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  Good Morning,  Nutrition and Hormonal Balance As an acupuncturist in the area of fertility, I realize tha...

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Re: An end to asthma


Peace Be Unto You:

This is very awe inspiring and important.  I too in the past suffered from asthma. I
sometimes might have bouts with bronchitis or upper respiratory infections.   I am
a type  2 diabetic.  I only work with that which is natural. I am not on any medications
at this time.
I am in a family of allergy sufferers and have made drastic changes to keep a
very clean environment around and in our home. Any suggestion??? What
about the use of E-friendly cleaning, household, etc.. products? Have you
or anyone had good experiences? I have a grandchild who has eczema and
I constantly am searching for ways to help him. Any suggestions? My grandson
started a twitching sensation with his arms and legs and has to get his brainwaves
checked around the first of March.  I am concerned that some of those allergy
medications that he has been on might have given him these unwanted side effects.
I could be wrong. I am hoping for the best.



From: peterthoatson petecito88@gmail.com>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2013 7:02 AM
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] An end to asthma

Hi all,

I felt inspired to share my story of ending asthma. I came across this site inadvertently and got very excited to see so many members exploring ways that work for them and to discuss their stories here. It is my hope that many, many people get to benefit from what I have learned and experienced.

I've had asthma since I was a kid and have only just become med-free at the age of 45. I began to explore more 'successful' ways to return to a life of unrestricted breathing around 15 years ago beginning with nutrition. What works for some people won't necessarily work for everyone. I learned that after reading In the book Eat Right 4 Your Type that meat, for example, is beneficial for blood type O (50% of western populations), the caveman diet. Blood type As, however, are the opposite and do well with 'modern' foods like dairy and grains. I first experimented with the recommendations (I'm an O) and went on to play my own game where I would adopt whatever food made me feel energised, light and vital. This, I learned later in life, is just another way to live how you're supposed to live and when you do all health problems will gradually evaporate. I'm of the opinion that the body is continually striving to heal itself and will do so if only you can get
any offending irritants out of the way.
A general rule of thumb is to avoid any acidifying foods and adopt alkalising ones but it's not that straightforward. Lemons are acidic, right? But they have an alkalising effect on Os and are very powerful. Raw vegetables, such as broccoli, are the nirvana in health foods but Os don't have the enzymes to break down some raw foods and do better when they're cooked. Again, what works best for you. Your body will tell you what works best.

I had some success with this approach and moved on to removing as many chemicals from my home as possible. I live in a warm country so there is no carpet and even though laundry liquid, dish washing powder and food are all more expensive if you go chemical-free, it's worth it in my opinion. By now I was off the steroids, except for emergencies, and just took the ventolin generally before sleeping.

I learned about the oxygen and carbon dioxide mix in the blood studying Buteyko and it's not a simple case of more oxygen in, more oxygen absorbed. I've seen children in hospital wards being fed gallons of ventolin and oxygen and nurses wondering why the oxygen saturation levels (sats) weren't going up. It was painful to watch when i knew this wasn't the right approach. The body simply normalises the O2/CO2 mix when you adopt good breathing practices. It was a good lesson in the role carbon dioxide plays although the 'breathe in just a tiny bit' approach didn't sit well with me. I learned some good posture techniques from a Buteyko consultant, however, to simply take the strain off the breathing column. For sleeping, to alleviate symptoms, lay on your side and extend the breathing column, essentially the whole spine, and keep it straight. You can bow your head and bring your knees up if that's more comfortable but try not to collapse the chest. You can't
always maintain that position especially if you squirm about in bed but be conscious of whenever you hunch your chest in bed because that is heading in the wrong direction.

