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Friday, January 7, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Anybody knows where I can buy Flavonoid wogonin?


I didn't include the information of why I want to try the Flavonoid wogonin... There is evidence that Flavonoid wogonin from medicinal herb is neuroprotective by inhibiting inflammatory activation of microglia.

Flavonoid wogonin from medicinal herb is neuroprotective by inhibiting inflammatory activation of microglia.

Juan Rodriguez

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "Juan Rodriguez" <jrodrig6605@...> wrote:
> Happy New Year all,
> Anybody knows where I can buy Flavonoid wogonin?
> There is an article published by a nobel prize winning geneticist that says that mental illness is tied to immune defects, especifically microglia activation. We want to see how the Flavonoid wogonin works for us.
> Nobel winner ties mental illness to immune defect
> A Nobel Prize-winning University of Utah geneticist discovered that bone marrow transplants cure mutant mice who pull out their hair compulsively. The study provides the first cause-and-effect link between immune system cells and mental illness, and points toward eventual new psychiatric treatments. "We're showing there is a direct relationship between a psychiatric disorder and the immune system, specifically cells named microglia that are derived from bone marrow" and are found in the brain, says Mario Capecchi, a distinguished professor of human genetics at the University of Utah School of Medicine. "There's been an inference. But nobody has previously made a direct connection between the two."
> The findings – published in the Friday, May 28 issue of the journal Cell – should inspire researchers "to think about potential new immune-based therapies for psychiatric disorders," says Capecchi, a 2007 Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine.
> Capecchi and colleagues showed that pathological grooming and hair-pulling in mice – a disorder similar to trichotillomania (trick-o-til-o-MAY-nee-ah) in humans – is caused by a mutant Hoxb8 gene that results in defective microglia, which are immune system cells that originate in bone marrow and migrate from blood to the brain. Microglia defend the brain and spinal cord, attacking and engulfing infectious agents.
> Mice with pathological grooming appear to groom normally, but do so too often and for too long, leading to hair removal and self-inflicted skin wounds. The disease of pulling out head or body hair is common in humans; studies in seven international communities found trichotillomania affecting 1.9 to 2.5 of every 100 people.
> In the key experiment, geneticist Shau-Kwaun Chen, Capecchi and colleagues transplanted bone marrow from normal mice into 10 mice that had a mutant Hoxb8 gene and compulsively pulled out their own chest, stomach and side fur. As the transplant took hold during ensuing months, grooming behavior became normal, four mice recovered completely and the other six showed extensive hair growth and healing of wounds.
> "A lot of people are going to find it amazing," says Capecchi. "That's the surprise: bone marrow can correct a behavioral defect."
> Nevertheless, "I'm not proposing we should do bone marrow transplants for any psychiatric disorder" in humans, he says. Bone marrow transplants are expensive, and the risks and complications are so severe they generally are used only to treat life-threatening illnesses, including certain cancers and disabling autoimmune diseases such as lupus.
> Capecchi says that mice with the mutant gene that causes pathological grooming now can be used to study the surprising connections between the immune system's microglia cells and mental illness – and ultimately to produce new treatments.
> "We think it's a very good model for obsessive-compulsive disorder," he says.
> The researchers also transplanted bone marrow into normal mice from Hoxb8 mutant, hair-pulling mice. The normal mice started pulling out their hair compulsively. Normal mice transplanted with normal bone marrow kept grooming normally, while mutant mice implanted with mutant bone marrow exhibited severe grooming and self-mutilation. Half died, probably due to difficulty re-establishing mutant bone marrow.
> Capecchi and colleagues also proved that reduced sensitivity to pain among mutant Hoxb8 mice is not the cause of the animals' compulsive grooming and hair removal, as some researchers had believed.
> Mutant Microglia from Marrow Link Immunity and Mental Disorder
> Capecchi says previous studies have linked the immune system and psychiatric disorders, but not in a cause-and-effect manner.
> "If you look at people who are depressed, often you find their immune system isn't working normally," Capecchi says. And studies have shown that genes that confer a higher rate of depression, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder and autism also "have something to do with the immune system," he adds.
> The new findings "provide direct evidence for an association between neuropsychiatric diseases and dysfunction of the immune system or of the blood-forming system," says Capecchi.
