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  Good Morning,  Nutrition and Hormonal Balance As an acupuncturist in the area of fertility, I realize tha...

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Embrace Your Power to Create Change


Embrace Your Power to Create Change

As we expose and uproot the forces of tyranny from their self-made thrones, so is it crucial that we help inform the collective about the existence of the spiritual realms and our very real ability to Create widespread change in the interests of every person.
It's important for the ever-awakening public to understand that our reality is nothing like we've been led to believe, and it's been said that learning about the cabal's actions will help initiate that understanding for everybody.
In the face of our continual efforts to expose the cabal and build our future, helping the public understand their ability to access and work with states of consciousness beyond our current understanding will see us all able to embrace our strength.
The most important revelation for every person to grasp, in my opinion, is the revelation that we possess infinite power within.
Some have given their power away to religious entities and deities they were taught to believe are holier than us or are able to gain a greater grace with Source than we are, but the reality is that we possess the power the Angels and Archangels so discussed in the Bible and various other holy doctrine possess.
Famous Angels and Archangels who communicate with humanity to this day, such as Michael and Gabrielle, are certainly real. What we haven't been told is that beyond their existence on a higher plane of consciousness, there's nothing about them that sets them apart from us in terms of their holiness or deservedness to experience heaven and be close to Source.
When we re-reach the states of consciousness the Angels, Archangels, Masters, Galactics and countless others have been able to reach, we'll discover that we're Angels; Archangels; Masters; Galactics and so much more. We possess the ability to build advanced spacecraft and other impressive technology that we can explore the Creation beyond our Earth with.
We can lend our energy to awakening the collective and bringing forth exposure of the cabal in ways that every person on our world can understand, and the Company of Heaven will continue to work as actively as they can behind the scenes while supporting us and cheering us on.
All the while, I can imagine they'll continue to remind us that we're the Divine changemakers making and being the change we wish to see, and as we each embrace our personal power and ability so will we find ourselves working much more actively for the collective's awakening than we would've perhaps expected.
In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with looking toward and appreciating the external help being given from the spiritual realms in a fairly detached and balanced manner. However, our power lies in our ability to recognize we have such power, and I have the feeling that each of you reading this can and will contribute much to humanity's awakening when you find just what you're meant to do and aptly get to work.
Personally, I'm smack in the middle of my inner-searching and I'm still discovering just what I want to do from this point on to help awaken the populace. I can say that I'm being led much more toward researching, writing, speaking and playing music than I was even recently, and while I don't intend to abandon channeling I can say that using my voice more often than not has felt great.
While out on a walk with my family this morning it hit me that the best thing I can do is give my time and energy equally to helping expose/uproot the powers in accordance with our new paradigm, and helping reinforce and build upon the spiritual seeking we as an awakening public have started.
There's so much we could focus on in the way of our developing spiritual perception, and if I wanted to I could spend the next six months focusing solely on spiritual development and communicating with the Company of Heaven as I have for so long.
However, I'm feeling led to help us all recognize everything about our reality that's in need of change to say the least, and the necessary balance will be in helping bring about a new paradigm and subsequently building upon our collective spiritual enlightenment.
I can say that I'm ready to reach a broader awakening public in an effort to help bridge the gap between various awakened "camps", and while I'm in the middle of my personal process, I look forward to seeing where it takes me from here.
Continue to expect inspired and perhaps researched writings and discussions, as well as channeled messages and music. To be honest, I have a stack of songs ready to be published and continue to feel inspired.
We've entered a new age and a new way of Living and being, and this new age is being brought about by you and I as we discover just how much potential we have. Arise, fellow awakening spiritual seeker, because your mission has only begun.
Wes Annac  Hoping to represent the increased desire to step-up that's being felt in more and more conscious people.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Eating for Good Memory


Good Morning!
Food For Thought: Eating for Good Memory
Most researchers agree that the best way to protect your memory is to eat plenty of antioxidants and nutrients commonly found in fruits and vegetables. Brain cells are especially vulnerable to toxins because the brain generates more free radicals per gram of tissue than any other organ. Antioxidants also protect neurons by keeping blood vessels supple and open, ensuring the flow of nutrients to the brain.
In a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers tested people who ages ranged from 65 to 90 and discovered that the people with the best ability to memorize words and do mental arithmetic were those whose diets included the most fruits and vegetables. Coincidentally, the same group of people ate the least artery-clogging saturated fat. Of all the fruits and vegetables studied, blueberries and blackberries contain the most potent antioxidants, anthocyanins. As well as eating a diet rich in antitoxidants, taking extra vitamins can help preserve memory, especially as we age.
Try to maintain a meal schedule! At the start of your day, it is important to have a big high protein breakfast. This will jump start your metabolism, will not spike your blood sugar and will "feed the brain". After class, if it is between breakfast and lunch, have a handful of nuts or good fats like cheese or yogurt with fresh or dried fruit. Lunch is the balancing act! Students tend to load up of the simple carbs found in rice, white bread and processed soups and other canned foods, instead of the complexed carbs found in beans and root vegetables.
To keep your blood sugar from spiking and wanting to hit the pillow instead of class, go for the high protein and Omega rich options like tuna, salmon or sardines with beans, and root vegetables. Study time can be a real distraction if you are hungry. Avoid the coffee, dounuts, bagels and cookies and go with green or black tea, or herbal tea. Have handy a tray of fresh vegetables and fruit, cut and ready to eat. Drinking plenty of water will stave off hunger, keep you full, hydrated and awake.
This kind of snacking will get you through your study time much quicker and with less distractions!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

IMP--Clean your kidneys



Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this? 
It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley (MALLI Leaves)and wash it clean 
Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool. 
Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before. 
Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!

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Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning... Treatments and how are we going to overcome this?

It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley (MALLI Leaves)and wash it clean
Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.

Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.

Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!

