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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

[AlternativeAnswers] Massage and the Dermatomes


Good Morning!

Massage and the Dermatomes

There are many different approaches to massage and applications of it. "Massage Therapy" is a holistic procedure that affects all systems of the body; digestive, elimination, respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic, endocrine and nervous systems. It is accomplished through specific manipulations with the hands on the soft tissue of the body for therapeutic effect.

Basic anatomy explains that our central nervous system (CNS) is comprised of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of cranial nerves, which branch out of the brain, and spinal nerves, which branch out of the spinal cord. The region where the nerve branches out from the spinal cord is known as the Nerve Root. Each nerve travels from the spinal cord and then divides into a posterior division (dorsal rami) and an anterior division (ventral rami). The dorsal rami innervate the posterior muscles and skin of the trunk; the ventral rami, from, T1 to T12, innervate the anterior and lateral muscles and skin of the trunk.

Motor fibers and sensory fibers emerge from the spinal nerves. The motor fibers innervate particular muscles, while sensory fibers innervate particular areas of the skin. A skin area innervated by the sensory fibers of a single nerve root is known as a Dermatome.

A group of muscles primarily innervated by the motor fibers of a single nerve root is known as a Myotome (muscle). There is a total of 31 sets of nerves branching out of the spinal cord.

A Plexus is formed by the remaining anterior nerve divisions, which then distribute to the rest of the body. The nerves from each plexus innervate specific muscles and areas of skin in the body and are numbered according to the location in the spine from where they exit. The following are the four main plexuses:

The Cervical and Brachial plexuses innervate the upper limbs. The Lumbar and Sacral plexuses innervate the lower limbs.

Cervical plexus, C1 - C4, innervates the diaphragm, shoulder and neck 
Brachial plexus, C5 - T1, innervates the upper limbs 
Lumbar plexus, T12/L1 - L4, innervates the thigh 
Sacral plexus, L4 - S4, innervates the leg and foot.

Having knowledge of dermatomes and myotomes can help us to differentiate different dysfunctions. Certainly if there is no dysfunction, massage techniques that focus on massage in the direction of the dermatomes and myotomes make for a soothing, intuitive experience in touch therapy.

The sensory perception is what our body acknowledges. this is another reason why the "flow" of the massage is so very important.

Coupled with other sensory stimulants such as aromatherapy and sound/music therapy and you can create the most insightful massage you have ever given! 

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit 


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Thursday, June 9, 2016

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Source of Relief from Back Pain


Vitamin D supplementation is key to relieving back pain. If you are already taking it, have your viatmin D levels checked. If your doctor doesn't know why your levels are not rising, get tested for celiac disease as malabsorption is probably answer.


Hope this helps!




John Libonati


Gluten Free Works Health Guide




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