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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Nutrition for Breast Health


Nutrition for Breast Health

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. It is the number one cause of cancer death in Hispanic women and the second most common cause of cancer death in white, black, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native women.

One out of eight American women who live to be 85 years of age will develop breast cancer, a risk that was one out of 14 in 1960.

Food used as a preventative to dis-ease and as an essential part of medicine has been established for over 4000 years by physicians of natural medicine. Food is a major determinant of health that is directly under our control. We cannot always control pollution, hereditary factors, noise, environment, and the social and emotional behaviors of others, but we can certainly choose what and what not to eat.

Food is so important to human existence, and because it is utilized many times each day, it has a major affect on the body. However, most people do not realize the power of foods.

Water, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are the basic building blocks of a good diet. By choosing the healthiest forms of each of these nutrients, and eating them in the proper balance, you enable your body to function at its optimal level.

Eating The Proper Fats

Reducing fat in the diet is an important component of breast health. Foods with a high proportion of calories from fat should be eliminated or limited in the diet; these include red meat high in fat content, poultry with skin, dark poultry meat, fried foods, butter, margarine, cheese, milk (except skim milk), junk foods, and most processed foods. Vegetable oils should also be restricted.

Good fats can help reduce the risk of cancer. The good fats include Borage oil, evening primerose oil, (which both contain GLA - gamma linolenic acid) flax oil, (which is rich in ALA - alpha linolenic acid) shark oil and olive oil. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, which have been associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer is ideal. A new study finds that derivatives from two omega-3 fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) significantly inhibited cell adhesion (15 to 30%) and migration (about 50%) and induced apoptosis (about 40%) in breast cancer cells

Controlling Estrogen Levels

Environmental estrogens are found in pesticides, plastics, and PCB's (chemical pollutants in the water, air, and soil). These forms of estrogen are thought to have a major influence on the excessive amounts of estrogen that are being found in both men and women. Poor diet, with too much refined carbohydrate and saturated animal fat and too little fiber is also responsible.

Eat more high fiber foods (except wheat bran) to prevent excess re-uptake of estrogen by the bowel. Organic food reduces your exposure to pesticides, antibiotics, and growth hormones. Too much fat tissue increases your body's ability to convert male hormones into estrogen. Stress also plays a major role in your liver and digestive system removing excess estrogen.

Symptoms in women: puffiness and bloating, water retention, rapid weight gain, breast tenderness, heavy bleeding, mood swings (anxiety, depression, weepiness), sleep problems, migraines, flushed face, low libido, foggy thinking, and high levels of copper in the system. Later, endometriosis, fibroids, gall bladder problems, poor blood sugar control, and hypothyroid conditions may arise.

Symptoms in men: hair loss, headaches, bloating, weight gain, prostate enlargement, irritability, and breast enlargement.

Solutions: low fat high fiber diet, live yogurt (encourage excretion of estrogen), eating cabbage-family veggies (cabbage, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and califlowier) increases the rate at which the liver converts estrogen into a water-soluble form that can be excreted, increase protein intake to improve estrogen metabolism in the liver, vitamin B6 reduces the effects of excess estrogen, more exercise, less stress, and lose weight. These cruciferous vegetables contain anti-cancer and detoxing abilities as well as Indole-3-carbinol, which may have anti-carcinogenic effects.

Fight Free Radicals

Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms. that have at least one unpaired electron, which makes them highly reactive. Free radicals promote beneficial oxidation that produces energy and kills bacterial invaders. However, in excess, they produce harmful oxidation or ?oxidative stress? that can damage cell membranes and cell contents. [2]. These free radicals cause inflammation.

In human beings, free radicals are the natural by-products of many processes within and among cells. Free radicals are created by exposure to various environmental factors, cigarette and tobacco smoke, air pollution, alcohol, drugs, radiation from televisions and computers, chemicals and a busy, stressful life.

These factors stimulate molecules in the body called transcription factors. The transcription factor is any protein required to initiate or regulate transcription; including both gene regulatory proteins as well as the general transcription factors. These chemical messengers signal DNA to start producing protein, which gives direction to the cells in our body. Transcription factors in the body are harmless, until they are activated by free radicals. Free radicals cause the transcription molecules to migrate to the center of the nucleus. Several transcription factors become pro-inflammatory due to free radicals and therefore accelerate the aging process.

