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  Good Morning,  Nutrition and Hormonal Balance As an acupuncturist in the area of fertility, I realize tha...

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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Anti-Aging Enemies---


Anti-Aging Enemies

1. Sugar: One of the reasons inflammation occurs is from a rapid rise in blood sugar, which causes biochemical changes in the cell. When blood sugar goes up rapidly, sugar can attach itself to collagen in a process called "glycosylation," or the Browning Reaction, increasing inflexible and inflammation. CRP is not found in foods. However, its levels in the body are strongly influenced by diet. The body makes CRP from interleukin-6 (IL-6), a powerful inflammatory chemical. IL-6 is a key cell communication molecule, and it tells the body's immune system to go into asperity, releasing CRP and many other inflammation-causing substances.

2. Simple Carbohydrates: Staying away from sugar and high-glycemic (simple) carbohydrates, which the body rapidly converts to sugar, is one of the best ways to decrease inflammation. C-reactive protein (CPR) is a key factor of inflammation.

In a major study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, people with elevated CRP levels were four and one-half times more likely to have a heart attack. Not only is elevated CRP more accurate than cholesterol in predicting heart attack risk, but high CRP levels have turned up in people with diabetes and pre-diabetes and in people who are overweight.

A recent study by Simin Liu, M.D., Ph.D., of the Harvard Medical School found that women who ate large amounts of high-glycemic (or diabetes promoting) carbohydrates, including potatoes, breakfast cereals, white bread, muffins, and white rice, had very high CRP levels. Women who ate a lot of these foods and were also overweight had the highest and most dangerous CRP levels.

3. Saturated Fats : are found primarily in animal products, including dairy items, such as whole milk, cream, and cheese, and fatty meats like beef, veal, lamb, pork, and ham. The fat marbling you can see in beef and pork is composed of saturated fat. Some vegetable products including coconut oil, palm kernel oil, and vegetable shortening-are also high in saturates.The liver uses saturated fats to manufacture cholesterol. Therefore, excessive dietary intake of saturated fats can significantly raise the blood cholesterol level, especially the level of low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), or "bad cholesterol. " Guidelines issued by the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP), and widely supported by most experts, recommend that the daily intake of saturated fats be kept below 10 percent of total caloric intake. However, for people who have severe problems with high blood cholesterol, even that level may be too high.

4. Excess Sun Exposure : Exposure of up to 20 minutes in the sun is imperative for Vitamin D activation. It is the sun that is so important in cases of Seasonal Affective Disorder . BUT, excess sun exposure without a sunscreen of at least SPF of 15 can damage the skin by starting the inflammation process. Scientists agree that one of the most significant factors contributing to aging is chronic inflammation. [1]. This inflammation process is due to an excess of free radicals which produce harmful oxidation or "oxidative stress" that can damage cell membranes and cell contents. [2]. These free radicals cause inflammation.

5. Hypertension : The main factor in most cases of high blood pressure is an increase in resistance to blood flow. This can occur if the diameter of your arterioles becomes smaller. Your heart has to work harder to pump the same amount of blood, and the pressure at which the blood is pumped increases. Sympathetic tone is constantly too high, arteries are constantly constricted, and blood pressure remains elevated to levels that can eventually damage the heart and arteries, kidneys, and other organs. Because the sympathetic nervous system deals with fear and uses adrenalin and nonadrenalin as its chemical messengers, it is not surprising that anxiety is a factor in essential hypertension.

6. Alcohol : Alcohol stimulates the inflammatory process within the body. Drink only in moderation.

7. Sedentary Lifestyle : To build and maintain muscle strength and bone mass, start (or continue) a regular program of weight-bearing exercise, such as walking or weight training. A cardiovascular workout is imperative in order to maintain wieght and oxygenation of red blood cells. Maintain a healthy weight for your age and sex. (See guidelines for men and women).

8. Smoking : If you smoke, stop. Nothing you can take as a supplement can counter-act the negative effects of smoking on your health and longevity. Stopping the habit can! Tobacco, in the form of cigarettes, is the most addictive drug in the world. Nicotine is one of the strongest stimulants known, and smoking is one of the most efficient drug-delivery systems. Smoking actually puts drugs into the brain more directly than intravenous injection. It is true that one of the "benefits" of smoking is the brief relief of internal tension; unfortunately, within 20 minutes the tension is back stronger than before, demanding another fix. Learn to STOP Smoking NOW!

9. Excessive Stress : Stress can kill you. It is the underlying factor which can undermined any one suffering from an illness, fear, or just plain insecurity. The mind and body altercation brought on by our own self affliction. Anxiety is a vague, uncomfortable feeling of fear, dread or danger from an unknown source. For some it may be a one time episode. Other become constantly anxious about everything. A certain amount of anxiety is normal and helps improve our performance and allows people to avoid dangerous situations.