> Hox genes orchestrate embryo development. Hoxb8 is responsible for maintaining "myeloid progenitor cells," including those that give rise to monocytes, which are white blood cells that move from the circulatory system to the brain and become microglia.
> It was surprising that the new study identified mutant microglia cells that originate in bone marrow as the cause of compulsive hair-pulling in mice. Researchers expected to find the mutant Hoxb8 in brain nerve cells that control grooming.
> It is the first study to suggest "there is a connection between microglia and behavior – and a direct connection," Capecchi says.
> Capecchi says nerve cells or neurons represent only about 10 percent of the brain, and the rest is made of various glial cells, including microglia. There are two kinds of microglia in the brain. Sixty percent are "resident" microglia that form in an embryo's brain even before the blood circulation system develops. The second kind of microglia in the brain – 40 percent of the total – originates in bone marrow, and then moves to the brain, circumventing the blood-brain barrier.
> The geneticists believed the mutant microglia originated in bone marrow because they did not find them among the resident microglia present in the mouse brain at birth, but instead saw microglia with mutant Hoxb8 first migrate into the mouse brain two days after birth. To identify the cells in the brain with active mutant Hoxb8 genes, the researchers used a method that attached a fluorescent yellow-green label to such cells.
> Pathological Grooming is Different than Scratching an Itchy Rump
> Capecchi first reported in 2002 that mice with mutant Hoxb8 genes displayed compulsive grooming and pulling out the hair on their chest, stomach and sides. Over the years, some researchers attributed this to reduced pain sensitivity also observed in mutant Hoxb8 mice, apparently due to nerve damage in the spinal cord. The idea was that reduced sensitivity to pain would make mice scratch more in response to an itch. In the new study, the Utah geneticists concluded that compulsive grooming and reduced sensitivity to pain were due to separate malfunctions of the Hoxb8 gene; the bone marrow transplants that cured hair-pulling did not restore the loss of pain sensitivity.
> Also, mutating Hoxb8 genes in microglia from bone marrow made the mice groom pathologically but didn't make them insensitive to pain. Mutating Hoxb8 in the spinal cord resulted in reduced sensitivity to pain, but not compulsive grooming.
> Finally, in earlier studies of mice insensitive to pain due to mutant Hoxb8, the mice used paws to scratch too much and cause hair loss and wounds on their rumps, near the tail. But mice in the Utah study used their teeth to remove hair on their chest, stomach and sides. They followed a normal head-to-rear grooming pattern, but did it excessively.
> To be Determined: How Mutant Microglia Cause Hair-Pulling
> How do mutant immune cells from bone marrow cause pathological grooming?
> All we know now is that there are 15 percent fewer microglia in the brain when Hoxb8 is mutant, Capecchi says. "In the next wave of experiments, we can ask how microglia affect behavior. We anticipate it has to affect neural circuitry in some way."
> He speculates ways mutant microglia might trigger pathological grooming: The microglia could make cytokines that activate or inhibit nerve activity, and thus influence behavior. Because microglia have long extensions that "feel" the synapses that connect nerve cells, they might be involved in controlling nerve-signal transmissions, he says.
> For now, "we have no idea which will be right," Capecchi says.
> In Capecchi's 2002 study of mice with compulsive grooming, the researchers recorded the number and duration of each mouse's grooming sessions using a video recorder, which was very labor intensive to analyze. So in the new study, the mouse cages were placed on sensitive vibration-detecting platforms capable of distinguishing mouse vibration from different activities such as eating, drinking, grooming, climbing, sitting still, walking and scratching. They tested the method's accuracy by using a video camera to double check what the mice were doing at times.
> The result: Mice with the mutant Hoxb8 gene spent about twice as much time grooming as their normal littermates.
> The new study was funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the National Institutes of Health. Capecchi is senior author. The first author is Chen, who recently completed a Ph.D. in human genetics. They conducted the study with human genetics postdoctoral fellows Petr Tvrdik, Erik Peden and Sen Wu; Gerald Spangrude, an internal medicine professor; and Scott Cho, a graduate student in Spangrude's lab.
> Capecchi shared the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for developing "gene targeting" in mice, a method of knocking genes out of action to see what goes wrong and thus learn each gene's normal function.
> Source: University of Utah Health Sciences

