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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

[AlternativeAnswers] Peacefulmind.com Wellness Newsletter June


Peacefulmind.com Wellness Newsletter June

Sizzling Summer

At the Summer Solstice the Earth assumes its most direct tilt into the Sun. Our
greatest energy thrives at this time of year. This is a good time a year to be
more conscious about and take care of the heart, small intestine, blood vessels
and our speech. At this season learn how to stock your Herbal Medicine Chest how
to choose essential oils for summer, learn how to do a Summer detoxification,
and how the feeling of joy and our emotions in Chinese Medicine play a role in
how we feel. Get the best ways to eat to optimize your health.


Herbal Medicine for Summer

Improve your health by learning how to create a Summer herbal medicine chest.
Learn how to use Summer essential oils. Discover safe and effective ways to do a
Summer detoxification and find the best herbal teas for Summer.

http://www.peacefulmind.com/summer.htm#Summer Herbal Medicine Chest

Everything Reiki

Discover the secrets when working with Reiki energy. Reiki is considered an
energetic, as well as a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Japanese
Buddhist Mikao Usui. Andrew has created a source for all things reiki! You will
discover how to bring reiki energy into your life, how the five principles can
help you heal and the power behind reiki symbols. Consider a daily ritual for
connecting, using reiki tools for empowering and learn more about Crystal
Ascension Reiki for treating yourself and others.


Crystals by Emotions

Although the mind/body connection has been acknowledged only relatively
recently in Western medicine, the interaction of emotions with the physical body
is an essential aspect of traditional Chinese medicine. Learn how crystal
therapy can teach us about our seven major emotional states and how it relates
to our physical health by understanding anger, joy, worry, pensiveness, grief,
fear, and shock (fright). Discover more about our emotions and the mind/body
connection. What crystals enhance your mood?


Natural Foot Care

Athlete's foot is just one of the many problems our tootsies can undergo, no
matter what the season. The feet are our "connection to the earth". They can be
easily cut or bruised, experience pain from gout and diabetes complications or
undergo numbness and tingling from nerve damage. Learn more about how to treat
plantar fasciitis, the irritation from dermatitis and the best ways to care for
your feet. Find some of our most amazing remedies for treating your feet, such
as our peppermint foot pak, trauma remedy kit, our pure essential oil of tea
tree, the all natural foot detox patches, the best bone spur remedy called
osteophyte powder as well as, the homeopathic remedies for degenerative
arthritis, neuralgia and soothing foot baths.


The Metaphysics of Beauty

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. It is true. What may be beautiful to one
person, is less beautiful to another. Therefore, the subjective statement, seems
to capture a certain reality. When it comes to looking at beauty metaphysically,
it is really about self care, self preservation, self respect, self love and
first and foremost, self confidence. Understand that we are all beautiful!
Beauty encompasses a whole range of characteristics. Discover the tools you need
to feel beautiful, inside and out!


Alternative Answers for Sunburn

Sunburn prevention and precautions are the most important in treatment. The
overexposure to the sun is damaging. Whether you tan or burn, your skin has
already gone through a process of UV rays that cause inflammation and sometimes
swelling, blistering, peeling, and pain. If you are already experiencing
sunburn, you can find Andrew's best alternative answers for treating sunburn


Building Self Esteem

Self Esteem issues are different in different people. Although you may feel
great about yourself in one area of your life, you may be extremely down on
yourself in another. You can discover the honor myself check list, how honoring
your body brings more self awakening and how self esteem is definitely a
learning process. I would also like to recommend reading self destructive
behavior and how to cope.

http://www.peacefulmind.com/articless.htm#Honor Myself Check List

Determining Your Skin Type

Learning how to determine your skin type is the first step to beautiful skin.
All natural skin care is the regime of caring for your skin with products that
contain no artificial additives, no preservatives no artificial flavors or
colors. Here, you can find some of Andrew's best skin care treatments, and his
premier line of natural skin care, ProAcuMed Skin Care Anti-Aging Packages.
Andrew uses calcium rich pearls to create his moisturizing pearl cream. For
problem skin, consider herbal scar therapy applied twice a day to active scar
tissue to help reduce the itching, pulling and visual appearance of scars. For
those suffering from dermatitis, eczema or psorasis Andrew has blended the best
natural ingredients for difficult situations. Get great skin!

http://www.peacefulmind.com/body_skin.htm#Determining Your Skin Type

Summer Favorites

Andrew has gathered together for the season. Abalone shells have a natural
vessel for cleansing, offerings and prayers. The abalone shell and stand is a
natural receptor, which can be used to burn herbs for offering or cleansing
rituals. Pearls are an amazing gift from the sea as they are in tune with
emotions. Their secrets have been unleashed and used in the area of beauty for
centuries as calcium rich pearl powder and a moisturizing anti-aging cream. Gem
essence are the infusion of crystals, spring water and the power of the sun/moon
in a bottle. These high quality essence work in harmony with the body by
interacting with our bio-sheath and natural and self-adjusting. We are proud of
our summer breeze candle collection, our ocean breeze inspired massage oils and
lotions and ocean splash and energy salts. Supplement with nature's bounty of
rich blueberry probiotics and Bilberry extract contains anthocyanidins with visual and 

vascular enhancing properties.


NEW Summer Fantasy Candles

When the time is right to visit your sacred space, allow us to enlighten the
journey. Each of our herbal magic candles has been designed with a specific
intention using a unique blend of essential oils. Enlighten your journey


Blueberry Probiotics

Powerful Probiotic Anti-Aging Formula* Blueberry Probiotic Complex is designed
to provide the antioxidant benefits of organic fermented soy, blueberry, lemon
peel, green tea, parsley, ginger, and cumin along with the cell protective and
immune supportive action of live beneficial probiotics.


