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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Struggling With Self-Worth? Great Tips for Boosting Your Belief in Yourself

Do you know the number of people who you meet every day who struggle with self-esteem? Research says that one in four adult people face the problem with self-worth. That’s 25% of the adults who are not aware of their value. It’s a big number. However, the number may sound surprising because a lot of them skillfully hide it. They have learned how to deal with it from young. They continue to live the same way over the years. Shyness, low self-confidence, not knowing of their self worth designs the way they think. Their thoughts determine their actions. Consequently, their actions determine their future.
Therefore, if you want to achieve the best results and become the most successful person you know you must put some effort in learning how to overcome your fears and boost your confidence. Only highly confident people manage to achieve their set life goals.

Remember that your weaknesses are your strength

You must tell yourself your weaknesses and your fears can’t make you worthless.  Becoming aware of that is the first step towards achieving your greatest success. If you have ever read a biography of some very successful people, you will find out that none of them was born rich. None of them achieved great results over night. However, every one of them have encountered many failures and all of them continued to work and struggle until they succeeded. Simultaneously, the common characteristic of all of them is that they never gave up. Even when they faced the lowest point of their lives.
Therefore, remember that you are worth and every time you face a new failure, you must remember that this is what makes you stronger. This is what curves your willpower. This is what will take you to the top.

Tell yourself you are fearless

If you want to achieve great results you need to stop thinking like a victim and start leading your life instead of others watching do it. Moreover, you need to convince yourself  that nothing can scare you and you can skillfully overcome any obstacle. Only when you learn that sometimes very little effort needs to be done to make great things happen, then you will start to feel how miracle happens in your life. The Universe will help those who are courageous. You must tell yourself that you are a wonderful person and act accordingly. Be courageous, be brave and your life will start to turn into abundance.

Build your knowledge from books

When you feel stuck in life engage yourself in reading about other inspirational stories. You’ll be amazed of how many people in this world have encountered even worse difficulties through life and they still managed to overcome them. You’ll learn that others have had the same fears, the same worries and the same problems like you and found the way out of them.  Reading about these people’s biographies can really boost your confidence.
Furthermore, reading is an excellent way to build your own knowledge about your craft. Discover new ways of working, enhance your skills, develop them, and you’ll be surprised of how much you can learn from your time dedicated to reading. Surprisingly, all successful people in this world have found a that had changed their lives for good. Don’t be afraid to find yours. Sometimes all you need to do is to relax to find happiness.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Ways to wipe out Winter Tiredness

Ways to wipe out Winter Tiredness


Many people feel tired and sluggish during winter. If you find yourself longing for your warm, cozy bed more than usual during winter, blame the lack of sunlight. As the days become shorter, your sleep and waking cycles become disrupted, leading to fatigue.
Less sunlight means that your brain produces more of a hormone called melatonin, which makes you sleepy. Because the release of this sleep hormone is linked to light and dark, when the sun sets earlier your body also wants to go to bed earlier, hence you may feel sleepy in the early evening.
While it’s normal for all of us to slow down generally over winter, sometimes lethargy can be a sign of more serious winter depression. If your tiredness is severe and year-round, you could have chronic fatigue syndrome.