I then learned diaphragmatic breathing and how you breathe in, through the nose, from the belly and not the chest. Breathing in through the nose, in addition to the well-known myriad benefits, stimulates the production of nitrous oxide, a muscle relaxant critical for smooth lung function. I theorise that mouth breathing is behind many cases of some forms of heart disease where the heart muscle is hardened and performs sub-optimally as a result. Worth investigating, but I digress!
In diaphragmatic breathing it's not quite the belly you are engaging to breathe but the diaphragm, a muscle, where the belly is. So, move the muscle out, not just the belly fat out, when breathing in. I found that the more I breathed out, using the diaphragm and sucking the belly right in, the more my breathing would improve. If I had a cold, which tends to exacerbate symptoms, the first thing to improve would be the clearing of a blocked nose. I also noticed that adopting improved breathing practices also accelerated the curing of a cold! (It's all related) As I improved I noticed how I didn't need to breathe in as much (the Buteyko approach) and the more I tried to breathe out and visualise my breathing lower and lower in the breathing column as far as the pelvic floor, the better my breathing became. Along the way I would start coughing. Coughing is always a good sign in an asthmatic because it signifies stuff is wanting to shift. The prior state in
recovery is wheezing and rattling where it's clear there is mucous lodged but not coming out and the worst state is simply tightness with no sign of improvement. So, celebrate any coughing you do and smile sweetly at any anxious onlookers who want to give you medicine to dry up your cough! Once the mucous is dislodged you're looking at peaceful breathing at 4-5 cycles a minute ... sweet!
The sad thing about ventolin I've come to experience is that it makes you breathe more rapidly and from the chest. It makes it tricky to resume the calm, diaphragmatic breathing, and you'll resume symptoms once the drug has worn off I'd you can't get back to that improved way of breathing. A cruel irony!

I learned yoga, primarily for the muscle building, but realised there are some good postures to adopt to shift any mucous plugs. Anything that opens up the chest is a bonus and any activity that has you hunched, for example over a computer, is detrimental.

The best explanation as to why people get asthma attacks, at least my form of asthma, is that if you're a mouth breather then the body attempts to conserve the loss of moisture, which is needed for smooth bronchi and proper organ function, via vapour from the mouth. This is the source of exercise-induced asthma and the body then forms mucous plugs to keep the bronchi smooth. Your natural instinct is to simply stop what you're doing and relax. In any kind of 'disease' it helps to try and understand what the body is trying to make you do as a consequence, or prevents you from doing that you want to do, in order to understand where you're going wrong, the metaphysical view.

So, what to do when you feel an attack coming on? I check my posture. Am I hunched over like I have been almost my entire life, collapsing the chest? Open it up, sit up straight (I find the yoga lotus position effective and practical if I want to do laptop work on the sofa) and review your breathing. I've found the following works well for me and can return to good breathing in under 15 minutes.
Breathe in as much as you want and forget the Buteyko method that forbids big breaths in. If you want to breathe in gulps of air then just do it! Once satisfied, breathe out, using the diaphragm and pulling the stomach in, for as long as possible before breathing in again. The first few times it won't be a very long time but don't beat yourself up about it. Repeat the exercise and know that it will get easier. The goal is to breathe out as much as possible each time and notice how you don't need to breathe in as much each time. Before long your breathing will normalise. Follow these practices, be aware of what triggers symptoms, keep up your good work and before long you will have developed sound habits and will have forgotten where your meds are!

I truly hope this has been of value to you and welcome any questions or anything I can do to help more.


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Re: Re: The Primary Functions of CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10)


Good Morning:

Thanks for this vital information. I am a type 2 Diabetic and I have found that magnesium is
beneficial to such numbness.

Thanks also for the information regarding CoQ10 as well...


From: Rita Childers rchilders36@yahoo.com>
To: "AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com" AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: The Primary Functions of CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10)

A big THANK YOU and many more for the responses re/the muscle cramping!
We do have a great site here and loads of wonderful people!

