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Saturday, January 28, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Dr Bate's Weekly Newsletter - 1/28 - Vaccines Kill More Than Cure


*Vaccines kill as many people as the viruses do!*

It's true. The actual H1N1 (swine flue - modified with bird flu) didn't
kill as many people as did the vaccine used. In fact, today the vaccines
are much more dangerous than the diseases they supposedly prevent. These
are facts supported by actual figures. What makes it even more horrible is
that there is a simple, cheap, and more effective cure for viral diseases.
BUT, it doesn't make profit for Big Pharma, so it's fought against using
the FDA and phony testing/

In addition to killing many people, vaccines are a major cause of ADD to
autism, not to mention depression and other mental problems. Most contain
mercury or aluminum as a preservative, and mercury, lead, aluminum and
other toxic minerals kill or damage brain cells. Never let an infant get
more than one vaccine at any time. If you can, prevent all vaccines from
being given to your children.

If this is true, Why are we still using vaccines? Because Big Pharma makes
huge amounts of money by scaring the public (and the government) about the
HUGE dangers of any new virus - even one that was manufactured and let
loose on purpose.

*The Safe Cheap Alternate*

Here's a fact that most MD's don't even know. Vitamin C kills viruses - but
only if taken in sufficient amounts! Here's the real kicker! The only
thing that wildly overdosing on vitamin C causes is diarrhea - maybe not so
pleasant, but not dangerous like vaccines.

OK, so what are "correct amounts? That depends on several factors:

1. How long the "infection" has been working in your body - Virus cells
double every 20 minutes, so if you went to bed just sniffling - 8 hours
later, the original amount of virus would be billions of times as strong,
and you'd be feeling pretty lousy.

2. Individuality. What you inherited in infection fighting ability, and
what your body has learned during your lifetime of fighting infections.

3. What type of Vitamin C you take. Some types seem to kill virus better
than others.

Of these factors, by far the most important is the time involved. Doubling
in strength every 20 minutes is very quick, and small amounts that kill
less than half in an hour are virtually worthless. Big Pharma has used this
to "scientifically prove" in several "peer reviewed" Medical Journal pieces
that Vitamin C is not useful against viruses (colds, flu, etc). If the real
facts about vitamin C are known, then Big Pharma would lose billions in
cold and flu drugs that are not as effective. Money talks - truth may not!

The other two factors, while not as important, do influence how much you
need to start with, and how much you need to cut back to after you have had

If you just start to feel sniffles or raspy throat, a good start would be
2-4 grams (2000-4000 mg) every 15 minutes until you just start diarrhea.
(That's called "Bowel Tolerance", and it's the only side effect of any
consequence to taking Vitamin C - it's useful as it tells when you've
gotten enough a a bit more). At that point, cut back to 2 every two hours,
or just below the point of diarrhea for you. (Here's where the
individuality comes into the equation).

If no diarrhea within 1-2 hours, you're probably not getting enough, so
double your dose.

If you just woke up and you feel really bad, knowing you've got it
(whatever is going around), you realize that you should have taken C last
night, start with 4-5 grams every 15 minutes. At bowel tolerance cut back
to 2-4 every hour, or less if diarrhea persists. zzIn other words, use the
diarrhea as a dosage measurement of sorts.

If you really want all the facts about vaccines, there's a factual website
- http://www.shouldivaccinate.
As an agnostic, I would lie and refuse to get my child vaccinated on
"religious" grounds - most states allow that as the only refusal. Vaccines
are more dangerous than the disease today.
*Alkaline Water tested - Found Ineffedtive In one Case of Diabetes *

Over the past few weeks, I tested Kangen alkaline water. I got 4 gallons
from a friend, and took about 1/2 gallon of this alkaline water per day. I
also attended a meeting of over a dozen people who told amazing stories of
their "recovery" from serious illness by using this same water.

However, while my research showed that this water making was the most
expensive, it was also the best of its type so far. I had high hopes that
it would help me in my fight against diabetes.

This did not happen! In fact, I was surprised to find that both my insulin
need and my blood sugar (glucose) was higher during the time I was taking
this water. Approximately half again as high! So, I went back to my
"usual" daytime drink. Reverse Osmosis Water (slightly acidic as no
minerals or other toxins in it). I take a gallon of this water, juice 5
lemons, and add saccharine tablets (safest non calorie sweetener still).
Back down came my glucose levels and my insulin input.