NF-kB transcription factor complex is one of the cellular sensors, which responds to oxidative stress and regulates gene expression. NF-kB can increase the activity of genes responsible for inflammation. DNA binding activities of two other transcription factors, AP-1 and Sp-1 are seen as inflammatory agents when activated by free radicals. [3].

Other inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein, homocysteine, and fibrinogen show that these blood indicators of inflammation are strong predictive factors for determining who will suffer a heart attack. [4,5]. Seemingly unrelated diseases have a common link. People who have multiple degenerative disorders often exhibit excess levels of inflammatory markers in their blood. A growing consensus among scientists is that common disorders such as atherosclerosis, colon cancer, and Alzheimer's disease are all caused in part by a chronic inflammatory syndrome.

Antioxidants Are Necessary

More and more evidence is accumulating that indicates antioxidants improve long-term health by deferring or mitigating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Exercise-related research indicates that antioxidants such as vitamin E and selenium limit exercise-induced muscle damage; this, in turn, is believed to improve exercise recovery and possibly improve muscle growth potential. Of course, as vitamins C and E and selenium are among the most effective antioxidants, they and others are part of most multivitamin/mineral packs. However, here are some additional antioxidants you may want to consider taking, with the baseline supplementary daily intake.

Research suggests that combining antioxidants is more effective than consuming high doses of just one or two antioxidants. Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in a wide variety of antioxidants; the essential antioxidants may be better preserved in these foods. Herbal supplements like milk thistle, rosemary, ginkgo biloba, bilberry, butcher's broom and horse chestnut have high levels of potent antioxidants, although their effects on exercise have not yet been studied in humans.

Black and Green Tea

For years, studies have indicated that the antioxidants in green tea offer protection against diseases, including cancer, and even fight dental cavities. One of the most beneficial of these antioxidants is called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). According to the University of California Wellness Letter, Mar 2002, regular black tea is turning out to be just as healthful as green tea. The evidence for tea's health effects comes mainly from lab studies, though some human studies point to possible benefits in preventing heart disease and cancer. EGCG, inhibited an enzyme that cancer cells need in order to grow. The cancer cells that couldn't grow big enough to divide self-destructed. It would take about 4-10 cups of green tea a day to get the blood levels of EGCG that inhibited cancer in the study. Black tea also contains EGCG, but at lower concentrations.

Sugar and Inflammation

One of the reasons inflammation occurs is from a rapid rise in blood sugar, which causes biochemical changes in the cell. Staying away from sugar and high-glycemic (simple) carbohydrates, which the body rapidly converts to sugar, is one of the best ways to decrease inflammation. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a key factor of inflammation. In a major study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, people with elevated CRP levels were four and one-half times more likely to have a heart attack. Not only is elevated CRP more accurate than cholesterol in predicting heart attack risk, but high CRP levels have turned up in people with diabetes and pre-diabetes and in people who are overweight. [7, 8, 9, 10]

When blood sugar goes up rapidly, sugar can attach itself to collagen in a process called "glycosylation," or the Browning Reaction, increasing inflexible and inflammation. CRP is not found in foods. However, its levels in the body are strongly influenced by diet.

A recent study by Simin Liu, M.D., Ph.D., of the Harvard Medical School found that women who ate large amounts of high-glycemic (or diabetes promoting) carbohydrates, including potatoes, breakfast cereals, white bread, muffins, and white rice, had very high CRP levels. Women who ate a lot of these foods and were also overweight had the highest and most dangerous CRP levels. [11].

The body makes CRP from interleukin-6 (IL-6), a powerful inflammatory chemical. IL-6 is a key cell communication molecule, and it tells the body's immune system to go into asperity, releasing CRP and many other inflammation-causing substances. Being overwieght increases inflammation because adipose cells, particularly those around the midsection, make large amounts of IL-6 and CRP. As blood sugar levels increase, so do IL-6 and CRP. Both overweight and high blood sugar levels increase the risk of heart disease, very likely because of the undercurrent of inflammation. [10].