> From: europanz mailto:upulagi%40yahoo.com>
>To: mailto:AlternativeAnswers%40yahoogroups.com
>Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 10:45 PM
>Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: The Primary Functions of CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10)

>Sounds like you have a lack of magnesium. That what would cause all the cramps.. take magnesium. %85 of the worlds population is short of magnesium
>--- In mailto:AlternativeAnswers%40yahoogroups.com, Rita Childers wrote:
>> Sir, I do hope you can help with my problems. I have numb legs during night time sleep, once I get up and have coffee etc. they are fine , no pain...also I have muscle cramping in all muscles of my body...awake or asleep. I am 82 yrs old and my health is fair, I have bouts of asthma,,pulse a bit rapid pulse, had "graves disease" 30 yrs or more , was taken care of with a "radioactive capsule," slightly high blood pressure, Dr. has me on 1 bp pill a day.
>> When my husband passed away in 2007 Dr. put me on effxor 150, klonopin ,which helps me sleep .I fell 2 yrs ago and tore all the way thru., my left rotator cup...part of right one..I function fine if I am careful.
>> I realize this is really a lot to ask,but I do have complete confidence in what you have written and really enjoy the website with all the naturals" and info.
>> Hopefully in advance" a huge THANK YOU and GOD BLESS.
>> Rita L. Childers
>> >________________________________
>> > From: Andrew Pacholyk
>> >To: mailto:AlternativeAnswers%40yahoogroups.com
>> >Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 5:19 AM
>> >Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] The Primary Functions of CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10)
>> >
>> >
>> > 
>> >Good Morning!
>> >
>> >The Primary Functions of CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10)
>> >
>> >CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) is a vitamin-like compound also called ubiquinone. It is an essential component of cells and is utilized by the mitochondria in the normal process of energy production. It helps convert food into energy at a cellular level. Coenzyme Q10 acts as an antioxidant, much like vitamins C and E, helping to neutralize the cell-damaging molecules known as free radicals. CoQ10 is one in a series of ubiquinones, naturally occurring compounds produced in nearly every cell of the body, and was discovered as recently as 1957.
>> >
>> >The primary function of CoQ10 is as a catalyst for metabolism. Acting in conjunction with enzymes, the compound speeds up the vital metabolic process, providing the energy that the cells need to digest food, heal wounds, maintain healthy muscles, and perform other bodily functions. It is especially abundant in the energy-intensive cells of the heart, helping this organ beat more than 100,000 times each day. [38,40].
>> >
>> >CoQ10 may play a role in preventing cancer, heart attacks, and other diseases linked to free-radical damage. It's also used as a general energy enhancer and anti-aging supplement. Because levels of the compound diminish with age (and with certain diseases), some doctors recommend daily supplementation beginning about age 40. CoQ10 has generated much excitement as a possible therapy for heart disease, especially congestive heart failure or a weakened heart. [39].
>> >
>> >In some studies, patients with a poorly functioning heart have been found to improve greatly after adding the supplement to their conventional drugs and therapies. [35, 36] Other studies have shown that people with cardiovascular disease have low levels of this substance in their heart. [38,39,40].
>> >
>> >Further research suggest that CoQ10 may protect against blood clots, lower high blood pressure, diminish irregular heartbeats, treat mitral valve prolapse, lessen symptoms of Raynaud's disease and relieve chest pains (angina). [40, 41, 42]
>> >
>> >CoQ10 also appears to aid healing and reduce pain and bleeding in those with gum disease, and speed recovery following oral surgery. [43] CoQ10 shows some promise against Parkinson's [44] and Alzheimer's Diseases [45] and fibromyalgia. [46].
>> >
>> >For daily supplementation, the dosage range is from 30 - 100 mg, with the most common dosage at 30 mg. It takes up to eight weeks to see results with CoQ10.
>> >
>> >INTERACTIONS:Certain medications may have beneficial or harmful interactions with coenzyme Q10:
>> >
>> >- Atorvastatin (Depletion or interference)
>> >- Doxorubicin (Side effect reduction/prevention)
>> >- Fluvastatin (Depletion or interference)
>> >- Gemfibrozil (Depletion or interference *)
>> >- Lovastatin (Depletion or interference)
>> >- Perphenazine (Side effect reduction/prevention *)
>> >- Pravastatin (Depletion or interference)
>> >- Propranolol (Depletion or interference *)
>> >- Simvastatin (Depletion or interference)
>> >-Thioridazine (Side effect reduction/prevention)
>> >- Timolol (Side effect reduction/prevention)
>> >- Tricyclic Antidepressants (Depletion or interference *)
>> >- Warfarin (Reduced drug absorption/bioavailability)
>> >
>> >The use of Warfarin and coenzyme Q-10 together increases your risk of excessive bleeding. Coenzyme Q-10 may reduce the effectiveness of some chemotherapy. Some drugs, such as those used to lower cholesterol (lovastatin, pravastatin, simvastatin), blood sugar (glyburide, tolazamide) and blood pressure (beta blockers such as Inderal, Lopressor), can alter coenzyme Q-10's effectiveness. Also, people with diabetes should be aware that coenzyme Q-10 may decrease their need for insulin.
>> >
>> >Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
>> >http://www.peacefulmind.com/anti-aging.htm
>> >Therapies for healing
>> >mind, body, spirit
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: Recipe: For Daily Circulation


