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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Subtle Signs of Cancer


Good Morning!

October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Subtle Signs of Cancer

A British group of researchers have recently put together a list of the top warning signs of cancer that maybe overlooked or ignored.

1. Blood in the urine is a possible sign of bladder cancer.

2. Difficulty swallowing is an early sign of cancer of the esophagus.

3. Lumps on the breast among women and men could be breast cancer.

4. Blood in the stool is a top symptom of colon cancer.

5. Menstrual bleeding after menopause could suggest uterine cancer.

6. Coughing up blood is an indication of lung cancer. This is especially true in smokers.

7. Fatigue, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss or persistently achy bones all could be signs of cancer nearly anywhere in the body.

But by no means do these signs mean cancer all the time.

Again, there are many clinical situations where patients can develop one of these signs or symptoms for a non-cancer related reason.

Additional research has also shown that our mind can send even stronger warning signs of cancer than the body. Don't disregard your own intuition, as an internal sign. There just maybe times when you can sense that something is not right within your body. 

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