The best way to deal with cravings is to very carefully control blood sugar and insulin by staying away from the simple carbohydrates and eating more protein. In a few days, blood sugar will stabilize and cravings will go away. Good (complexed) carbohydrates, which are low on the glycemic index include: apples, apsaragus, beans, broccoli, blackberries, blueberries, cabbage, cantaloupe, citrus fruits, green beans, honeydew melon, kiwi, leafy greens, peaches, pears, plums, raspberries, spinach, strawberries.

Bad (simple) carbohydrates, which are high on the glycemic index include: bananas, breads, carrots, cereals processed with added sugar, corn, French fries, French toast, fruit juices, mangos, pancakes, papaya, pasta, peas, popcorn, white potatoes, white rice, sugar, waffles.

Dietary fats also influence inflammation. Most omega-6 fats, found in margarine and corn and safflower oils, are the basic building blocks of arachidonic acid and prostaglandin E2, two of several key inflammation-causing substances in the body. In contrast, omega-3 fats, found in fish, fish oils, and vegetables, have an inflammation-suppressing effect. [11]

Balance the Body's pH

It is important to keep the body as pH balanced as possible. Most people's diets tend to be more on the acidic side. Therefore, eating more alkaline forming foods (plant based) helps to maintain proper pH balance. Eat foods such as non citrus fruits and plenty of vegetables, some dairy such as cottage cheese and yogurt, organic skinless chicken, turkey or grass feed, lean beef and fish. Buy dried beans such as garbanzo beans and black beans, consider whole grains such as brown rice and oats, as well as a handful of healthy fats in nuts and seeds.

Add Healthy Seasonings

There are very beneficial herbs containing antioxidant, antimicrobal, and antifungal properties. Consider cinammon, ginger, curry powder, turmeric, onions, garlic and stevia.

Recipes: Refreshing Basil Ice Cream


Recipes: Refreshing Basil Ice Cream

This wonderful ice cream shows basil's versatility. A very flavorful, yet still sweet treat, this frozen dessert is perfect after a summer meal or anytime you want a delightful and different twist on nature's essence. Using fresh and dried basil, this wonderful ice cream shows basil's versatility. The addition of fresh berries makes a very colorful presentation.

Prep Time: 4 hours - Cook Time: 20 minutes - Total Time: 4 hours, 20 minutes

-Yield: Makes about 1 1/2 quarts

•2 cups whole milk
•1/2 cup plus 1/2 cup sugar
•1/2 cup packed fresh basil leaves
•2 teaspoons dried basil
•1/8 teaspoon salt
•4 large egg yolks
•2 cups whipping cream
•1 teaspoon vanilla


Combine the milk, 1/2 cup of the sugar, the fresh basil, dried basil, and salt in a medium, heavy saucepan. Scald the milk mixture over medium-high heat, stirring often, for 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and let steep for 1 hour.

Strain the milk mixture through a fine-mesh sleeve. Return the milk to a clean, medium, heavy saucepan. Scald the milk once again over medium-high heat, stirring often, for 5 minutes.

While the milk is scalding, whisk together the egg yolks in a medium mixing bowl. Add the remaining 1/2 cup of sugar and whisk until the eggs are light and fluffy. Whisking constantly, add a small amount of the hot milk to the egg mixture. Gradually whisk in the remaining hot milk.

Return the custard mixture to the pan and cook over medium-low heat, stirring often, until the custard is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon, about 5 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat and place in a bowl of ice water to quickly cool the custard. Let the custard cool, stirring often, for 5 minutes. While the custard is cooling, combine the cream and the vanilla in a medium bowl.

Stir in the custard mixture. Cover with plastic wrap and press the wrap directly onto the surface of the custard. Refrigerate until completely chilled, at least 4 hours or overnight. The custard may be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Freeze the chilled custard mixture in an ice-cream maker. Transfer the ice cream to an airtight container and freeze in the freezer for 2 to 4 hours before serving.

Herbal Remedies for Dermatitis and Hives (Uticaria)


Herbal Remedies for Dermatitis and Hives (Uticaria)

Dermatitis encompasses several skin disorders. Any skin inflammation may be considered dermatitis. Substances that irritate the skin, allergic reactions to drugs, detergents, and other chemicals are all culprits. Dermatitis can affect almost any area of the body. Redness, scaling, and thickening of the skin may occur. Pinpointing the cause of the problem is the first step toward alleviating the symptoms.