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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] viral conjunctivitis


Well, vit C is really great! I will try this what you said! Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 6, 2011, at 16:27, Phil Bate PhD <drbate@bellsouth.net> wrote:

> Anitbiotics cannot do anything against any viral infection. That includes
> all colds and flu's and this.
> There is one simple thing to do with viruses. Large, really large (to most)
> doses of ascorbic acid vitamin C. That's the cheapest form with a little
> bit of bioflavinoids added.
> I have had emphysema for over 40 years, and when I get a cold, it settles in
> my lungs and I'm coughing for a month. So, I take drastic measures (that
> work).
> If I even suspect that I might have caught anything, a tickling in the back
> of the throat, a sneeze, or cough that can't be explained, here's my
> routine.
> Start taking 4000 mg (4 grams) of C every 15 minutes for one hour. Most
> people will reach "bowel tolerance" (diarrhea) in that time. If so, quit or
> cut down to 2 grams per hour for a few hours (to make sure that it's all
> gone).
> Why 15 minute intervals? Well, here's one fact that MD's don't know, or
> have forgotten. Viruses (and most bacterias) actually multiply in a binary
> way. They double in size about every 20 minutes. If you know anything
> about binary multiplication, you know that it's fast.
> So, by taking it every 15 minutes, you have killed off a majority of whtever
> it is in the blood, and not allowed it to multiply with the first dose,
> thenn when you reach bowel tolerance (your body is "overloaded") and doesn't
> need any more, then only a few viral (orm bacterial cells are left to clean
> up before they start to multiply again.
> Diarrhea isn't exactly pleasant, but isn't dangerous or deadly in any way,
> and it means that your body has enough C (for the moment. If you don't ever
> get to bowel tolerance, keep it up until you do. Then, you'll find that it
> works.
> Less doesn't work. Let's say that you take only 1000 mg (after all that's a
> lot because the RDA is only 75 mg. That's the big lie of the FDA and Big
> Pharma. Check with a zoo vet, and you'll find that for a 150 pound ape (a
> primate just like us) the RDA is 4000 mg per day!!.
> Now, assume that your virus has been cut in half (not likely with only 1
> gram, but for arguments sake). 20 minutes after you take it, the virus is
> back up to original strength, and at the end of the first hour, it's grown
> to somewhere between 2 and 4 times its original strength.
> I'd do the same for any virus, and get rid of all vaccines. They're often
> more dangerous than the disease, particularly if you know about vitamin C.
> It's cheap, and it's what almost all animals except we primates use to not
> die of bacterial and viral diseases.
> Would you believe that about 65 million years ago, primates (Us and apes)
> lost one enzyme that is needed to transform SUGAR (glucose) in the blood
> into vitamin C as needed. With the amounts of sugar we all consume today,
> if we had that enzyme, we'd be the healthiest of all animals. Oh well.
> Want to know more? Check out my website (www.drbate.com)
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Anybody knows where I can buy Flavonoid wogonin?


Happy New Year all,
Anybody knows where I can buy Flavonoid wogonin?

There is an article published by a nobel prize winning geneticist that says that mental illness is tied to immune defects, especifically microglia activation. We want to see how the Flavonoid wogonin works for us.

Nobel winner ties mental illness to immune defect
A Nobel Prize-winning University of Utah geneticist discovered that bone marrow transplants cure mutant mice who pull out their hair compulsively. The study provides the first cause-and-effect link between immune system cells and mental illness, and points toward eventual new psychiatric treatments. "We're showing there is a direct relationship between a psychiatric disorder and the immune system, specifically cells named microglia that are derived from bone marrow" and are found in the brain, says Mario Capecchi, a distinguished professor of human genetics at the University of Utah School of Medicine. "There's been an inference. But nobody has previously made a direct connection between the two."

The findings – published in the Friday, May 28 issue of the journal Cell – should inspire researchers "to think about potential new immune-based therapies for psychiatric disorders," says Capecchi, a 2007 Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine.

Capecchi and colleagues showed that pathological grooming and hair-pulling in mice – a disorder similar to trichotillomania (trick-o-til-o-MAY-nee-ah) in humans – is caused by a mutant Hoxb8 gene that results in defective microglia, which are immune system cells that originate in bone marrow and migrate from blood to the brain. Microglia defend the brain and spinal cord, attacking and engulfing infectious agents.