I cannot be sure, but my theory at this point is that since I have been
using my Special NT therapy (http://drbate.com), combined with taking
vitamin C in 4000 mg per day, and using (more or less) this acidic lemonade
for some time now, and am (at 84 years old) much healthier than most men
in their 60's, that "switching" to alkaline water from acidic water for me
was going backward. Somehow, some way, my health "balance" was disrupted
by alkaline water.

This is my personal experience, and as such, not general. I have no doubts
that persons with serious health problems will be helped by alkaline
water. It's up to each individual.
*Digest of Health News This Week without much Advertising*
From Natural News:
Mayan calendar predictions for 2012 - the Health Ranger comments on the end
of the world


Pepsi is reportedly using aborted fetal cells in its soda flavoring


Having optimal levels of vitamin D in your blood can reduce your chance of
mortality (from ALL causes) by a whopping 30 percent:


support the upcoming GMO labeling campaign in California - this is a big


Why the huge spike in cases of thyroid cancer? Blame the fluoride, X-rays,
TSA scans and medical imaging:


New science confirms that chiropractic care prevents heart attacks and
lowers blood pressure!


Monsanto has declared "there is no value... in testing GM foods in humans,"
thereby admitting the company has absolutely no intention of conducting
safety tests of GMOs:


Watch out for formaldehyde in personal care products:


Health insurance company preys upon the poor with junk food reward program
for vaccinating your baby


Is your kid depressed? It might simply be a vitamin D deficiency:

From Dr Mercola:
Dangers of Feminine Hygiene Products that Every Woman Needs to Know


Dr. Oz Proves This Fruit Juice Can be Toxic


The Honey You Should Never Buy - It May Be Tainted with Lead and


Research From 100 Countries Proves This Strongly Protects Against Cancer


Simple Activity to Radically Decrease Breast Cancer Risk


213 Women Who Took This Suffered Permanent Disability

From Easy Health Options:
Using Hormones? What You Need to Know

From Alliance for Natural Health:
No Science for You!


New Proposal May Put the Nation's Food Safety at Even Greater Risk


Statin Drugs Shown to Increase Risk of Diabetes Significantly--Yet the
Media Scramble to Protect the Drugs' Reputation

From Newsmax -Health:
Top Health Benefits Found in the Bedroom


Don't Stop Taking Resveratrol, Says Top Doc

From Interactived Autism Network:
Aggression: A Challenge for Families of Children with ASD


Three Key Studies Shed Light on Autism Genetics


Phil Bate PhD - Orthomolecular Psychologist (30+ years)
Inventor of (at home) inexpensive Neuroliminal Therapy
NT Solves ADD-Autism, Depression, and much more
- drbate@bellsouth.net

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[AlternativeAnswers] Music Therapy: In The Footsteps Of Mozart


Good Evening!

In honor of Mozart's birthday, today, January 27, 1756

Music Therapy: In The Footsteps Of Mozart
by Andrew Pacholyk MS, L.Ac. (excerpt from Soul Satisfying Journeys)

This entire journey unfolded from two little pictures that were given to us over 15 years ago. The apartment we moved into was occupied by a woman for over 50 years. Upon her death, she had no family or friends left to leave her worldly possessions to. Before moving in, the superintendent asked us if we would be interested in some of her collectibles. So we inherited a beautiful marble table, an amazing bronze angel teetering on a marble pedestal and two little pictures, one of Beethoven and one of Mozart. We had also rediscovered the movie version of Amadeus and fell in love all over again with the music and locations in the movie (which were suppose to be Vienna, but was actually shot in Prague). Of course, Mozart had been in my life since I was 12, learning to play the piano and throughout my years as a classical dancer, but that little picture, made me start to look deeper at the man and his legendary status.

It then became a dream of mine to visit some of the places Mozart lived, worked and made his mark. This past year I made the dream a reality and booked a flight to Vienna. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is considered classical musics' wunderkind of all time! The celebrated composer was born in Salzburg on January 27, 1756 and this is where our journey began.

From Vienna, we boarded a train early in the morning to Salzburg. It was a beautiful day and the train took us through some spectacular countryside. Small towns with picture perfect houses and sacred little churches would appear over every knoll. The homes were adorn with colorful flowers spilling over their balconies. Lush green fields and sturdy pines stretched up toward the clear blue sky as the train delivered us into the city of Salzburg.