10. High Cholesterol : Too much cholesterol in the blood is what creates a problem. A risk factor for both heart attack and stroke, high blood cholesterol increases the chance of plaque or blockages developing in arteries. Lowering blood cholesterol can slow or stop the buildup of plaque. While your risk of cardiovascular disease depends on many factors, from genetics to lifestyle habits, keeping your blood cholesterol levels within ideal ranges can greatly lower your risk.

Dental Care - 6 Tips to Manage Acid Erosion


What we eat fuels every cell in our bodies, including our teeth and
gums. Therefore, it is not a shock when dentists tell their patients
that their nutrition is important to their oral health. However, what
does surprise people is that even healthy foods, like some fruits and
most fruit juices contain acids that dissolve away the enamel of their

Enamel is the hard surface of your teeth that protects the inner pulp
and nerve. In fact, it is actually the strongest substance in the human
body. When enamel is weakened due to acid, your teeth are more prone to
cavities and decay. Unfortunately, once a tooth begins to lose enamel,
it is not able to be replaced. It is gone. Therefore, in order to ensure
good oral (and overall) health, it is important that people are educated
on how to properly manage acid erosion. Below are six tips to help
manage this problem. 

Discovering Digestive Health: Top Herbs


Good Morning!

Discovering Digestive Health: Top Herbs

Our digestive system is one large system, with a lot of opportunity for things to go wrong along the way! The two major causes of almost every gastrointestinal disorder is diet and stress! Eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly and quitting smoking if you smoke, can help protect against practically every digestive disorder as well as, heart disease, osteoporosis and some types of cancer.

Herbal medicine is a wonderful preventative solution. Complications can arise when taking herbal medicine and allopathic drugs your doctor has prescribed. Great caution should be used especially if you are on blood thinners, diuretics or any other heart related medication. Consult your doctor with any questions you may have, before taking additional herbs or supplements. Here are a list of my top 10 favorite herbs for digestive issues:

1. Cardamom, warms up the digestive tract, speed up and increase the thoroughness of digestion, and reduce gas.

2. Cinnamon Cassia: In Ayurveda, this warming spice reduces vata and kapha and is traditionally used in cold formulas, regulates blood sugar and is used for strengthening digestion. Cinnamon is a useful remedy for sluggish digestion. The German Commission E recommends it for loss of appetite, dyspeptic complaints, bloating and flatulence.

3. Fennel Seed: Foeniculum vulgare is a common spice that is traditionally used to improve digestion and absorption without increasing pitta. The seeds are also chewed after meals to freshen the breath and alleviate gas.

4. Flaxseed Oil is an edible oil derived from the seeds of the Flax plant (Linum usitatissimum) and is one of the best plant sources of the Omega-3 fatty acid Alpha-Linolenic Acid available. Naturally occurring constituents in Flaxseed Oil may help to balance the production of prostaglandins and support cardiovascular and bowel health.

5. Ginger Root: In Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda it is used as a general panacea that is especially useful for digestive and respiratory complaints. Also dispels nausea and acts as a diaphoretic. Ginger is a time-tested digestive remedy for stomach upset. European practitioners also use ginger in tea for indigestion. It reduces spasms and increases the secretion of digestive juices, including bile and saliva. Ginger contains ingredients that soothe the gut and aid digestion by increasing peristalsis that moves food through the intestine. Use 1 teaspoon of the chopped root brewed as tea, three times a day.

6. Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) guards digestive mucous membranes by increasing the production of mucin, a secretion that protects gut linings against stomach acid and other digestive juices. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice root (DGL) removes the glycyrrhizic acid (the ingredient in licorice root associated with the possibility of increasing blood pressure and water retention). The soothing part of the root, however, remains intact in DGL. Use 1 teaspoon of the chopped herb brewed as tea, three times a day, or 1 to 2 chewable wafers of DGL (250 to 500 mg) 15 minutes before meals and one to two hours before bedtime.

7. Parsley Leaf: Natural diuretic, parsley helps eliminate wastes and lessen water retention, which can aid in weight loss. Its high enzyme content improves digestion of proteins and fats and absorption of nutrients. Parsley is a natural breath freshener.

8. Peppermint: is a well-known digestive herb for easing tummy troubles. Enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules work well to prevent dyspepsia. Peppermint oil is a relaxant for the muscles of the intestinal wall. The essential oil can be massaged over the belly to relieve spasms. Take 1 teaspoon the liquid tincture or the dried leaf, brewed as tea, three times a day, or 0.2 to 0.4 ml of an enteric-coated capsule three times a day.

9. Triphala: This formula cleanses the entire GI tract, supporting digestion and gently maintaining regulartity. Considered in Ayurveda to be general panacea for all doshas, it is also used to support weight management, improve the complexion and strengthen the urinary tract.

10. Turmeric: A traditional Indian cooking spice that improves digestion and purifies the blood. Believed to act as a natural antibiotic and antiseptic.