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Monday, July 18, 2016

[AlternativeAnswers] Andrew's Candidia Diet


Good Morning, 

Andrew's Candidia Diet

Two of the most common of these single celled fungus is oral thrush and in the vagina (vaginitis or yeast infection). Sometimes though, this fungus is difficult to pin point. It can manifest itself as other ailments such as acne, asthma, arthritis, chronic fatigue, rashes, dizziness, headaches, muscle soreness and pain.

Antibiotics are a major factor in Candidiasis. They not only kill the bacteria that cause infection but, the bodies' natural defenses as well. Since probiotic (good) bacteria are killed by antibiotics or if the immune system becomes weakened, Candida yeast can grow without boundaries. Local infections, such as oral thrush, skin infections and vaginal yeast infections in women can result.

Birth control pills, anti-inflammatory drugs, cortisone, yeast laden foods, diet high in sugar are all major culprits in upsetting the bodies' natural balance. When candida infects the vagina, it results in vaginitis characterized by large amounts of white cheesy discharge and intense itching and burning. When the infection is in the mouth, it appears as white soars on the tongue, gums and inside of the cheeks. Candida can appear in the form of athlete's foot, jock itch and diaper rash in babies.

Poor co-ordination, muscle weakness, swollen or painful joints, mood swings, loss of libido, infertility, depression, and unexplained tiredness can all be signs of candida. It can cause digestive and hormonal disturbances.

Candidiasis may affect both men and women, but is rarely transmitted sexually. Very often allergies to food are present in people with candida infection. The symptoms of food allergies and environmental sensitivities can also mimic those of candidiasis.

People with severely weakened immune systems, such as those with cancer or AIDS, may develop widespread Candida infection, a serious medical condition called systemic candidiasis.

Systemic Candidiasis and Albicans is an overgrowth of candida throughout the body. In the most severe cases, it can found traveling through the bloodstream and invading every organ in the system.

The Yeast Syndrome: Candida albicans yeast in the intestines is responsible for a yeast syndrome that results in symptoms such as fatigue, headache, mood swings, sinus congestion, depression, poor memory and concentration, and cravings for sweets. This excess yeast is believed to penetrate the intestinal wall, causing yeast and other unwanted particles to be absorbed into the body and blood stream. The absorbed yeast particles are believed to activate the immune system, resulting in an allergic hypersensitivity to Candida.

Doctors often take a culture or examine vaginal discharge under a microscope because not all discharges are caused by relatively harmless yeast. Anything from a forgotten tampon to life-threatening pelvic inflammatory disease can cause similar symptoms: itching and an odd-smelling discharge.

Other causes include gardnerella vaginalis, a bacterial infection; trichomonas, a parasitic infection; and chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, high-sugar diets, pregnancy, smoking, food allergies and intolerance and diabetes. 

Candida Self Test

1. Do you feel fatigued, have low energy or muscles aches? (yes = 1/no = 0) 
2. Do you experience food sensitivities or food allergies? (yes = 1/no = 0) 
3. Do you have nail fungus, athlete's foot or jock itch? (yes = 1/no = 0) 
4. Do you have recurrent vaginal yeast infections? (yes = 1/no = 0) 
5. Have you taken broad spectrum antibiotics? (yes = 1/no = 0) 
6. Do you crave sugar? (yes = 1/no = 0) 
7. Do often have gas/bloating? (yes = 1/no = 0) 
8. Do you crave refined white flour (bread, pasta, baked goods? (yes = 1/no = 0) 
9. Have you been on birth control pills for 6 months or more? (yes = 1/no = 0) 
10. Do you experience brain fog/fatigue? (yes = 1/no = 0) 
Total Score______

A score of 4 or higher may indicate that you are suffering from candida overgrowth. 

Andrew's Candida Diet

Avoid foods containing all types of yeast. This includes fermented foods such as bread made with yeast, cheese, tomato paste, mushrooms, and beer.

