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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Child with anxiety


I actually have some Natural Calm I bought for myself. I'll have to give him some. Thank you Bonnie.


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On Sep 28, 2010, at 10:19 AM, "Bonnie Strehlow" <bonnie@inner-resources.net> wrote:

> Tara
> Something I use for myself, especially in the evening when I have a
> difficult time settling down is a powdered magnesium
> called Natural Calm. You should be able to get it at any health food store
> or online. The only ingredient is magnesium and
> the only side affect of too much magnesium is diarrhea. It may help some at
> night.
> I'd recommend a naturopath, acupuncturist or herbalist to held uncover the
> cause of the anxiety and treat that rather than to
> treat the symptoms.
> Bonnie
> Honoring the Power of Spirit, Living the Life You Desire
> <http://www.bonniestrehlow.blogspot.com/> www.bonniestrehlow.blogspot.com
> <http://www.tocleaders.com/bonniestrehlow>
> www.tocleaders.com/bonniestrehlow
> "When women awaken, mountains will move." Chinese proverb
> From: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
> [mailto:AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Tara
> Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 7:53 PM
> To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Child with anxiety
> Hello,
> I have an 11 year old son who seems to have a lot of anxiety. He has started
> seeing a psychologist and she, in fact, says he has an anxiety disorder and
> may have compulsions as well. He has always had a lot of fears, and he is
> very sensitive and intuitive. The psychologist suggested he go on Prozac and
> Zoloft, but I will not do that to my son.
> I'm just wondering if anyone can suggest some natural remedies that could
> help him.
> Thank you very much,
> Tara
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Child with anxiety


He has never had an emotional trauma. I will take your advice on the supplementation. Thank you very much, David.


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On Sep 28, 2010, at 10:15 AM, david kenna <davidjohnkenna@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Tara,Almost certainly a deficiency disorder unless he has had some emotional trauma.Often lack of iron and B vitamins especially B3. Good quality supplements can produce remarkable results.Also he is likely short of magnesium, best use the spray on chloride. Just rub on the skin and it is absorbed better than tablets.Keep him off sweets and sugary drinks even fruit juices for a few weeks see how much better he is then.David
> --- On Tue, 28/9/10, Tara <geminitd6769@yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: Tara <geminitd6769@yahoo.com>
> Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Child with anxiety
> To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, 28 September, 2010, 3:53
> Hello,
> I have an 11 year old son who seems to have a lot of anxiety. He has started seeing a psychologist and she, in fact, says he has an anxiety disorder and may have compulsions as well. He has always had a lot of fears, and he is very sensitive and intuitive. The psychologist suggested he go on Prozac and Zoloft, but I will not do that to my son.
> I'm just wondering if anyone can suggest some natural remedies that could help him.
> Thank you very much,
> Tara
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Attitude /Self


Thank YOU --- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, Nia Von Toth <nia113@...> wrote:
> Here's a story that may cheer you up since this person was able to reach out and
> be compassionate...
> One day, my one-and-a-half year old daughter, Marli, and I were at a café when
> she had a very public meltdown. Before that happened, I got a coffee and then we
> sat down to share some blueberries that I brought for snack time. When it was
> time to leave, Marli wanted to hold the bag of blueberries and I let her.
> Unfortunately, before we made it out the door of the crowded café the
> blueberries spilled all over the floor. People turned to look.
> Marli and I cleaned-up the blueberries together and put them back in their bag.
> She wanted to reach back into the bag, grab the blueberries and continue eating
> them. I explained that the floor was very dirty. I’m not too nervous about
> immune building germs, but that floor was so dirty that I’m pretty sure it was
> originally white and not black.
> “These aren’t good for eating now, baby. We need to throw them away.” Rather
> than throwing the blueberries away, Marli threw herself on the floor, rolled in
> the thick disgustingness and cried. Activity in the café stopped and all eyes
> were on us. I felt a little embarrassed, but I did not take it out on her. I
> didn’t allow my embarrassment or fear of judgment take over. Instead, I tried to
> empathize with her big, overwhelming feelings instead.
> I didn’t tell Marli to stop having her feelings or to “behave.” I know that I’m
> certainly not capable of accessing my higher, rational brain when I’m flooded,
> so I don’t expect that from my child.
> I’ve learned that she is soothed by sound, so I used my voice. I knelt down and
> I said, “I know, this is hard. You’re sad because you were really enjoying the
> blueberries. You must be really sad.” Marli recovered quickly, otherwise I may
> have moved outside out of respect for the other customers.
> If you're interested in more people who are compassionate in this way, google "
> dr. marshall rosenberg and non violent communication". It's a wonderful way for
> people to engage in conversations with one another leaving everyone feeling so
> much better...
> ________________________________
> From: sari a <sarisalsa@...>
> To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sat, September 25, 2010 3:05:30 PM
> Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Attitude /Self
> I feel like I don't belong . Like at my job, my home, I really have NO friends
> that I would call them that. I don't know why I feel this way. Has anyone felt
> this way ? What did you do???
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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