Mice with pathological grooming appear to groom normally, but do so too often and for too long, leading to hair removal and self-inflicted skin wounds. The disease of pulling out head or body hair is common in humans; studies in seven international communities found trichotillomania affecting 1.9 to 2.5 of every 100 people.

In the key experiment, geneticist Shau-Kwaun Chen, Capecchi and colleagues transplanted bone marrow from normal mice into 10 mice that had a mutant Hoxb8 gene and compulsively pulled out their own chest, stomach and side fur. As the transplant took hold during ensuing months, grooming behavior became normal, four mice recovered completely and the other six showed extensive hair growth and healing of wounds.

"A lot of people are going to find it amazing," says Capecchi. "That's the surprise: bone marrow can correct a behavioral defect."

Nevertheless, "I'm not proposing we should do bone marrow transplants for any psychiatric disorder" in humans, he says. Bone marrow transplants are expensive, and the risks and complications are so severe they generally are used only to treat life-threatening illnesses, including certain cancers and disabling autoimmune diseases such as lupus.

Capecchi says that mice with the mutant gene that causes pathological grooming now can be used to study the surprising connections between the immune system's microglia cells and mental illness – and ultimately to produce new treatments.

"We think it's a very good model for obsessive-compulsive disorder," he says.

The researchers also transplanted bone marrow into normal mice from Hoxb8 mutant, hair-pulling mice. The normal mice started pulling out their hair compulsively. Normal mice transplanted with normal bone marrow kept grooming normally, while mutant mice implanted with mutant bone marrow exhibited severe grooming and self-mutilation. Half died, probably due to difficulty re-establishing mutant bone marrow.

Capecchi and colleagues also proved that reduced sensitivity to pain among mutant Hoxb8 mice is not the cause of the animals' compulsive grooming and hair removal, as some researchers had believed.
Mutant Microglia from Marrow Link Immunity and Mental Disorder

Capecchi says previous studies have linked the immune system and psychiatric disorders, but not in a cause-and-effect manner.

"If you look at people who are depressed, often you find their immune system isn't working normally," Capecchi says. And studies have shown that genes that confer a higher rate of depression, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder and autism also "have something to do with the immune system," he adds.

The new findings "provide direct evidence for an association between neuropsychiatric diseases and dysfunction of the immune system or of the blood-forming system," says Capecchi.

Hox genes orchestrate embryo development. Hoxb8 is responsible for maintaining "myeloid progenitor cells," including those that give rise to monocytes, which are white blood cells that move from the circulatory system to the brain and become microglia.

It was surprising that the new study identified mutant microglia cells that originate in bone marrow as the cause of compulsive hair-pulling in mice. Researchers expected to find the mutant Hoxb8 in brain nerve cells that control grooming.

It is the first study to suggest "there is a connection between microglia and behavior – and a direct connection," Capecchi says.

Capecchi says nerve cells or neurons represent only about 10 percent of the brain, and the rest is made of various glial cells, including microglia. There are two kinds of microglia in the brain. Sixty percent are "resident" microglia that form in an embryo's brain even before the blood circulation system develops. The second kind of microglia in the brain – 40 percent of the total – originates in bone marrow, and then moves to the brain, circumventing the blood-brain barrier.

The geneticists believed the mutant microglia originated in bone marrow because they did not find them among the resident microglia present in the mouse brain at birth, but instead saw microglia with mutant Hoxb8 first migrate into the mouse brain two days after birth. To identify the cells in the brain with active mutant Hoxb8 genes, the researchers used a method that attached a fluorescent yellow-green label to such cells.
Pathological Grooming is Different than Scratching an Itchy Rump

Capecchi first reported in 2002 that mice with mutant Hoxb8 genes displayed compulsive grooming and pulling out the hair on their chest, stomach and sides. Over the years, some researchers attributed this to reduced pain sensitivity also observed in mutant Hoxb8 mice, apparently due to nerve damage in the spinal cord. The idea was that reduced sensitivity to pain would make mice scratch more in response to an itch. In the new study, the Utah geneticists concluded that compulsive grooming and reduced sensitivity to pain were due to separate malfunctions of the Hoxb8 gene; the bone marrow transplants that cured hair-pulling did not restore the loss of pain sensitivity.