A common cause of yeast overgrowth is antibiotic therapy, which can kill off the "friendly" bacteria that compete with candida for food and keep it in check. If you have to take broad-spectrum antibiotics, it is a good idea to take as a supplement.

The advantage of a natural approach to fighting yeast infection, allows control over the yeast permanently and puts your immune system back on track.

Avoid foods that contain yeast or mold including all breads, muffins, cakes, baked goods, cheese, dried fruits, melons, peanuts and mushrooms. Other yeast-containing foods include: Baker's yeast, Brewer's yeast, Engevita, Torula, and any other types of nutritional yeast. Baked goods raised with yeast such as breads, rolls, crackers, bagels, pastries, and muffins are not permitted. Gluten-containing foods include wheat, barley, and rye. This includes products made with these ingredients such as bread and pasta.

Fruit contain natural sugar and is believed to support the growth of yeast. Fruits that are typically eliminated include fresh, frozen, canned, and dried fruit and juice.

Avoid all types of vinegar, such as white vinegar, red wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar, rice vinegar, and balsamic vinegar, and any food made with vinegar including mayonnaise, salad dressing, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, steak sauce, BBQ sauce, shrimp sauce, soy sauce, mustard, pickles, pickled vegetables, green olives, relishes, horseradish, mincemeat, and chili sauce.

Avoid sugars in all forms. Avoid eating a high-carbohydrate diet. No sugar, syrups, fruit drinks, soft drinks, honey, alcohol, fruit or dried fruit. Sugar promotes the growth of yeast. For the first two to three weeks, the carbohydrate intake must be restricted to less than 60 grams per day, depending on age, health, activity level, and the extent of food sensitivities.

Avoid milk and buttermilk, which are high in sugar.

Refined sugar is believed to encourage the growth of Candida yeast. Foods containing refined sugar include: white sugar, brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, maple sugar, molasses, date sugar, turbinado, raw sugar, demerrara, amasake, rice syrup, sorghum. Read labels carefully as there are hidden forms of sugar in many foods. When reading the label, words to watch out for include: sucrose, fructose, maltose, lactose, glycogen, glucose, mannitol, sorbitol, galactose, monosaccharides, polysaccharides.

Low-carbohydrate foods such as meat, chicken, turkey, shellfish, non-starchy vegetables, and nuts should be enjoyed instead. As symptoms subside, the carbohydrate total of the diet can be gradually increased.

Dairy products may have to be restricted. as Candida is thought to impair the body's ability to digest fat. How much dairy one consumes may also depend on individual reactions to cow's milk and cow's milk products such as cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, and butter.

Avoid most cheeses. Cheeses lower in lactose may be tolerated, such as Monterey Jack, sharp white cheddar, swiss, mozzarella, Colby, provolone, and dry curd cottage cheese.

Consider eating foods such as lean beef, chicken, eggs, fish, yogurt, vegetables, nuts, seeds, oils. Organic skim yogurt made with live bacteria may be beneficial for some people because of the beneficial bacteria it contains.

Preventative medicine: Eating yogurt is a good way to prevent a yeast infection. Eating yogurt can help by building up and maintaining healthy levels of the acidophilus. Although it won't necessarily help with the problem locally (that's is why I recommend the vaginal application), eating sugar free, plain yogurt is a way it can help to prevent yeast infections from occurring in the first place.

Substitute with gluten-free grains such as millet and quinoa.

Acidophilus to reduce the possibility of yeast infections. Rebuild the colon by repopulating it with "good/friendly" bacteria.

Pure Energy Smoothie with Green Powder contains Soy Protein Powder, Bee Pollen Powder, Psyllium Husks, Lecithin Powder, Chlorella, Spirulina, Klamath Blue Green Algae, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass, Alfalfa, Kelp, Acidophilus, and American Ginseng. Just add 1 tablespoon powder to your favorite juice for a delicious and nutritious high energy start to your day.

Commonly reported benefits of using our Smoothies include: 
* All day energy 
* Greater focus under stress 
* Sense of well-being 
* Strengthened immune system 
* Fewer food cravings 
* Optimum synergistic balance of essential nutrients for total health.

