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Thursday, March 29, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Exploring Spiritism: Sleep & Dreams, 3/29/2012, 7:00 pm

Reminder from:   AlternativeAnswers Yahoo! Group
Title:   Exploring Spiritism: Sleep & Dreams
Date:   Thursday March 29, 2012
Time:   7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location:   The Caritas Spiritist Center, 5723 Arapahoe Ave., #1A, Boulder, CO
Notes:   Exploring Spiritism:
Sleep & Dreams

Thursday, March 29, 7 - 9 pm
Free! All Welcome!
This weekly gathering is an in-depth exploration of Spiritist thought regarding metaphysics, cosmology, consciousness, and spirituality. Includes teachings on paranormal faculties and occurrences, the afterlife, and the world of spirits that surrounds and interpenetrates our own.
This week will be the first in a series of gatherings. Come to one or come to all! We'll discuss what happens when we dream, including:
• symbology and archetypes as the universal dream language,
• visitations by deceased people,
• internally and externally generated imagery and themes.
Cleansing passes administered following program.

At The Caritas Spiritist Center
5723 Arapahoe Ave., #1A, Boulder, CO 80303
303-449-3066 * www.CaritasSpiritistCenter.org
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Ginkgo biloba Medicinal Uses


Ginkgo biloba Medicinal Uses:

Ginkgo Biloba trees are supposed to be originated from Japan and China,
and the leaves are used in traditional medicine by Chinese Herbal
Medicos for the treatment of various health ailments, as herbal remedy.
Ginkgo biloba trees are grown and found in other parts of the world and
especially South Carolina is supposed to have the largest plantation of
Ginkgo biloba trees. These trees are very ancient and grow to the height
of nearly thirty meters. Ginkgo biloba tree is otherwise called as
maidenhair tree and its leaves are only used for medicinal purpose, and
the fruits and nuts of the tree are not used for the same.

Ginkgo biloba leaves mainly comprise of flavanoids such as ginkgolides,
glycosides, bilobalides, and terpenoids, which actually posses curative
properties to heal the various health ailments. Ginkgo nuts comprise
only three percent of fats, and enriched with niacin, proteins and
carbohydrates, and consists the chemical substances like ginnol, and
ginkgolic acid, which posses antibacterial and antifungal and fungal
properties and used to treat the same. Ginkgo biloba leaves contain
almost 25% to 30% flavanoids and 5% to 12% terpenoids. Ginkgo biloba
leaves extracts are available in the market in the form of tablets,
capsules and extracts (GBE). Dried ginkgo leaves are used for the
preparation of ginkgo tea.

Ginkgo biloba medicinal uses; as these leaves contain flavanoids like
bilobalides and ginkgolides, which improves the blood circulation and
helps to increase oxygen supply through blood vessels to the nervous
system and brain. It also improves the function of vascular system,
thereby used to treat erectile dysfunction, and also prevents memory
loss or dementia, and prevents Alzheimer's disease. The glycosides
found in ginkgo biloba extracts, with its antioxidant properties, clears
of free scavenging oxygen radicals, thereby improving cardiovascular and
heart health, preventing CAD disorders, heart strokes.

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[AlternativeAnswers] The Science of Synchronized Prayer


The Science of Synchronized Prayer

with Claude Swanson, Ph.D.

Friday, April 27, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Let us avert war and heal the world through Global Peace Prayer.
The power of prayer has been known for thousands of years. Recent
scientific experiments have proven that when people pray together at the
same time, it has even more impact. Science has also discovered there is
a special time of day when we are most receptive to spiritual and
intuitive messages. Prayers received at this time are likely to have the
greatest effect. Fifteen or twenty minutes of concentrated prayer every
day at this time can work miracles.

The Princeton PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) Lab, the
Global Consciousness Project and other research institutions have
discovered that consciousness affects physics and can be measured. The
human mind and human intention alter the behavior of devices called
"random event generators," or REGs. They measure the power of
human intention to affect distant events. In scientific studies on
prayer, it has been found that when many people pray together the effect
is larger.

New Global Prayer Protocol

We humans are at a turning point. Are we able to handle our technology
to make our lives better and to spread wealth and opportunity to all? Or
do we have a streak of violence, hatred, and greed which will doom us to
bring about the destruction of this beautiful world?

Come learn about the science of prayer and how we can best use it to
improve our global peace.

$15; Caritas Members $10

at The Caritas Spiritist Center, 5723 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder

Call 303-449-3066 or Register at www.CaritasSpiritistCenter.org

Dr. Claude Swanson was educated as a physicist at MIT and Princeton
University. During those years he worked at the MIT Science Teaching
Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory and a Virginia cyclotron. At
Princeton he received the National Science Foundation Fellowship and
Putnam Fellowship. His Ph.D. thesis at Princeton was done in the
"Gravity Group," which focuses on experimental cosmology and astronomy,
and was headed by Nobel laureate Robert Dicke.

Swanson conducted postgraduate work at Princeton and Cornell
Universities on the design of superconducting plasma containment vessels
for fusion energy systems. He then began work for Aeronautical Research
Associates of Princeton, a consulting company, and later formed his own
consulting company which carried out studies in applied physics for
commercial and governmental agencies, including DuPont, United
Technologies, the U.S. Army and Navy, DARPA and the CIA, among many

For the last seventeen years, interspersed with his conventional
professional career in applied physics, Dr. Swanson has pursued
investigations into "unconventional physics." His principal interest has
been unified field theory, the so-called "Theory of Everything" which
could explain the universe at the deepest possible level. This has led
him to investigate many aspects of the paranormal, which appear to be
completely real phenomena that violate our present science. Paranormal
phenomena, which have now been proven in the laboratory in many cases,
offer a window into the deeper universe, the mysteries of consciousness,
and unlock new forces and principles which conventional science has only
begun to glimpse.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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