Also, mutating Hoxb8 genes in microglia from bone marrow made the mice groom pathologically but didn't make them insensitive to pain. Mutating Hoxb8 in the spinal cord resulted in reduced sensitivity to pain, but not compulsive grooming.

Finally, in earlier studies of mice insensitive to pain due to mutant Hoxb8, the mice used paws to scratch too much and cause hair loss and wounds on their rumps, near the tail. But mice in the Utah study used their teeth to remove hair on their chest, stomach and sides. They followed a normal head-to-rear grooming pattern, but did it excessively.
To be Determined: How Mutant Microglia Cause Hair-Pulling

How do mutant immune cells from bone marrow cause pathological grooming?

All we know now is that there are 15 percent fewer microglia in the brain when Hoxb8 is mutant, Capecchi says. "In the next wave of experiments, we can ask how microglia affect behavior. We anticipate it has to affect neural circuitry in some way."

He speculates ways mutant microglia might trigger pathological grooming: The microglia could make cytokines that activate or inhibit nerve activity, and thus influence behavior. Because microglia have long extensions that "feel" the synapses that connect nerve cells, they might be involved in controlling nerve-signal transmissions, he says.

For now, "we have no idea which will be right," Capecchi says.

In Capecchi's 2002 study of mice with compulsive grooming, the researchers recorded the number and duration of each mouse's grooming sessions using a video recorder, which was very labor intensive to analyze. So in the new study, the mouse cages were placed on sensitive vibration-detecting platforms capable of distinguishing mouse vibration from different activities such as eating, drinking, grooming, climbing, sitting still, walking and scratching. They tested the method's accuracy by using a video camera to double check what the mice were doing at times.

The result: Mice with the mutant Hoxb8 gene spent about twice as much time grooming as their normal littermates.

The new study was funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the National Institutes of Health. Capecchi is senior author. The first author is Chen, who recently completed a Ph.D. in human genetics. They conducted the study with human genetics postdoctoral fellows Petr Tvrdik, Erik Peden and Sen Wu; Gerald Spangrude, an internal medicine professor; and Scott Cho, a graduate student in Spangrude's lab.

Capecchi shared the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for developing "gene targeting" in mice, a method of knocking genes out of action to see what goes wrong and thus learn each gene's normal function.

Source: University of Utah Health Sciences

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[AlternativeAnswers] viral conjunctivitis


Anitbiotics cannot do anything against any viral infection. That includes
all colds and flu's and this.

There is one simple thing to do with viruses. Large, really large (to most)
doses of ascorbic acid vitamin C. That's the cheapest form with a little
bit of bioflavinoids added.

I have had emphysema for over 40 years, and when I get a cold, it settles in
my lungs and I'm coughing for a month. So, I take drastic measures (that

If I even suspect that I might have caught anything, a tickling in the back
of the throat, a sneeze, or cough that can't be explained, here's my

Start taking 4000 mg (4 grams) of C every 15 minutes for one hour. Most
people will reach "bowel tolerance" (diarrhea) in that time. If so, quit or
cut down to 2 grams per hour for a few hours (to make sure that it's all

Why 15 minute intervals? Well, here's one fact that MD's don't know, or
have forgotten. Viruses (and most bacterias) actually multiply in a binary
way. They double in size about every 20 minutes. If you know anything
about binary multiplication, you know that it's fast.

So, by taking it every 15 minutes, you have killed off a majority of whtever
it is in the blood, and not allowed it to multiply with the first dose,
thenn when you reach bowel tolerance (your body is "overloaded") and doesn't
need any more, then only a few viral (orm bacterial cells are left to clean
up before they start to multiply again.

Diarrhea isn't exactly pleasant, but isn't dangerous or deadly in any way,
and it means that your body has enough C (for the moment. If you don't ever
get to bowel tolerance, keep it up until you do. Then, you'll find that it

Less doesn't work. Let's say that you take only 1000 mg (after all that's a
lot because the RDA is only 75 mg. That's the big lie of the FDA and Big
Pharma. Check with a zoo vet, and you'll find that for a 150 pound ape (a
primate just like us) the RDA is 4000 mg per day!!.

