planet on August 8th known as the Lion's Gate Alignment.  During this time our water planet aligns with the Sirian Star creating a portal that unites matter and antimatter.   The numerological vibration of this day is an 8:8:8.  The 8th day of the 8th month of an 8th year is one of the most potent, high frequency days of this year, providing amazing potential for positive change, both globally and personally.


All things, including numbers, have particular vibrational frequencies within the Universe.  The number 8 is the most powerful number of the Goddess.  In ancient Babylon eight was known as the number of Ishtar - Venus.   It is a year where we take back our personal authority.   Much of the lessons we continue to move through are about establishing boundaries and reclaiming our personal power.


The number 8 when turned sideways produces the sacred symbol known as the Infinity Sign.  The triple 8 infinity energy represents:   As Above, So Below and Within! The balance of male and female, earth wisdom and spirit knowing, the connection of the heart and head.


During the 8:8:8, through the Lion's Gate a wave of energy will be sent to our water planet. A beautiful wave of unconditional love requiring nothing of you but to enter into the Nothingness.  Every being on the planet will experience the infusion of light and be offered a choice to consciously align with the original blueprint of the universe, Oneness. Higher frequencies of light will be sent, heightening sensitivity and many will feel physical sensations.  It is imperative to create a time of stillness.  With Venus in Retrograde, take the time to visualize the Infinity sign. It is a powerful time to pause and send prayers to our oceans and seas, connecting with the whales and dolphins, visualizing light being sent through the golden cosmic web.  When we enter the nothingness we enter the place of everything, a grand opportunity to find stillness.


Remember this coming Friday night, the 31st; we will have a special Blue Full Moon.  (I will be beneath my favorite Pohutakawa Trees, known as the Tree of Life) The next day is the turning of the wheel as we celebrate Llamas, the Festival of First Breads in the Northern Hemisphere, and Imbolc, the Festival of Milk in the Southern Hemisphere.   I have posted powerful rituals to the website for those who are members of the online subscription. (For our Subscription Members please click here to log in to see the info.)    


These are special and sacred days that belong to all of us regardless of our religious background or culture. The year is divided into eight main holy days or Sabbats. Four of these are associated directly with the two equinoxes and the two solstices. The other four fall at dates in between these points, SamHein, Imbolc, Beltane and Llamas.  These festivals or holy days, celebrate the changing seasons in the Cycle of Life.  Our ancient ancestors relied on the movements of the Sun and Moon mainly to guide them.  


Nature continues to offer the greatest resources for finding balance, healing and entering the nothingness.  Anytime one enters a powerful vortex at the time of the turning of the wheel incredible moments of awareness are granted.  One of the most powerful of these times is SamHein when the veil between the worlds is the thinnest.  One of the most powerful vortexes to experience when trying to find solid footing, sense of purpose, state of stillness and the courage to step through ones illusions and fears is in the root chakra of the planet known as Mount Shasta.  For those who may be interested I will be guiding a four day retreat in these heightened energies on the amethyst mountain of Saint Germaine at the time of SamHein in October.  Those interested in celebrating in nature's schoolhouse please  Click Here


Wishing you love and magick, Robbyne


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[AlternativeAnswers] Dreams: Gateway to Self-Discovery, Wednesday, 29 July 2015