Increase soluble fiber One teaspoon to one tablespoon of soluble fiber containing guar gum, psyllium husks, flaxseeds or pectin and can be mixed in an 8 oz glass of water two times per day on an empty stomach.

Stevia is a natural sweetener, with no side effects that should be used instead of sugar, which adds a perfect breeding ground for yeast growth.

Detoxification is a very important element to cleansing your body to help fight off opportunistic yeast and infection.

Water should be a very important part of any nutritional program. Distilled water is best. 6-8 8 ounces per day. Water allows for the cleansing and free flow in the system.

The length of time on a Candida diet depends on the length of time one has had symptoms and the severity of the symptoms. 

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit 


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Home Remedies For Eye Flu

  Home Remedies For Eye Flu

Sliced Potato

One of the most effective remedies for curing eye flu is potato slice. Peel a potato. Cut into thin slices. Place a slice over the eyelid to get relief from burning, itching and infection.
- See more at: http://www.searchhomeremedy.com/10-home-remedies-for-eye-flu/#sthash.DKQkaomS.dpuf

Sliced Potato

One of the most effective remedies for curing eye flu is potato slice. Peel a potato. Cut into thin slices. Place a slice over the eyelid to get relief from burning, itching and infection.
- See more at: http://www.searchhomeremedy.com/10-home-remedies-for-eye-flu/#sthash.DKQkaomS.dpuf
 Sliced Potato

One of the most effective remedies for curing eye flu is potato slice. Peel a potato. Cut into thin slices. Place a slice over the eyelid to get relief from burning, itching and infection.

 Chamomile Flower

Prepare eyewash using 2 tsp chamomile flower and 1 tsp grape root. Boil them in 2 cups of water for 15 minutes. Strain the mixture, let it cool and wash your eyes with this mixture 2-3 times a day to get relief.

 Rose Water

Rose water is highly effective in clearing the sticky substance from the eyes, which creates a lot of irritation. Just use one or two drops of rose water every time to clear your eyes.

 Tea Bags
Place moist chamomile tea bags on your eyelid to get relief from pain, swelling and itching.


Boil coriander leaves in a cup of water. Strain the liquid and use it for washing your sticky eyes.

 Goldthread Leaves

Prepare eyewash after soaking goldthread leaves in water for half an hour. Strain and use this water to wash your eyes. Repeat this 3-4 times a day to find relief from pain and swelling.


Make infusion by soaking marigold in water. Use this infusion to find relief from eye pain.

 Vitamin A and B2

Add vitamin A and B2 rich foods in your diet to help the infection cure quickly. Some foods that are rich in vitamin A include carrot, pumpkin, green leafy vegetables, whole milk, yogurt, mangoes and papaya. You will get enough vitamin B from almonds, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and bananas etc. Carrot and spinach juice are very effective in treating conjunctivitis as well.

 Indian Gooseberry

Indian gooseberry, which is high in vitamin C and has many other medicinal properties, has been found beneficial for curing conjunctivitis.

 Warm Compress

Dip cotton ball in lukewarm water and place over and around the eyes several times to clean your eyes. It will also help to reduce swelling and inflammation.

Sliced Potato

One of the most effective remedies for curing eye flu is potato slice. Peel a potato. Cut into thin slices. Place a slice over the eyelid to get relief from burning, itching and infection.
- See more at: http://www.searchhomeremedy.com/10-home-remedies-for-eye-flu/#sthash.DKQkaomS.dpuf

Sliced Potato

One of the most effective remedies for curing eye flu is potato slice. Peel a potato. Cut into thin slices. Place a slice over the eyelid to get relief from burning, itching and infection.
- See more at: http://www.searchhomeremedy.com/10-home-remedies-for-eye-flu/#sthash.DKQkaomS.dpuf

Sliced Potato

One of the most effective remedies for curing eye flu is potato slice. Peel a potato. Cut into thin slices. Place a slice over the eyelid to get relief from burning, itching and infection.
- See more at: http://www.searchhomeremedy.com/10-home-remedies-for-eye-flu/#sthash.DKQkaomS.dpuf

