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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: (earth_things) The Lion's Gate 8:8:8


I was sent this article on The Lion's gate Alignment on 8:8:8, sharing this wonderful day and moment in time with others.

The Lion's Gate

Harmonic Alignment on 8:8:8





With Venus and Uranus now in the retrograde cycle, and the Blue Moon occurring on Friday, we continue to be pushed (and I mean pushed) forward towards our own personal  awakening that will occur with the Final Total Lunar Eclipse late September.   There is an acceleration of energy being sent to our beautiful planet on August 8th known as the Lion's Gate Alignment.  During this time our water planet aligns with the Sirian Star creating a portal that unites matter and antimatter.   The numerological vibration of this day is an 8:8:8.  The 8th day of the 8th month of an 8th year is one of the most potent, high frequency days of this year, providing amazing potential for positive change, both globally and personally.


All things, including numbers, have particular vibrational frequencies within the Universe.  The number 8 is the most powerful number of the Goddess.  In ancient Babylon eight was known as the number of Ishtar - Venus.   It is a year where we take back our personal authority.   Much of the lessons we continue to move through are about establishing boundaries and reclaiming our personal power.


The number 8 when turned sideways produces the sacred symbol known as the Infinity Sign.  The triple 8 infinity energy represents:   As Above, So Below and Within! The balance of male and female, earth wisdom and spirit knowing, the connection of the heart and head.


During the 8:8:8, through the Lion's Gate a wave of energy will be sent to our water planet. A beautiful wave of unconditional love requiring nothing of you but to enter into the Nothingness.  Every being on the planet will experience the infusion of light and be offered a choice to consciously align with the original blueprint of the universe, Oneness. Higher frequencies of light will be sent, heightening sensitivity and many will feel physical sensations.  It is imperative to create a time of stillness.  With Venus in Retrograde, take the time to visualize the Infinity sign. It is a powerful time to pause and send prayers to our oceans and seas, connecting with the whales and dolphins, visualizing light being sent through the golden cosmic web.  When we enter the nothingness we enter the place of everything, a grand opportunity to find stillness.


Remember this coming Friday night, the 31st; we will have a special Blue Full Moon.  (I will be beneath my favorite Pohutakawa Trees, known as the Tree of Life) The next day is the turning of the wheel as we celebrate Llamas, the Festival of First Breads in the Northern Hemisphere, and Imbolc, the Festival of Milk in the Southern Hemisphere.   I have posted powerful rituals to the website for those who are members of the online subscription. (For our Subscription Members please click here to log in to see the info.)    


These are special and sacred days that belong to all of us regardless of our religious background or culture. The year is divided into eight main holy days or Sabbats. Four of these are associated directly with the two equinoxes and the two solstices. The other four fall at dates in between these points, SamHein, Imbolc, Beltane and Llamas.  These festivals or holy days, celebrate the changing seasons in the Cycle of Life.  Our ancient ancestors relied on the movements of the Sun and Moon mainly to guide them.  


Nature continues to offer the greatest resources for finding balance, healing and entering the nothingness.  Anytime one enters a powerful vortex at the time of the turning of the wheel incredible moments of awareness are granted.  One of the most powerful of these times is SamHein when the veil between the worlds is the thinnest.  One of the most powerful vortexes to experience when trying to find solid footing, sense of purpose, state of stillness and the courage to step through ones illusions and fears is in the root chakra of the planet known as Mount Shasta.  For those who may be interested I will be guiding a four day retreat in these heightened energies on the amethyst mountain of Saint Germaine at the time of SamHein in October.  Those interested in celebrating in nature's schoolhouse please  Click Here


Wishing you love and magick, Robbyne


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Posted by: Boonight@aol.com
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