"Dreams: Gateway to Self-Discovery" reminder
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
08:00 PM to 10:00 PM
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time - Dublin / Edinburgh / Lisbon / London
Dreams: Gateway to Self-Discovery 6-Week Dream Course with Gloria Coelho 6 Wednesdays, 7 - 9 pm, beginning July 8 Dreams, arising from your deepest Self, are an immediate and accessible way of identifying the questions and solutions most relevant to your current life circumstances. Every dream, whether evoking tears of laughter or a heart-throbbing rush of terror, contains within its symbolism a message both relevant and vital to your life. Dreamwork provides the key to interpreting this rich language of metaphor and symbol through which your dreams communicate their profound wisdom. The class will focus on: • Week 1: Ten Precepts of Dreamwork • Week 2: Techniques for Interpretation • Week 3: Discerning the Shadow • Week 4: Jungian Archetypes • Week 5: Dream Symbols • Week 6: Dream Incubation (an effective and easy technique for generating a dream for insight on a given topic) In addition, each week we will work experientially as a group with dreams shared in class. Tuition: $175; Members $150. Tuition includes dreamwork binder with all study materials. This class is limited to 10 people. Registration Required. Register at www.CaritasSpiritistCenter.org or call 303.449.3066 Gloria Coelho, founder and director of The Caritas Spiritist Center in Boulder, has practiced Jungian-based dreamwork for over 20 years, and has taught courses in dreamwork since 1998. Also a Spiritist healer, Gloria often utilizes dream interpretation to assist people in their emotional, spiritual and/or physical healing process. At The Caritas Spiritist Center 5723 Arapahoe, Boulder, CO 80303
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Monday, July 27, 2015

[AlternativeAnswers] Full Blue Moon and Lammas July 31, 2015


Good Morning!

Full Blue Moon and Lammas July 31, 2015

This year comes a very unique pairing and that is the blue moon at the time of Lammas or what is considered the first harvest.

The term "Blue Moon" seems to have been attached to a familiar and common event in only the last 30 years. It does not even involve the color blue. When we can view a full moon two times in one calendar month, this is referred to as a "blue moon." Some individuals claim that the second calendar Full Moon was based on the phrase "once in a blue moon." Yet, in truth, that seems strange since the "two full moons" in a calendar month happens about once every 2.5 years. 

Metaphysically, the Blue Moon represents our rare opportunity to fully express ourselves through communication and clarity of expression. The symbolic blue energy represents our Throat Chakra. Use this rare occasion to open up, relay your inner thoughts and creativiy. What are you yearning to express? What's the motivation behind your communication? What kind of signals are you sending? Utilize this blue-moon-moment in time to contemplate your spoken and unspoken articulations


This ancient festival is celebrated as the beginning of the harvest season that was historically observed throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. It is named after the Celtic god, Lugh, "The Shining One", skilled in many arts including smith craft, a champion warrior, hero, even harpist and poet. 

In mythology, Lugh overpowered a primitive Earth god to conquer the harvest time for his people. It is honored by religious ceremonies, athletic contests, feasting on foods from the first harvest, matchmaking couples and trading goods. Homage and respects would be paid by climbing to tops of hills and mountains, visiting wells and springs and offering the first corn, bilberries and baskets of wheat in thanks. 

When the Christians adopted this holiday and called it Lammas, the festival shifted slightly to align with the harvesting of potatoes. This is typically around the last Sunday of July (Garlic Sunday). By the early Middle Ages, the Christians essentially replaced the god Lugh, with the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick. 

Even now, on the last Sunday in July, a mass pilgrimage climb Croagh Patrick in County Mayo. This 2 mile walk up the rocky mount (many with bare and bleeding feet) is a testament to the power of this holiday. 

Celebrated all over the world and in different cultures including the festival of Lleu, Calan Awst (Wales), Lugudunum (Lyons), Lammas (Christians), Garlic Sunday (Ireland), Lughnasadh (Ireland, Scotland)

When: August 1st (varies) 
Season: Cross Quarter : (Mid-way point between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox) 
Represents: 1st Harvest, Luck, Food Blessings 
Virtues: Good Luck, Prosperity 
Symbols: Lammas bread, bundle of grain stalks (Sheaf), grain 
Gemstone: Ammonite, Carnelian, Copper, Flint, Jasper Mookaite, Petrified Wood 
Color: Green, Brown, Yellow 
Essential Oils: Eucalyptus, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Vetiver 
Remedies: Bilberry, Chives, Dill, Mint, Marjoram, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Tarragon, Sage, Thyme 
Flowers: Alstromeria, Cone Flower, Dahlias, Hydrangeas, Hibiscus, Lilies, Sunflower 
Element: Earth 
Direction: Southwest 
Life Event: Change, Healing, Decline 
Lunar: Dispute Moon or Sturgeon Moon 
Body Healing: Exercise 
Mind Healing: Change and Transformation 
Spirit Healing: Sacred Spirit 

