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  Good Morning,  Nutrition and Hormonal Balance As an acupuncturist in the area of fertility, I realize tha...

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

How to preventing hair fall

Give head massage to your self before washing your hair. Head massage makes hair strong and helps to prevent hair fall. If possible, take head massage treatment once in while from experts and massage therapists to make your hair strong and beautiful.

Use natural conditioners like oil, ghee, curd to condition your hair after washing it. Using these natural hair conditioners before washing your hair can also prove beneficial. Avoiding chemical based conditioners and shampoos can help to prevent hair fall problem.

Try to dry your hair naturally and avoid using hair dryer as much as possible. Using hair dryer frequently can make your hair dull and can result in hair fall.

Avoid artificial hair beautifying treatments like hair straightening, hair perming or hair ironing. As these treatments involve use of chemical based hair products as well as hair pulling to certain extent, it may damage your hair in turn causing hair fall.

Avoid using chemical based products like hair gels and serums which may make your hair look beautiful for the time being but result in hair fall.

Avoid colouring your hair with artificial hair colours. You can use herbal hair dye if possible. The contents in hair dyes and hair colours may not suit your hair and result in hair fall. As such, try to find out from hair expert about the hair colour which you should use.

Try to use natural remedies to cope with hair problems like dandruff etc.

Imbibe a habit of having a balanced diet. Try to consume green vegetable as much as possible. A balanced diet is a key to good health as well as good hair.

Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day. Water helps to flush out all the toxins from body and helps to deal with problems like hair fall easily.

Try to sleep on time and ensure that you sleep for at least eight hours.

Practice stress management remedies like meditation and yoga. Stress can also be one of the factors which can cause hair fall. Practicing meditation regularly can help you to cope with stress thereby preventing hair fall.

Use scarf for covering your hair whenever you are traveling. Scarf will protect your hair from pollution and help to prevent hair fall.

If your hair fall problem is intense, consult doctor.

Reduce Blood Sugar Level Naturally

For diabetics, keeping a check on the blood sugar level involuntarily becomes a part of their life. They have to follow a strict diet, consume a whole set of prescribed medicines and indulge in a regular exercise regimen. While good diet and exercises becomes mandatory for them, medicines can always be avoided to quite an extent. Wonder how? With the tips given in the following lines, you will know how to lower your blood sugar naturally.

Reduce Blood Sugar Level Naturally

Reduce Your Sugar Intake
Reducing sugar intake is the first step towards controlling the blood sugar level. Start taking sugar in moderation. Cut short all the dishes that contain sugar and substitute them with foods that taste sweet, while being healthy as well. For instance, replace sugar with jaggery. In case you feel that your blood sugar is increasing, immediately substitute crystal sugar with sugar-free cubes. Using artificial sweeteners is another option. This way, you would be able to satisfy your sweet tooth and reduce your blood sugar level too.

Choose 'Good' Carbs
Simple carbohydrates found in processed foods (such as refined flour), baked food, candy, cakes, cookies, soda, get dispensed into the blood stream quite easily and increase the blood sugar level. So, you should stay away from simple carbs. However, in order to maintain the amount of carbs in your diet, you may include 'good' carbs in your meals, such as the ones found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Aerobic exercises, such as walking, jogging, bicycling, tai chi, yoga, can help a great deal in keeping your body fit and reduce the blood sugar level as well. So, start your exercise regimen soon and feel the difference! Dedicate at least one hour daily, for exercise. Make sure that alongside the exercises, you maintain a proper diet as well. This would not only lower your blood sugar level, but also help you shed excess weight.

Eat Small Meals Frequently
A nice way to reduce blood sugar level is to eat small meals every two to three hours, throughout the day. By doing so, you will be able to supply ample energy to your body, at the same time, keep the blood sugar stable. Include a balanced amount of proteins, carbs and fat in the diet. For instance, you may have a salad with chicken breast, one tablespoon of olive oil and whole wheat bun, for lunch. Try to avoid eating a heavy meal any time, especially at night.

Add Vinegar To Your Diet
According to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, adding vinegar to your diet can help lower blood sugar naturally. The study revealed that vinegar has the natural instinct to offset some of the blood sugar rise, which is commonly associated with foods rich in carbohydrate, such as potatoes, white rice and white bread. Two tablespoons of vinegar with each high starch meal would serve the purpose.

Drink Green Tea
Latest studies reveal that drinking tea can help a great deal in lowering the blood sugar level naturally. You can drink green tea daily in the morning, to keep a check on your blood sugar level. Brewing green tea with cinnamon sticks is a nice idea – the spice makes the beverage even more effective in reducing the blood sugar level. Apart from that, you also get a number of additional benefits – such as glowing skin.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Gain Weight the Healthy Way

Nowadays it seems like everyone is looking for a solution to weight loss. But if you're reading this health article, you might actually be looking for a solution to the opposite problem: You want to know how to gain weight and build muscle in a healthy manner without having to resort to harmful drugs or expensive weight gain supplements that don't work.

In a nutshell, weight gain can be achieved with the combination of good nutrition and a consistent weight training program. When it comes to nutrition, it's essential to have a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and good fats if you want to add weight. Proteins are necessary, because they repair and rebuild muscles after a workout. The average person should take in 1/2 gram of protein per pound of body weight to be healthy. But if you want to gain weight, you should consume about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Red meat, eggs, fish, poultry are great sources of protein that also provide important amino acids that aid in healthy weight gain.

And don't leave out the carbohydrates, which the body stores in the muscle tissues and liver in the form of glucose. When your body needs energy, it turns to these stored carbs for fuel. If you don't have enough carbohydrates, your body will convert protein into carbohydrates to get energy, thereby robbing your body of the proteins it needs to help you gain weight.

Carbohydrates are comprised of three types: simple, complex and dietary fiber. Simple carbohydrates can be obtained from sources like fruit juices; complex carbohydrates come from potatoes, oats, brown rice, whole grains and pasta; and dietary fiber comes from vegetables such as sweet corn, black beans and broccoli, among many others. The best approach is to get your calories from eating raw foods, but this is not always possible for people who have trouble gaining weight. For them, meal replacements can be important tools.

To implement a weight gain program, it's imperative that you eat several smaller meals a day rather than three larger meals. Why is this important? Because as the frequency of meals increases, so will nutrient absorption rates. More frequent nutrient delivery also means your body will be in a better position to regulate insulin levels, which factor into weight gain. The problem is that if you're like most people, you probably don't have time to prepare six meals a day. Meal replacements, which are commonly referred to as as MRPs (meal replacement powders), can provide a solution.

As the name suggests, MRPs are supplements that replicate the effect of having eaten a meal. MRPs don't do anything more than a good, healthy meal; they just make eating more convenient and portable. You might think MRPs would be a grim and tasteless option. But the good news is that as more people have used and become knowledgeable about them, they have forced nutrition companies to come up with palatable products that really work. Quality MRP brands like Prolab, EAS, Met-Rx and Optimum Nutrition not only taste good; they contain an assortment of vital proteins and vitamins. (That's not always the case with MRPs you find in the grocery store, so buyer beware.) You don't need a kitchen to prepare an MRP; all you need is water or juice and a shaker. It's almost like having a personal chef who provides nutritional meals at your command, any time of the day.

There are a few things to consider before you head out to the store and buy your first can of MRP. By far the most important criteria is the taste. No matter how nutritious it is, if you don't like how it tastes, it isn't going to help you. Next are the upgrades. Beware of companies that add extra whey protein or glutamine because these are rip-offs.