Fire Element Pendant

This beautifully, hand crafted pendant works with the metaphysical healing power
of crystals, allowing us to better elevate both our emotional and sexual selves!
This stunning pendant necklace helps to invoke creativity, engages our fire
center and wakes up our second energy region. Crystal jewelry blitz

http://peacefulmind.com/jewelry.htm#Fire Pendant

SeaShell Massage

This fantastic kit brings the magic of the sea to your massage table. Your
clients will experience the beauty of a sea shell massage using a variety of
fantastic hand picked shells

http://www.peacefulmind.com/whatsnew.htm#Sea Shell Massage Kit

June is Gemini Month

Are you ready for love? Do you need a new career? Do you know what makes you
lucky? Discover your personal horoscope and love forecast each day! Aries *



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[AlternativeAnswers] File - Improve Your Health Now.doc


File : Improve Your Health Now.doc
Description : Tops 10 Ways to Improve Your Health right now! by Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

[AlternativeAnswers] Entrainment: The Synchronicity of Life


Good Morning!

Entrainment: The Synchronicity of Life

Musically, entrainment invloves the "merging with, or synchronizing to, the pulse of the music". This principle is related to the isomorphic principle which states that one's mood should be matched to the mood of the music and then gradually moved into the desired direction. The principle of entrainment is universal. Appearing in chemistry, pharmacology, biology, medicine, psychology, sociology, astronomy, architecture and more. The classic example shows individual pulsing heart muscle cells. When they are brought close together, they begin pulsing in synchronicity. Another example of the entrainment effect is women who live in the same household often find that their menstrual cycles will coincide.

The entrainment process is quite evident in music. It is possible to have rhythmic entrainment, melodic entrainment and dynamic entrainment. Entrainment music has the potential to (1) resonate with the listener's feelings, (2) transform negativity into positive, and (3) promote a state of liveliness or serenity. Certain sounds, in specific sequence can help bring the listener from one place to another.

Entrainment is the tendency of two oscillating bodies to lock into phase, so that they vibrate in harmony.

The following are great tools for entrainment: 

Music Therapy Tools

1. Affirmations: Music and words represent an integration of text, melody, rhythm and voice and are the many reasons that ses musical affirmations apart from just words. Using these types of affirmations can give you the power to think positively, remove barriers to prosperity, minimize stress and create pathways to love and confidence. Today's non-stop, high-stress world means our minds are constantly in the beta or unreceptive state. This is where the mind's mental energy fires neurons at random. Musical affirmations will return your mind to the alpha (receptive) state. This state is where the neurons fire in harmony. Where the positive message of the affirmations can be absorbed effectively by the conscious and subconscious mind due to the power enhancing affects of a musical accompaniment.

2. Mind Quieting: A disciplined mind is a free mind. Gain control over your thoughts and you maintain control over your life. Retrain your mind and you regain your freedom. Calming the mind is a behavioral technique used to interupt, minimize and eliminate "psychological noise". Obsessive, repeatitive thoughts, anxiety and fears are all apart of negative, self-destructive patterns that can benefit from the power of music and mind quieting.

3. Breathing : Breath is life! Exchange of electrons. Flow of energy. Air is the primary nutrient. Survival without it is measured in minutes. It is so important that you do it without thinking. Your breathing is the voice of your spirit. It's depth, smoothness, sound, and rate reflect your mood. If you become aware of your breath and breathe the way you do when you are calm you will become calm. Practicing regular, mindful breathing can be calming and energizing. With the addition of music and it's rhythm, the "musical breath" can even help stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders.  Fall into the rhythm of the music and breathe. Focus on your breathing and the music.

4. Mantras : No one can fully explain the mystery of mantras. Their magical sounds help heal physical imbalances, relax the mind, quiet the emotions, and open the heart. They were created to remind us that love, laughter, and inner peace belong to us. They help us go beyond borders, realize our potential, and celebrate the power of love. They stimulate, activate, motivate, and rejuvenate. Mantras can help you dance or sleep, laugh or cry, make love or meditate, turn tedious housework or heavy exercise into light-hearted fun. They can help you forget someone or find someone. Mantras offer increased flexibility and strength while they gently expand your consciousness, and help you experience love, compassion, and inner peace.

5. Chanting : Chanting begins with an invocation or a prayer, a group OM, or some small line of remembrance that connects everyone to a higher source. To learn chanting has a healthy strengthening effect on the mind; it develops concentration, patience and determination. So, almost any word group, or even sounds, can be used although the emphasis should be on goodness. Try repeating the word 'love' a thousand time over. Creating a connection to Self is the goal of chanting, and the process is meant to be inclusive and fun.

6. Toning : Toning with your own voice can improve health, greatly reduce stress, release negative emotions, strengthen immune system, increase energy, improve self-confidence, enhance memory and creativity, transform relationships, accelerate natural healing help you ascend to new dimensions of reality. Toning is the basis process of "letting go" of basic, natural sounds to attain a sense of balance, harmony and centering. Some examples of natural toning include: yawning, moaning, crying, sighing or screaming. The release of these natural tones result in the harmonizing of emotions, mind and body.

7. Drumming: Research has shown that drumming can actually strengthen the immune system, create a calming focus and is even hypnotic. A steady rhythm on the drum connects us to the heart. The healing effects have been shown to improve conditions of Alzheimer's, autism, trauma and emotional disturbances.

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit 


1. The Tao of Music, John M. Ortiz
2. Goodnight Mind, Sharon Salzberg
3. Toning, Laurel Elizabeth Keyes
4. You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay
5. http://www.thecollective.edu
6. Mantra Meditations, Thomas Ashley-Farrand
7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chant


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