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit 


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Sunday, July 26, 2015

[AlternativeAnswers] IONS: The Near Death Experience and Its Implications on Consciousness, Saturday, 01 August 2015


"IONS: The Near Death Experience and Its Implications on Consciousness" reminder
Saturday, 01 August 2015
11:00 AM to 01:00 PM
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time - Dublin / Edinburgh / Lisbon / London
IONS August Meeting Theme: The Near-Death Experience and Its Implications Re: Consciousness Saturday, August 1 10AM – 12 PM Suggested Donation $5 With the development of increasingly effective resuscitative techniques, medical science has opened what some may consider a Pandora's Box, containing reports of conscious experiences during the time patients were clinically dead. Reports of what was occurring in the room during the time doctors and nurses were striving to resuscitate the patient rule out the possibility that the experience occurred outside the time that the heart and brain were flatlined. These memories are referred to as "Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)," although cardiologist Sam Parnia, in his compelling book, "Erasing Death" prefers the term "Actual-Death Experience," stating that the patients he resuscitates have experienced cardiac arrest and cessation of brain function, therefore by current scientific standards, are clinically dead, not "near dead." NDEs challenge the prevailing beliefs on the part of mainstream science regarding the nature of consciousness as chemical activity produced by - and limited to - the brain. If the brain has no activity, how can consciousness continue? The common elements of many NDEs also reveal patterns of experience in an after-death state - at least, in the minutes or hours immediately following death - implying the likelihood of survival of consciousness after death. In our August meeting, we will discuss various types of NDE, their paradigm-shifting implications for medical science and biology, and the long-term effects of these experiences on the people who have them. Please join us! At The Caritas Center 5723 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-3066 *www.CaritasCenter.org
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Friday, July 24, 2015

[AlternativeAnswers] Urban Zen: Meditation In Bigger Cities


Good Morning!

Urban Zen: Meditation In Bigger Cities

Meditation in the big city can sometimes be a daunting task! More and more
cities are creating more spaces for relaxing, keeping your cool and de-stressing
in a city setting. The practice of urban zen helps us temporarily let the
physical world go so that we can begin to see ourselves as we truly are -
spiritually enlightened beings.

Big cities are creating more outdoor and public spaces for relaxing, recreation and refreshing your spirit with nature! Find a bench, grassy knoll or special place in your city where you can reconnect with sky, nature or sea (if possible).

Meditation is a time-honored technique that can take you into infinite
dimensions of consciousness. It is a simple effort that becomes effortless as we
do it more and more. One major principle to meditation is the ability to
completely quiet your mind. Quieting the mind comes as a result of meditating
over a long period of time, but any time you are looking within, you are
meditating. Meditation helps us live a healthier, less stressful life. The
physical and psychological benefits are wonderful and many people meditate only
for those reasons.

There are many meditation methods. Some are passive -- such as observing the
breath. Others are active -- in the sense that you actually do something like
repeating a word or mantra. The meditations that you will find here will help
you develop on many levels. No matter what style or form you follow, meditation
should always be gentle. Do not force anything. Allow your efforts to flow
naturally and effortlessly.

These meditation can be done anywhere and do not require anything but yourself!