Salzburg sits on the banks of the Salzach River, at the northern boundary of the Alps. The mountains to Salzburg's south contrast with the rolling plains to the north. Salzburg's "Old Town", Altstadt, has internationally renowned baroque architecture and is one of the best-preserved city centers north of the Alps. Salzburg has a long musical tradition itself and it is where the sound of Mozart echoes round every corner. This pretty city is filled with music lovers from around the world who come to enjoy the Mozart Festival during Mozart Week, which is organized by the International Mozarteum Foundation each January around Mozart's birthday. The festival offers opera productions, as well as, orchestral, chamber music and soloist concerts. People flock here anytime of the year to see where the genius was born and blossomed.

Our first stop in following Mozart's footsteps, took us to the Mozart family home on the third floor of the "Hagenauer House" at Getreidegasse 9. The celebrated composer was born here. The International Mozarteum Foundation first installed a museum in Mozart's Birthplace on June 15, 1880. We were lead through the original Mozart rooms containing historic instruments, documents, memorabilia and most of the portraits painted during his lifetime, including the unfinished oil painting "Mozart at the Piano" painted by Mozart's brother-in-law, Joseph Lange, in 1789. We also were able to view Mozart's childhood violin, his concert violin, his clavichord and the harpsichord.

After a tour of Europe, Mozart, the child prodigy and his family, returned to Salzburg and moved into the Tanzmeisterhaus where he lived from 1773 to 1780. Before Mozart relocated to Vienna, he wrote many cherished symphonies, concertos and operas here. The re-built Tanzmeisterhaus is now a very nice museum with a self guided tour that gives the visitor interesting history along with displays of the composer's original drafts and sheet music written in Salzburg, Mozart's original pianoforte and interesting antedotes about the Morzart and his family.

Next stop, Prague. Mozart was often said to have had a very special relationship with the city of Prague and its people. Prague is a magical city! Situated in the northwest corner of the country on the Vltava riveris, "Praha" is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. For many centuries, Prague was the seat of two Holy Roman Emperors and was also the capital of the Holy Roman Empire. It played an important role as home to the Habsburg Monarchy, as well as the Austrian/Hungarian Empires. This stunning Gothic and Renaissance city is a journey back in time! It is embellished by a number of famous cultural attractions, many of which survived the violent destruction of twentieth century Europe. Some of the most breathtaking landmarks include Prague Castle, the Charles Bridge, the Old Town Square, the Jewish Quarter, the Lennon Wall, the Church of the Infant of Prague and Petrin Hill. It is also the place of one of my most favorite sunrises!

During Mozart's time, Prague was a very musical city. Whenever he would play there, the people of Prague would give Mozart and his music such an enthusiastic reception, he was once heard saying, "My Praguers understand me". Mozart's opera, The Marriage of Figaro, which premiered in Vienna, was produced in late 1786 in Prague with tremendous success. The world premiere of Mozart's Don Giovanni, took place in Prague on October 29, 1787 at the Theatre of the Estates. Mozart also wrote, La Clemenza Di Tito for the festival accompanying Leopold II's Prague coronation as King of Bohemia in November 1790. So, while in Prague, we followed Mozart's tracks. We visited the Mozart Museum, which was the reconstructed Villa Bertramka, where the composer stayed with his friends. We were also lucky enough to get tickets to hear the Prague Symphony Orchestra play Mozart's Symphonies No. 40 & No. 41 in the exquisite Prague State Opera house. What a wondeful experience!

The train pulled into Vienna in the evening. We found our hotel and ventured over to the Schonbrunn Palace, where the resident orchestra gave a concert of Mozart's music. Schonbrunn Palace is a former imperial 1,400-room Rococo summer residence in Vienna. It is one of the most important cultural palaces in the country and is one of the major tourist attractions in Vienna. The palace and stunning gardens illustrate the tastes, aspirations, and intrigue of the Viennese high society. It still retains its air of sophistication and baroque elegance. Mozart's music resonated through the great hall. The musicians were dressed in historical costumes, complete with wigs and played with great fervor. I found it awe inspiring to realize that three hundred years earlier, the great showman conducted his original compositions in these very same halls. What an end to an amazing day!