Now, assume that your virus has been cut in half (not likely with only 1
gram, but for arguments sake). 20 minutes after you take it, the virus is
back up to original strength, and at the end of the first hour, it's grown
to somewhere between 2 and 4 times its original strength.

I'd do the same for any virus, and get rid of all vaccines. They're often
more dangerous than the disease, particularly if you know about vitamin C.
It's cheap, and it's what almost all animals except we primates use to not
die of bacterial and viral diseases.

Would you believe that about 65 million years ago, primates (Us and apes)
lost one enzyme that is needed to transform SUGAR (glucose) in the blood
into vitamin C as needed. With the amounts of sugar we all consume today,
if we had that enzyme, we'd be the healthiest of all animals. Oh well.

Want to know more? Check out my website (www.drbate.com)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Chaste Berry Vitex


*Thank you very much for your info., Michelle. What exactly does it do?
I've read just vagaries, like it "nourishes the female reproductive organs."

Another question I had was about taking evening primrose oil, and you might
be able to answer it. Are there different grades, or purities for lack of a
better word, of this oil? One brand I have been taking gives me the after
burps. It is a very unpleasant taste. Any personal recommendations?
Thank you,

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[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Chaste Berry Vitex


Hi all,

There is no reason for a woman over 40 to avoid Dong Quai. It was once thought to be a phytoestrogen, however it has since been established as an adaptogen and is excellent for women experiencing perimenopause and menopause.


However, I recently read that women over 40 shouldn't take Dong quai- I forget the exact reason.

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[AlternativeAnswers] CARE Intensive in Applied Aromatherapy - Alamogordo, New Mexico 1/21 - 1/23


Dear Fellow Oilers,

Take a break from the winter cold and snow. Join us in scenic Alamogordo, NM. for three days of excellent training in the science and application of therapeutic grade essential oils. Certified CARE Instructors Jeannie Nichols and Bruce Dietler invite you to share this time of instruction with us in classes on Healing Oils of the Bible, Applied Vitaflex, Raindrop, Chemistry of Essential Oils and Emotional Release. These classes are suitable for experienced oilers and beginners alike. All are welcome. Retakes are 1/2 price!

The Intensive will be held at the CAPPED Center for Integrative Health in historic old Alamogordo. Hotel rooms are only $60 per night including daily breakfast and mgrs. special every evening.

Impact lives in greater measure this new year. Expand your knowledge and abilities in essential oils by joining us in New Mexico! Continuing Education hours are available through NCBTMB and IACET.

Contact Jeannie Nichols directly to register for this event. Full information and specifics are available on the CARE website: www.raindroptraining.com

Thank you!

Jeannie Nichols, CI

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Empowering Resolutions: Weight Loss Tips


Good Morning!

This month we will be keeping tabs on your New Years Resolutions, in
order to empower you, help you to stay on track and give you some
great tips for keeping your promise to yourself.

Empowering Resolutions: Weight Loss Tips

The key to losing weight effectively is:

1. Calories

Taking in fewer calories than you can burn results in weight loss.

Taking in more calories than you can burn results in weight gain!

-Women should restrict their calorie intake to 1200 a day

-Men should restrict their calorie intake to 1500 a day

Be Aware Of Your Calorie Intake : If you are unsure about the
calories in your meal, I feel it is essential to learn this amazing
tool for effective weight loss. Record in your ledger or journal the
calories of everything you but in your mouth for one week. Be in tune
to the total calories you consume daily, and make an effort to
replace high-fat foods with low-calorie ones like vegetables and

2. Discipline

I cannot stress enough how discipline is the second most important
aspect in losing weight or achieving any kind of success in your
life! It is the secret to the most effective, efficient and well
strategize plan you can give yourself! Being successful, losing
weight, maintaining relationships are not tasks that come easy for
most people. They are all things we must work hard on creating,
keeping and maintaining! (Why do you think diet plans have *Results
not typical with an asterisks? Because most people have a lack of
discipline). You probably already have some forms of discipline in
your life. You pay your bills by a certain time, you show up for work
every day, often plan your finances, your meals or walk your dog.
These are all disciplines in your life already. Some of us need a
little more in our lives than others. This is where you can gain
great help and insight, by:

a). Creating a plan to lose weight.
b). Shop ahead for your food.
c). Map out your food plan.
d). Eat 5 times a day
e). Plan out your days of exercise and what you will do
f). Drink your water, cleansing smoothies and juice
g). Incorporate the mental wellness techniques in our guide
h). Use the body beautiful techniques in our guide
i). Use the meal plan provided as a reminder for your day
j). Check off or write out what you have for each meal
k). If you want to map calories, do it for the first 30 days

The whole idea with these suggestions is to show you just how much
you are eating, how many calories you are consuming and to get you
into a pattern, which will set you up for great success!