Sliced Potato

One of the most effective remedies for curing eye flu is potato slice. Peel a potato. Cut into thin slices. Place a slice over the eyelid to get relief from burning, itching and infection.
- See more at: http://www.searchhomeremedy.com/10-home-remedies-for-eye-flu/#sthash.DKQkaomS.dpuf

Sliced Potato

One of the most effective remedies for curing eye flu is potato slice. Peel a potato. Cut into thin slices. Place a slice over the eyelid to get relief from burning, itching and infection.
- See more at: http://www.searchhomeremedy.com/10-home-remedies-for-eye-flu/#sthash.DKQkaomS.dpuf
Home Remedies For Eye Flu

Friday, July 15, 2016

[AlternativeAnswers] Color Therapy For Summer


Good Morning!

Color Therapy For Summer

Red is the color associated with Summer and green is its complement. Red energy is governed by the spine or the Root Chakra. The power center is closely grounded by earth, is outgoing, and portrays a positive attitude. The Root Chakra must be grounded. Fatigue, fear, and anxiety are often caused by the missing contact with the earth reality.

The Root Chakra - energizes the feet, legs, tailbone, vagina, urinary organs, and adrenaline glands.

This energy gives power to the strong life qualities of courage, self-confidence, security, positive love, and will power. Symbolic of heat, fire and anger. It is a stimulating and energizing color. It stimulates arterial blood and brings warmth to cool extremities. Used as a general tonic, it is very valuable in the treatment of diseases like low blood pressure, rheumatism, paralysis, anemia and advanced cases of tuberculosis. 

Red is the color associated with fire, the element of summer.

In using Red, you are striving for balance. This is the energy you need to help the chakras to function in accordance with the others.

Red may help when:

*you need courage and self-confidence
*are anemic
*feel tired or indisposed
*have poor blood circulation
*you are cold
*need renewed energy

Red governs the base of the spine, the spinal column, adrenals, kidneys, bladder, colon, legs and blood. Red energy is used in relation to the physical, self-preservation and survival mode. Red should be use for grounding, security and for courage. Use Red as a sensory stimulant, creating instinctual behavior, getting in touch with primal instincts, family matters, as well as, creating spontaneous and active behavior.

Light Therapy and Color Therapy modalities of healing are profound and are great integrative therapies that can be used in conjunction with many other forms of health care.

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit 


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Thursday, July 14, 2016

[AlternativeAnswers] SWAMIJI: Resurrection of a Modern Yoga Master- Sat. 7/23


Resurrection of a Modern Yoga Master

Saturday, July 23

10 am – 1 pm

with Yogacharya Dharmananda (Swamiji)

General Public $25, Caritas members $20


Swamiji will discuss metaphysical dimensions and spiritual faculties, which tend to remain latent until we activate them through meditative practices and spiritual study and growth.  Included in his lecture are the following topics:


·      Swami Sri Yukteshwar's appearance to Paramahansa Yoganandaji, 19th June, 1936.

·      Recreating a physical body that can not only be seen but also touched and felt.

·      Description of the Astral world, the life and activities there and astral karma.

·      Explaining the cause of the Soul's revolving in a cycle of birth and death between the

         physical and astral worlds. How that cause is eliminated through meditation.

·      Life and activities in the causal worlds/dimensions.

·      Freedom in the transcendental dimension.

For information, Call 303-449-3066 or 303-818-7211 or go to www.CaritasCenter.org


Yogacharya Dharmananda (Swamiji) is a preeminent scholar and teacher of the Science of Yoga, Hindu Philosophy, and Comparative Religion. He has been the Director of the International Vishwaguru Yoga and Meditation Institute (Rishikesh, India) from its inception to November 2010. He is now permanently settled in America and is living in Loveland. His lectures, especially his mode of presentation with humor, stories and anecdotes, have earned him wide acclaim.