5 Tips to fight Winter Tiredness

Sunlight is good for winter tiredness
Open your blinds or curtains as soon as you get up to let more sunlight into your home. And get outdoors in natural daylight as much as possible, even a brief lunchtime walk can be beneficial. Make your work and home environment as light and airy as possible.
Good night's sleep
When winter hits it’s tempting to go into hibernation mode, but that sleepy feeling you get in winter doesn’t mean you should snooze for longer. In fact if you do, chances are you’ll feel even more sluggish during the day.
We don’t technically need any more sleep in winter than in summer. Aim for about eight hours of shuteye a night and try to stick to a reliable sleep schedule. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. And make sure your bedroom is conducive to sleep – clear the clutter, have comfortable and warm bedlinen and turn off the TV.
Regular exercise
Exercise may be the last thing you feel like doing on dark winter evenings, but you’ll feel more energetic if you get involved in some kind of physical activity every day, ideally so you reach the recommended goal of 150 minutes of exercise a week. Exercise in the late afternoon may help to reduce early evening fatigue, and also improve your sleep.
Winter is a great time to experiment with new and different kinds of activity. Skating is a good all-round exercise for beginners and aficionados alike. If you’re more active, go for a game of badminton, football or tennis under the floodlights. If you find it hard to get motivated to exercise in the chillier, darker months, focus on the positives you’ll not only feel more energetic but stave off winter weight gain.
Learn to relax
Feeling time-squeezed to get everything done in the shorter daylight hours? It may be contributing to your tiredness. Stress has been shown to make you feel fatigued. There’s no quick-fire cure for stress but there are some simple things you can do to alleviate it. So, if you feel under pressure for any reason, calm down with meditation, yoga, exercise and breathing exercises.
Eat the right foods
Once the summer ends, there’s a temptation to ditch the salads and fill up on starchy foods such as pasta, potatoes and bread. You’ll have more energy, though, if you include plenty of fruit and vegetables in your comfort meals.
Winter vegetables such as carrots, parsnips, swede and turnips can be roasted, mashed or made into soup for a warming winter meal for the whole family. And classic stews and casseroles are great options if they’re made with lean meat and plenty of veg. Try to avoid foods containing lots of sugar – it gives you a rush of energy but one that wears off quickly.


Friday, October 14, 2016

Vitamin D protects against asthma, reduces attacks by 50%

Vitamin D protects against asthma, reduces attacks by 50%

 Vitamin D supplements reduce the risk of severe asthma attacks by 50 percent, according to a recent research review by the world-renowned Cochrane Collaboration.

The Cochrane Collaboration is an independent, international network of researchers, health professionals and patients who work together to review existing scientific research in order to promote evidence-based treatment.

Fewer severe attacks

Vitamin D has long been known to play an important role in preserving bone health, but in the 1980s researchers learned that vitamin D receptors are found throughout the body – particularly in white blood cells and in the epithelial layer of the respiratory system. This sparked an interest in whether the vitamin might play a role in immune or respiratory health.

Since then, numerous studies have confirmed that vitamin D plays a key role in immune regulation. Low levels of vitamin D have been strongly linked to a wide variety of autoimmune diseases, which share many physiological characteristics with allergies and asthma. Observational studies have also confirmed that asthma patients with lower blood levels of vitamin D are more likely to suffer from asthma attacks.

For the new studies, the researchers examined 81 separate studies into the connection between vitamin D and asthma attacks. From these, they identified nine that were double-blind, placebo controlled, randomized trials – considered the gold standard in medical research.

The researchers looked at several different asthma-related outcomes, including a worsening of symptoms severe enough to require an emergency room visit, hospital admission, or oral corticosteroid treatment; day-to-day asthma symptoms; lung function; exhaled nitric oxide; and biomarkers of airway inflammation.

The researchers found that people who took vitamin D supplements were 50 percent less likely to suffer from asthma attacks severe enough to require emergency room visits or hospital admission. They also reduced the risk of treatment with oral steroids.

Notably, vitamin D showed no effect on day-to-day asthma symptoms or any of the other biomarkers that the researchers examined.

Vitamin D fights infection, inflammation

Because of the design of the initial studies, the researchers were not able to determine whether vitamin D supplementation helped all patients, or merely those who were deficient in vitamin D before the study began. They have now partnered with the principal investigators of the nine initial studies to be able to review individual patient data.

The researchers hope that this collaboration will indicate a threshold above which vitamin D is shown to reduce the risk of severe asthma attacks, which will in turn allow them to make a clinical recommendation.

Although it is impossible to say exactly why vitamin D supplementation reduced the risk of attacks, prior studies showing a strong link between vitamin D and asthma are able to offer several possibilities. Some studies have shown, for example, that vitamin D can suppress inflammatory responses, including those that produce asthma attacks.

Studies have also shown that vitamin D helps induce immune responses when the body detects infection with an upper respiratory virus, like a cold or flu. These viruses are major triggers of asthma attacks.

Martineau offered two main cautions regarding the research. First, he noted that only about half of asthma patients suffer from a form severe enough to be at risk of the attacks examined in the study. It is unclear if or how vitamin D might affect people with these more mild forms of the disease.

He also noted that all the trials used vitamin D supplementation in addition to regular treatment, not as a replacement. Severe asthma attacks can be life-threatening.