3. Portion Control

This was a hard lesson for me to learn. As a dancer and someone who
always worked out, I felt I had my portioning under control. I
eventually learned why I would get that bloated and discomfort
feeling after eating. It was my portion size. Sure I was active and
exercising but as I aged and my metabolism slowed, my portions were
not changing with the rest of me! Once I understood the discipline
behind this, it changed my life! An easy way to understand portion
control is to look on the back of any Nutritional Label.

Eat portions to satisfy hunger, not to clean the plate. By dinner, if
you have complex carbs (potatoes, yams, brown rice…) with your meal;
it should be no more than a cup full. Half of your plate should be
vegetables. The meat, fish, chicken portion should be the size of
your fist. Portion control is the secret to a healthy weight!

4. Exercise is another key element in successful weight loss.

As we age, our body's composition gradually shifts as the proportion
of muscle decreases and the proportion of fat increases. This shift
slows our metabolism, making it much easier to gain weight. Many
people become less active as they get older, increasing the risk of
weight gain. Weight gain can be prevented by choosing a lifestyle
that includes good eating habits and daily exercise.

You have got to move! A walk around the block is just not going to
cut it. You have invested time in creating a plan, you have gone
shopping and you are eating your proper proportions, but exercise is
what your body needs to really keep you healthy, fit and strong. Not
only does it help burn excess calories, but also by increasing your
physical activity you can modify the way your brain regulates hunger,
hormones and stress, making you less susceptible to food cravings. If
you are currently on an exercise plan and you are not losing the
weight you want, you need to step it up! Change your routine. Change
the exercises you are doing. Mix it up. You should do both
cardiovascular movement as well as weight baring exercises. If you
are currently not working out, it is time to start. Talk to your
doctor about a physical exercise program. A doctor will tell you if
you are ok to exercise. Most doctors will not tell you that you are
not able to exercise. Then, find a knowledgeable trainer; join a gym,
exercise plan or community group, such as yoga, tai chi, pilates or a
running group. The most important thing to do is find fitness you
feel great about doing! It may take time, but the basics are
essential and that is aerobic exercise (cardiovascular) and anaerobic
exercise (weight baring). You must schedule exercise into your day,
as you schedule everything else.

5. Drink your water

What ever the current controversy is about water; 8 glasses or not 8
glasses; the bottles the water comes in (leaching toxins?), the key
to water is that it is essential to life! Most people do not drink
enough water. By the way, if you look on the bottom of your water
bottle (or any bottles you buy water in) they should have a number 1
on them. This plastic does not leach toxins into the water. The
plastic water jugs you purchase to carry water or fluids in may have
the number 7 on the bottom of the bottle. If it does, throw it out!
(These bottles have currently been shown to leak toxins into the
water from the plastic). Water is also an important component in
weight management. It nourishes the body and fills you up.Carry this
bottle of water with you everywhere and enjoy its contents. Drink
pplenty of water daily. Not only will you loss water as you exercise,
drinking water makes you feel full, therefore, not as much room for

6. Be prepared

Having the right food around is imperative. Because when you get
hungry, you are likely to eat anything you get your hands on. Plan
your meals, do your food shopping and have a variety of heart health,
fiber-filling foods you love at your disposal. Ready to be eaten when
it is meal or snack time.

7. Think Lifestyle

Remove the word diet from your vocabulary. You will be making changes
that will have a profound effect on your way of thinking, how you eat
and most of all, your lifestyle. Once you make these changes, they
become habit. Good habits. Good habits become a healthy lifestyle.