Dermatitis is not an age specific disorder and can appear on any one and can appear anywhere on the body, although as mentioned above, it is most often seen on legs, feet, arms and ears. There are often predispositions to this disorder. It is seen in heredity and can be traced through family history.

Dermatitis is divided into different classifications. Acute and chronic dermatitis are differentiated by a time period as well as symptoms. Acute dermatitis is seen with erythema and edema in papules, vesicles and sometimes large blisters. Chronic dermatitis is seen as lichenification, scaling and fissures. There is a thickening of the dermal layer. Contact dermatitis is another classification, which is skin irritation due to exogenous agents such as water and other fluids, abrasives such as cleaning products, chemicals such as acids and alkalis as well as solvents and detergents.

Urticaria, or hives, is the most frequently appearing dermatologic disorder in the clinic. It appears as raised, circumscribed areas of erythema and edema involving the dermis and epidermis that are very pruritic. Uticaria is an allergic reaction limited to the skin. It often results from: an allergy to certain foods; medications; insect stings or bites. Hives may appear as a symptom of some viral infections such as hepatitis, measles, and mononucleosis. Parasitic infections are common causes of urticaria in tropical climates. Non-infectious diseases are sometimes associated with urticaria, including lupus erythematosus, and hyper- and hypothyroidism. Some women develop urticaria during menstruation. Psychological factors may play a role in the etiology of chronic urticaria.

There is different etiology. One is allergic response from the interaction of antigen and antibody. Most urticaria especially acute urticaria is due to immune response. Second kind is due to histamine release. The third is factors cause blood vessel dilation. Fourth etiology is from irritation of blood vessel and inheritance. Allergic reaction is the most common reason for urticaria. Some biological, chemical and physiological factor can directly stimulate the release of histamine. Emotional stimuli, exercise can stimulate the release of histamine also. Urticaria can also be caused by lack of certain digestive enzymes. Some drugs, emotion, drinking alcohol can induce urticaria in sensitive people due to blood vessel dilation.

Urticaria may be acute (lasting less than 6 wk) or chronic (lasting more than 6 wk). Pathophysiology Urticaria results from the release of histamine, bradykinin, leukotriene C4, prostaglandin D2, and other vasoactive substances from mast cells and basophils in the dermis.

These substances cause extravasation of fluid into the dermis, leading to the urticarial lesion. The intense pruritus of urticaria is a result of histamine released into the dermis. Histamine is the ligand for 2 membrane-bound receptors, the H1 and H2 receptors that are present on many cell types. The activation of the H1 histamine receptors on endothelial and smooth muscle cells leads to increased capillary permeability. The activation of the H2 histamine receptors leads to arteriolar and venule vasodilation. This process is caused by several mechanisms. The type I allergic IgE response is initiated by 26 antigen-mediated IgE immune complexes that bind and cross-link Fc receptors on the surface of mast cells and basophils, thus causing degranulation with histamine release.

Causes include: Food, drugs, infection, insect bite, emotion, physical stimulation can all cause urticaria.

1. Food: Food is often the major causative factor in acute urticaria. Such as seafood, shell fish, chicken, eggs, tomato, strawberry, garlic.

2. Drugs: such as vaccine, aspirin, and insulin.

3. Inhaled particles: pollen, dust, and animal dander.

4. Infection: Bacterial infection such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, UTI, upper respiratory tract infection, prostitis, hepatitis, and parasite ovum.

5. Insect bite: insect sting often causes urticaria. Mite, tic often cause urticaria papulosa.

6. Physical factor: Cold, heat, sunshine, friction and pressure can cause immune or non-immune urticaria.

7. Hereditary: Urticaria patient often has family history of allergies.

Herbal Remedies for Dermatitis

Herbs that are beneficial for dermatitis (if you are not allergic to them) include burdock root, chamomile, cedarwood, dandelion, marigold, red clover, thyme, and verbena.

A study published in the British Medical Journal Lancet showed a significant improvement in eczema when patients took high doses of Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) in capsule form. There have been some reports that EPO can help in cases of atopic dermatitis. It takes a rather large number of these expensive capsules to produce results and it can take at least six months to see any results.