At The Caritas Center

5723 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, CO 80303


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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

[AlternativeAnswers] Ayurveda: Determine Your Dosha


Good Morning!

Ayurveda: Determine Your Dosha

The following test will give you a good idea of the levels of your doshas. We have to remember that everyone has all three doshas, but in varying degrees. After reading each description, mark 0 to 7 in the space provided. Note that values 2 and 5 are not assigned at all (don't use them).
0, 1 = Does not apply 
3, 4 = Applies sometimes 
6, 7 = Applies most of the time 

Evaluating My Vata
Physical Attributes:
1.My physique is thin - I don't gain weight easily.___ 
2. I am quick and active. ___ 
3.My skin is usually dry, more so in winter.___ 
4.My hands and feet are usually cold.___ 
5.My energy fluctuates and comes in bursts.___
6. I usually develop gas or constipation.___
7. I usually have difficulty falling asleep or having a sound night's sleep.___
8. I am uncomfortable in cold weather.___
Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Attributes
9.My nature is lively and enthusiastic.___
10. I have difficulty memorizing things and remembering them later.___
11.It is easy for me to learn new things quickly, but I also forget quickly.___
12. I am not good at making decisions.___
13. I am anxious or worrisome by nature.___
14. People think I'm talkative and that I talk quickly.___
15. I am usually emotional by nature and my moods fluctuate.___
16. My mind is restless, but also imaginative.___
17. I have irregular eating and sleeping habits.___
Total Vata: ___ 

Evaluating My Pitta
Physical Attributes:
1. I don't tolerate hot weather. ___
2. I sweat easily.___
3. I can't tolerate delaying or skipping a meal.___
4.My hair is fine, straight, light, blonde, red, graying early, or balding. ___
5.My appetite is very good and I can eat big meals.___
6.My bowel movements are regular. I might have occasional loose stool but not much constipation.___
7. I like cold drinks and such foods as ice cream.___
8. I often feel hot.___
9.Spicy, hot foods upset my stomach.___
Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Attributes
10.I consider myself efficient.___
11. I try to be organized and accurate.___
12. I have a strong will and my friends think I am stubborn. ___
13. I am impatient by nature.___
14. I tend to become irritable or angry quite easily.___
15. I try to be meticulous and am a perfectionist by nature.___
16. I get angry easily, but I don't hold a grudge.___
17. I am usually critical of myself and others.___
Total Pitta: ___ 

Evaluating My Kapha
Physical Attributes:
1.It is easy for me to gain weight but difficult to lose.___
2. Skipping meals is easy for me and does not cause any problems.___
3. I tend to have congestion, mucus, or sinus problems.___
4. I'm a sound sleeper.___
5. I have thick, oily, dark, wavy hair.___
6.My skin is smooth and soft with an almost pale complexion.___
7.My body frame is large and solid with a heavy bone structure.___
8.My digestion is slow, so I feel full after eating.___
9. I have a steady energy level with good endurance and strong stamina.___
10. I'm sensitive to cool and damp weather. ___
Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Attributes:
11. I tend to be slow, methodical, and relaxed.___
12. I need to sleep a minimum of eight hours to feel well the next morning.___
13.By nature I am calm and composed. I don't get angry easily.___
14. I am not a quick learner but I am good at memorizing things and remembering them later.___
15.Many people consider me affectionate, forgiving, and peaceful.___
16.I usually oversleep and have difficulty waking up the next morning. ___
17.I am very reluctant to take on new responsibilities.___
Total Kapha: ___ 

My total scores are: Vata_____, Pitta_____, Kapha_____.
I am ________ first, ________ second, and ________ third. 

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit 


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[AlternativeAnswers] Tootsie Health: Summer Foot Care


Good Morning!

Tootsie Health: Summer Foot Care

Summer is the time when our feet are most exposed to the elements. So now, more than ever, is the time to take care of those tootsies! Bones form the basic structure of our feet. There are 26 bones in each foot alone. Here are some good general tips for all feet:

* Wash your feet daily. Rinse off all soap and dry thoroughly, especially between toes. 