8. The Glycemic Index

The glycemic index describes the difference by ranking carbohydrates
according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. Low GI carbs
produce only small fluctuations in our blood glucose and insulin
levels and this is the secret to long-term health reducing your risk
of heart disease and diabetes and is the key to sustainable weight
loss. You must try to eat low on the glycemic (sugar) index, in order
to avoid highs and lows in your blood sugar that can lead to
increased insulin production and conversion of calories to fat.

9. Alcohol is fattening

Since it can't be stored by the body and burns up right away, it
increases the likelihood that the food you eat while you're drinking
will turn into fat.

10. Eat Right, More Times

Eating the right carbs, proteins and fats should be consumed in small
portions more times throughout the day. This keeps craving and blood
sugar levels in check. Water, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are
the basic building blocks of a good diet. By choosing the healthiest
forms of each of these nutrients, and eating them in the proper
balance, you enable your body to function at its optimal level.

11. Vitamin Therapy

This is a good way to help your body regulate what you may not be
getting through your diet. A good daily multivitamin is the best

12. Limit Animal-based Foods

Foods such as meat and dairy products, which are loaded with
saturated fat and cholesterol. Use olive oil or canola oil instead of
butter or margarine to reduce your intake of saturated fat and
hydrogenated fat (trans fat). Moderate your consumption of fried,
salted and smoked foods.

13. Believe

Your belief system has everything to do with the mental and spiritual
aspects of weight control. Fight anxiety with relaxation exercises
rather than food. Utilize meditation, yoga, stretching. By creating
healthy eating habits and regular exercise, you are sure to lose
weight without depriving yourself of nourishing food. And if you
continue those good habits after you reach your goal, you will have
an excellent chance of maintaining your desired weight and see it
more as maintaining a lifestyle as opposed to a diet. Learning to
have a more structured and disciplined lifestyle can make all the
difference in your progress. You deserve it!

14. Sleep Well

Good quality sleep is important, especially when you are trying to
loss weight. I think it is most important to go to sleep with
a "Quiet Mind". Sleep rejuvenates, detoxes and regulates the body.
Sleep allows our body to rejuvenate and repair!

15. Overcome Fear

Fear can be an underlining problem in many cases. There are many ways
to quiet the mind. Doing 15 to 30 minutes of meditation or yoga can
be very helpful. You must allow yourself to be distracted or get into
your meditation or yoga and "let go" of the days thoughts...see

16. Don't Smoke

Besides the fact that it can cause lung cancer and is the second
leading cause of death for both men and women, nicotine is a
stimulant and complicates weight control.

17. Life to Go

Everyone has a busy lifestyle. You plan your day's meetings, schedule
your kid's soccer game or know when to pick up the dry cleaning. Do
the same with your meals and snacks. Prepare food ahead. Make goodie
bags with cut veggies, apples, grapes, pears, and bananas. Have some
nutrition bars on hand or cook/pack your lunch the night before. Mix
a salad or make a large pot of soup or hearty chili.

18. Shop Ahead

Go natural, go organic or simply go to your local food store, which
seems to have fresh produce. The products you choose should be low in
sodium and contain wholesome ingredients, and they should be trans-
fat free. Plan meal ideas and shop ahead for them. This way, it gives
you less of an opportunity to end up at a fast food restaurant.

19. Weigh In

At the start of your program, weigh yourself. Note the weight in your
journal and note your goal. What is your goal? Is it 5,10,20,30
pounds or more? Keep it realistic. Achieve goals in small increments,
then reassess your goals, once you achieve that level you decided on.
NOW give yourself sometime. Do not step back on the scale for another
two weeks. Your weight will move up and down, may change due to your
water intake and output or fluctuate with hormone levels. If you give
yourself a two week window and you have remained firm to your
discipline, you will be amazed at your progress after two weeks.

20. Body Mass Index BMI

According to The Cleveland Clinic, A BMI (Body Mass Index) of 40 or
more indicates morbid obesity, which increases a person's risk of
death from any cause by 50% to 150%. BMI is an indirect measure of
your body fat, which is a quick way to see if you are overweight. BMI
uses a person's weight and height to gauge total body fat.

A BMI of 18.5-24.9 is ideal.
A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is overweight.
A BMI of 30 or more indicates obesity.
A BMI of 40 or more indicates morbid obesity, which increases a
person's risk of death.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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