Letting Go. Fold your hands gently in your lap and close your eyes. Take a few
deep breaths. Then just sit. If you have never meditated before, you will
probably feel as if your mind is full of thoughts. Don't try to stop the
thoughts, just watch them. Imagine that you are on the bank of a river and that
your thoughts are the river going by. Don't try to stop the river, just watch
it. Within a week, you will see the river begin to slow down. You may become
impatient, or even bored. That's okay. If you find yourself complaining, just
watch the thoughts pass by. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes. You may find that you
fall asleep because you are so relaxed. That's good because, in many ways, you
have begun to let go. Continue at this pace and each day allow just a little
more time for yourself to meditate. Doing this allows you to relax and forget
about time.

Progressive Relaxation is just that. A slow transition from a tense, immobile
state to a calmer more supple mind and body. This is a way of releasing tension
in the muscles. There are many variations of Progressive Relaxation. Here is one
of them:

Begin by laying on your back in a comfortable position.

Take a series of deep slow breaths and then focus your awareness on different
parts of the body in turn, becoming aware of any muscular tension and releasing

One way to do this is to first tense a muscle deliberately and then relax it.

You can start with the top of the body, tensing and relaxing the muscles of the
upper face, then moving on to the jaw, neck, chest, front of the arms, abdomen,
thighs, lower legs, feet, and toes.

Then do the same down the back of the body. Finally, lie still with the eyes
closed, concentrating on your breath. Allow the whole body to relax into the
ground. Feel the floor underneath you, supporting you. Feel the earth supporting
the floor. Feel yourself now deeply rooted and grounded into the earth beneath

Enjoying this deep feeling of peace and freedom from muscular tension.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit


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Thursday, July 23, 2015

[AlternativeAnswers] How to Protect Ourselves and Growing Children from Electromagnetic Fields- Fri. 7/31


How to Protect Ourselves and

Growing Children from Electromagnetic Fields

A Solution-Oriented Look at This Important New Public Health Issue

With Camilla Rees, MBA, ElectromagneticHealth.org

Friday, July 31st

7 pm - 9 pm

General Public: $15 Caritas Members: $10

Join us for a talk and presentation by health and environmental advocate Camilla Rees on the biological and health effects from cell phones and wireless technologies. 


  • How man-made radiation disrupts physiological functioning. 
  • Which communications devices emit radiation and are of concern.
  • The early warning signs of 'electrosensitivity' syndrome (EHS).
  • What levels of exposure are considered safe for children—or excessive—and how exposures can be minimized—from the nursery to the classroom.
  • The increased risk of brain tumors when cell phone or portable phone use begins as a teenager or younger
  • Within what distance from cell towers have cancer clusters been found, and what you can do if you find yourself within a high-risk radius.
  • How to create 'electromagnetically clean' home environments.
  • The variable nature of WiFi exposures in schools and why it is biologically disruptive
  • Why government 'safety guidelines' for cell phone and WiFi radiation exposures are flawed, and why they are inadequate to protect children.
  • Why legendary activist attorney, Lawrence Lessig, Esq, of Harvard Law School, and Yale Law School Dean Robert Post, are defending Berkeley, CA's law requiring warning labels on cell phones pro bono.
  • Why Harvard's Safra Center for Ethics just called the FCC a 'Captured Agency'—and called public ignorance on this matter industry's 'best ally'!
  • What other nations are doing to minimize exposures to children.


Camilla Rees is founder of ElectromagneticHealth.org, co-author of "Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Radiation"; co-founder of the International EMF Alliance; Advisor to the International Institute for Building Biology and Ecology and Voting Member of the U.S. Health Freedom Congress. She was an Executive Producer of the award-winning documentary, "Take Back Your Power" about the smart grid, and oversaw the landmark paper, "Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid", published by the National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy. Camilla serves as Senior Policy Advisor to the National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy in Washington, D.C., where she has been involved in numerous policy papers on the energy economy. She is EMF adviser to Mercola.com, Citizens for Health and the Radiation Research Trust (U.K.), and is a blogger for Mother Earth News. Camilla has appeared on Fox News, ABC, Voice of America TV and PBS.

The Caritas Center, 5723 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, CO 80303

303.449.3066 * www.CaritasCenter.org.



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