* Trim nails straight across, and not too short. Don't cut out or dig at corners. 

* Do not trim, shave, or use over-the-counter medicines to dissolve corns or calluses 

* Wear clean socks or stockings, changed daily. Don't wear any that are too short or too tight. 

* Wear shoes that fit. 

* Wear shoes made of leather or canvas - not synthetics. Sandals are good. 

* Switch shoes from day to day. 

* Use foot powder. 

* See your doctor if severe problems persist. 

* Get a manicure --Set aside twenty dollars or so to get a manicure AND pedicure. It is so worth it! 

* Scrub those feet --Make sure you are exfoliating the tops, sides, and bottoms of your feet at least twice a week in the shower. You want your feet soft for the summer sandals. 

* Tan hands and feet --If you use a self-tanner on your hands and feet,use a make-up sponge to blend well around the fingers and toes. If you take your time in applying carefully, it will look very natural. 

* Foot refresher --After soaking feet in warm water, massage feet with a mixture of 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon sugar, and 1 tablespoon crushed dried peppermint. Remove with a warm, damp washcloth. 

* Hangnails --Pierce a 400 IU-vitamin E capsule and massage a drop into hangnail to soften and speed healing. 

* For nails that are nourished from the inside out --Try supplementing your already healthy eating plan with MSM. This natural sulfur source from the sea speeds the growth of your hair and nails. 

* Exfoliate your feet! --Use a loofah sponge to exfoliate tops, sides and bottom of your feet. Remember to scrub all of your toes too. 

* After drying with a fluffy towel, apply your favorite moisturizer generously and then put on a thick (warm from the dryer) pair of socks on for a pampered feeling. 

* Give your nails a break --Take off your acrylic nails and let your fingertips breathe. It will take a while for them to recover, but it is a healthier (and less expensive) way to maintain your nails. 

* Bath Trim! --After showing or bathing, trim your toenails and smooth any rough edges with a file. 

* Use a pumice stones on calluses and make it a habit to use a foot file on the bottom of your feet and heals at least once a week. This will keep your feet ready for any sandal at any time. 

* Natural nail file --Use a popsicle stick to file your natural nails. 

* To help your nail polish glide on --Dip a cotton ball in a facial astringent to remove any excess oil on your nails. Your polish will go on much smoother. 

* Foot calluses --Always use a pumice stone. Do not use razors or other cutters. 

Exercise for your feet : Your feet have a big job to do. That is why it is important for your feet to always be supple and flexible, no matter what age! Exercises for your feet can be done practically anywhere... so you have no excuse.

Yoga therapy has wonderful exercises to keep the feet smooth, flexible and pain free! Yoga can develop proper alignment of the knees, ankles and feet. It can help to prevent such foot problems as bunions, plantar fasciitis and shin splints.

1. Increased flexibility, relieves hammertoe and bunions : Sitting in a chair, rest your heels on the floor. Be sure the heels are in line with the knees. Inhale as you flex your toes, so there is space between them, them, slowly lift them up toward your knees, flexing the angle of the feet. Exhale and press through the center of the feet as you place them back on the floor. Toes are the last thing to touch the floor. Keep your heels on the floor the entire time. Repeat 15-20 times. Improve the flexibility of your feet, click here.

2. Strengthens ankles and calves : Face the wall with your feet together. You can use the wall for balance only. Press up through the feet, lifting your heels as high as possible. Slowly lower. Repeat 15-20 times. For additional help with this pose and variations, click here.

3. Relieves plantar fasciitis, strengthens arches: While sitting, place your foot on a towel on the floor and scrunch the towel toward you with your toes. Scrunch the towel inch by inch, so it bunches up under your arch. Repeat 15-20 times. For more plantar fasciitis exercises, click here.

4. Relieves symptoms from bunions: Weave the fingers of one hand between each of the toes of your opposite foot. With a firm grip, massage and stretch the toes and ball of the foot. Open the space between the toes and work on the mobility of the foot. Repeat 15-20 times. Relieve symptoms your feet experience, 

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit 


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