Flaxseed oil taken internally or applied externally often eases symptoms of eczema.

Aloe vera gel and Calendula lotion or cream can sooth irritated skin.

Take 500 milligrams of Black Currant Oil twice a day. Give children under 12 half that dose. This takes six to eight weeks to produce the desired effect.

Burdock Root - Helps to purify blood and restore the liver to aid in a restful sleep. Helps to reduce build up of toxins in the skin resulting in boils and other skin disorders. Helps gallbladder functions and stimulates the immune system.

Chamomile - Chamomile's medicinal properties range from skin inflammations to lightening hair to treating digestive problems. As a mild sedative, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial, it improves digestion by relaxing the muscles throughout the gastrointestinal system and it can induce an overall sense of calm and well-being.

Dandelion - is a leading remedy for detoxing the liver. It stimulates the flow of bile, a fluid that aids fat digestion, which is why it's used for liver and gallbladder disorders. Dandelion has scientifically documented potent diuretic properties. It relieves constipation and eases bloating and swelling. Dandelion should be used for 4 to 6 weeks at a time. For it's liver benefits dandelion is helpful for skin disorders.

Red Clover - is an herb suggested for chronic conditions affecting the skin. It is a diuretic, but it's unknown exactly how it works for skin conditions. Use nonfermented red clover which is safe. Red clover contains a substance called genistein, which has anticancer properties.

Thyme Leaf - The pungent oils found in Thyme are an effective anti microbial in the treatment of respiratory infections. When taking Thyme, people often note tasting it on their breath as the oils permeate through the respiratory system to reduce the proliferation of viruses during infections. It also warms the digestion and reduces metabolic congestion, aiding to clear the body of conditions for infection.

Aloe vera looks like a cactus with soft leaves. The fluid contained in the leaves has been used for centuries to treat burns and minor wounds. Today, aloe gel is used frequently as an ingredient in cosmetics, creams, ointments and suntan lotions. A study published in 1996 in Tropical Medicine and International Health found that aloe vera was very effective in the treatment of psoriasis. By the end of the 16-week study, a cream with aloe vera extract caused a significant clearing of psoriasis in 25 of 30 patients, compared to two out of 30 with the placebo. However, a study published in May 2005 in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology found that the effect of commercial aloe vera gel on stable plaque psoriasis was modest and not much better than placebo.

Apple cider vinegar and many different types of vinegar (derived from dates, figs, etc.) have been used by many ancient cultures for medicinal purposes. Apple cider vinegar has been used throughout the years as a disinfectant or soothing agent. The Psoriasis Foundation hears from people who apply apple cider vinegar to their skin as a treatment for psoriasis. People add it to the bath, mix it with a moisturizer, soak fingernails and toenails in it, and apply it directly to the skin with cotton balls or pads.

Capsaicin, a natural ingredient found in cayenne peppers, has been shown in some studies to work on redness, scaling and itching of the skin. Researchers have shown that capsaicin interrupts the action of substance P, (a molecule which affects how the brain recognizes pain and itch sensations) at the nerve ending. In two separate studies with psoriasis patients, 0.025% capsaicin cream used topically was effective in decreasing scaling and redness. The main side effect was a short-lived burning sensation. Several studies indicate that topical capsaicin products can also help reduce joint pain associated with psoriatic arthritis. Capsaicin can cause a severe burning sensation if it comes in contact with the eyes, nasal passages or mucous membranes.

Emu oil is reported to be helpful for dermatitis suffers of all kinds, as this oil has a protective and softening effect on the skin. The exact mechanism by which emu oil works is not known.

Oats and oat extracts have been used for centuries as soothing topical agents. Oat plant derivatives have been used to manage dry, itchy skin conditions. Many bath products include colloidal oatmeal as the active ingredient. You can make your own oatmeal bath. Combine one cup oats, one quarter cup dried milk and two tablespoons apricot kernel oil. Pulverize the oats and dry milk in a food processor or blender. Gradually mix in the oil. Place the mixture in a cotton bag, sock or handkerchief and put in the tub while filling. To release the preparation, squeeze while soaking in the bath.