A beautiful sunrise, escorted us to Stephansplatz, a square at the center of Vienna. It is named after its most prominent building, the Stephansdom, Vienna's cathedral and one of the tallest churches in the world. St. Stephen's Cathedral is the mother church of the Archdiocese of Vienna and the seat of the Archbishop of Vienna. A memorial tablet gives a detailed account of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's relationship with the cathedral, including the fact that he had been appointed an adjunct music director here shortly before his death. This was his parish church when he lived at the "Figaro House" and he was married here. It was 1782 when he married Constanze Weber. It is also here that two of his children were baptized and his modest funeral was held in the Chapel of the Cross.

From 1781 - 1791 was considered Mozart's "Vienna Period". It was during this time that the composer created the masterworks that ensured his immortality! These would include his Sonata in D Major for Two Pianos, the Singspiel, The Abduction from Seraglio, the Haydn Quartets, the Dissonance Quartet,; the Hoffmeister Quartet; the Sonata No. 4 in F major for Piano 4 Hands, the Symphony in E flat, Symphony No.41 in C major, Jupiter, his great operas including The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, Mozart: Così Fan Tutte, The Magic Flute, La Clemenza di Tito and the Requiem.

I think the most beautiful part of the journey for me was a visit to the Central Cemetery (Zentralfriedhof). Located in the outer city district of Simmering, on the fringe of Vienna, this vast and sacred ground is like a park with breathtaking monuments and ceremonial tributes to death, like no other place I have ever seen. Lovers of classical music find this an amazing sightseeing stop. The Musician's Corner of the cemetery is graced with beautiful fresh flowers, as well as gifts from strangers to the biggest names of classical music including Beethoven, Brahms, Strauss, Schubert and Bach. In the very center of this corner is a tall obelisk in honor of Mozart. The day was warm and the breeze gentle, as we looked upon a tribute to the greatest minds of classical music! Mozart died on December 5th 1791. City records show that he was placed in a wooden coffin and buried in a plot with 4 to 5 other people. A wooden marker was his grave marker. It is believed that Mozart is buried somewhere in Vienna's , but the exact location is not known. Great confusion centers around the current "grave" due to the unfortunate circumstances of the composer's resting place and the lack of any definite markers.

Yet, during his very short life, Mozart produced more than 600 published works including 15 masses, 49 symphonies, 20 operas, 17 organ sonatas, 26 quartets, 17 piano concertos, and dozens of other compositions for various combinations of instruments.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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Friday, January 27, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Fennel Medicinal Benefits


Fennel Medicinal Benefits :

Fennel belongs to the group of plants like, coriander, parsley and
Carrots, botanically belongs to the family of Umbellifereae. Fennel
plant or herb that grows up to six feet with green leaves that looks
similar to feathers, and the flowers are golden yellow in color, which
produces fennel seeds that belong to spices group. When seeds turn in
brown color, it is harvested and used in the food preparations for its
medicinal and health benefits. Fennel plant consists of white of light
green bulb with stalks topped with green leaves. All these portions of
the plant are edible and used as vegetable for its nutritious
qualities. Fennel plants are cultivated commercially all over the

Fennel herb and seeds contain many significant Vitamins namely Vitamin
C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B complex constituents like, riboflavin, niacin,
pyridoxine, thiamin, and minerals like sodium, potassium, manganese,
copper, zinc, phosphorous, magnesium, iron, calcium and also consists
of good amount of dietary fiber, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, zero
cholesterol, and gives approximately 350 K calories of energy per one
hundred grams of seeds or from edible parts of the plant.

Fennel Medicinal Benefits include; In traditional medicine, fennel
seeds are used for the treatment of indigestion and flatulence. Fennel
seeds decoction or it is added as spice in food preparation to increase
the lactation in nursing mothers. Fennel seeds as gripe water prevent
indigestion and provide relief from colic pain in new born babies. Due
to the presence of pleasant aroma and licorice taste, fennel seeds and
parts of the plant are widely used in many food preparations and
garnishing food items, such as recipes, salads, and dishes for its
marvelous health benefits. The health or medicinal benefits of fennel
are, it provides relief from anemia, it prevents dyspepsia, improves
digestion, prevents diarrhea, provides relief from respiratory
disorders, and provides relief from menstrual disorders. In addition to
these health benefits, the essential oil derived from Fennel seeds
provide various health benefits.

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