Good Morning:

Thank you for the extremely helpful information.  I have to stand on my
feet quite a bit and magnesium along with othere natural things has been
a great help.  In the past, I suffered form inflammation but currently
have to deal with standing on a concrete floor for several hours a day.
Any suggestions on the type of shoes with support that would be most
helpful for me?


From: "Boonight@aol.com" Boonight@aol.com>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 7:37 PM
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Recipe: For Daily Circulation

Many people relieve there leg cramps with a combination of Magnesium and
Potassium. Also to help your bad circulation. You need more Vitamin E, B &
C. Get a good brand natural multivitamin. Spices that helps circulation
hot pepper, turmeric, cayenne, curry, ginger, rosemary, horseradish, garlic.

A daily circulation recipe: 1 tbsp. of organic apple cider vinegar, 1
tbsp. of unsulphured blackstrap molasses, and add a pinch of cayenne in a glass
of spring water.

Virgin Coconut oil helps circulation, the heart and many other health

Fruits and vegetables of any kind are good for your health, particularly
oranges, which provide high levels of bioflavonoids to promote blood flow
while also strengthening capillaries, as well as watermelon, a natural source
of lycopene, which has been known to help prevent plaque buildup, a common
hindrance to blood flow, to help promote healthy circulation. Nuts are
rich in vitamin B3, which helps boost the blood. Garlic also helps promote
circulation. Cold water fish Exercise and drink plenty of pure water.
Avoid saturated and trans fats, as well as sugar, sodas, salt, fast
foods, processed foods - refined chemical foods, foods high in fat, potatoes,
pasta, white white flour,caffeine based drinks, alcohol


In mailto:AlternativeAnswers%40yahoogroups.com, Rita Childers
> Sir, I do hope you can help with my problems. I have numb legs during
night time sleep, once I get up and have coffee etc. they are fine , no
pain...also I have muscle cramping in all muscles of my body...awake or asleep.
I am 82 yrs old and my health is fair, I have bouts of asthma,,pulse a bit
rapid pulse, had "graves disease" 30 yrs or more , was taken care of with a
"radioactive capsule," slightly high blood pressure, Dr. has me on 1 bp
pill a day.
> When my husband passed away in 2007 Dr. put me on effxor 150, klonopin
,which helps me sleep .I fell 2 yrs ago and tore all the way thru., my left
rotator cup...part of right one..I function fine if I am careful.
> I realize this is really a lot to ask,but I do have complete confidence
in what you have written and really enjoy the website with all the
naturals" and info.
> Hopefully in advance" a huge THANK YOU and GOD BLESS.
> Rita L. Childers

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
