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Sunday, February 14, 2016

[AlternativeAnswers] Heart Healthy Valentine's Day Meals


Good Morning!

Heart Healthy Valentine's Day Meals

It has been said "the way to a loved one's heart is through their stomach". This Valentine's Day I've gathered some heart healthy foods to romance your loved one/s with and at the same time show them just how much you care.

Breakfast in Bed

Granola, Oatmeal with Red Goji Berries

1 cup rolled oats
ground cinnamon to taste
3 tablespoons raisins
1/2 cup skim milk or soy milk
2 cups water
3 tablespoons chopped walnuts
1/2 cup goji berries
1/2 cup granola

1. Place the oats, cinnamon and raisins in a pan on the stove.
2. Add the water and warm and stir to a rolling boil.
3. Stir in the berries and granola when ready to serve.
4. Add berries and nuts

Strawberries Side Car

8-10 Strawberries
2 sprigs of mint

1. Cut and clean berries and stack them in a fruit dish
2. Garnish with mint
3. Add dollop of yogurt or light whipped cream on top

Juicy Valentine's Squeeze

3 oranges
1 lime
8-10 raspberries

1. Peel the oranges, wash raspberries and cut the lime in half.
2. Toss oranges and raspberries into a blender or juicer.
3. Pour into juice glass, with a squeeze of lime.

Chocolate Turtles

8 ounces semisweet chocolate
1 teaspoon oil (canola, sunflower, safflower)
2 cups walnuts or almonds

1. Line baking sheet with waxed paper.
2. Melt chocolates and oil in top of double boiler over barely simmering water,
stirring frequently, until smooth.
3. Add nuts and mix until coated
4. Drop by small tablespoons onto waxed paper.
5. Chill in refrigerator until firm.
6. Serve directly from refrigerator

Dinner for Two

Seasoned Crusted Salmon

4 salmon filets (4-6 oz. each)
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons seasoned breadcrumbs
2 tablespoons chopped pecans
1 teaspoon parsley
Wedges of fresh lemon

1. Sprinkle salmon with salt and pepper. Place skin side down on baking sheet.
2. Combine mustard and honey, brush on top of salmon.
3. Mix topping of breadcrumbs, nuts, and parsley and sprinkle over salmon.
4. Bake at 400 degrees 10-15 minutes or until flaky. Serve with wedges of fresh

Vegetable Love Medley

2 tablespoons water
1 cut thinly sliced zucchini
1 cup thinly sliced yellow squash
1 small carrot thinly sliced
1/2 medium green pepper, cut into strips
1 celery stalk cut into 2-inch strips
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/8 teaspoon dillweed
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 medium tomato, cut into 8 wedges

1. Heat water in large fry pan. Add zucchini, squash, green pepper, celery and
2. Cover and cook over moderate heat until vegetables are tender- crisp, about 3
3. Sprinkle seasoning over vegetables. Top with tomato wedges.
4. Cover and cook over low heat until tomato wedges are just heated, about 2
5. Serve

Pomegranate Parfait

1 sliced pomegranate
1/2 cup fresh fruit (think red or black berries)
1/2 cup low-fat or regular yogurt (flavor of your choice)
1/8 cup low-fat granola

Layer the different ingredients in a parfait glass and repeat layers.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit


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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

[AlternativeAnswers] Heart Break: The Realization of our Greatness


Good Morning!

Heart Break: The Realization of Our Greatness

Heartbreak is one of the most trying, difficult and hurtful processes
we can go through. Heart break is not just an emotional state but can
induce real patho-physiologic feelings of pain in the heart. It has
been said that the "most sexual organ is the brain and the organ of
most intelligence is truly the heart". We often think a lot with our

Heart Chakra Energy

When the energy of our Heart energy center or Chakra is in balance,
we are compassionate, loving, empathetic, altruistic, peaceful, in
balance and truly have love for ourselves. When the heart is out of
balance in excess conditions, we tend to express issues of co-
dependency, poor boundaries with often demanding, clinging, jealous
and overly sacrificing tendencies.

When the heart is out of balance in deficient conditions, we tend to
become anti-social, withdrawn, critical, judgmental, intolerant of
ourselves and others, lonely, isolated and depressed.

Heartbreak has a tendency to put our lives in perspective. Whether it
is with the breakup of a romantic relationship or lose of a loved
one, we need to take a look with an introspective eye. That is we
need to take a reflective looking inward : an examination of one's
own thoughts and feelings.

Our Belief System

The strength in our heartbreak really depends on the strength of our
belief systems about the relationship. Our mental attitudes and
beliefs set up our perspective and expectations. This in turn dictate
our relationships. With everything. With our self as human beings,
with life, with our friends, family, lovers, business associates. Our
attitudes dictate our relationships with our own emotions, with our
bodies, gender, and sexuality. Even with our concept of God. We
determine in our minds what constitutes success or failure in any

"As long as we believe that someone else has the power to make us
happy then we are setting ourselves up to be victims"

It is important to remember that we are steering the ship. No matter
what external situations can happen to you, you have the ability to
take control of "how" you choose to look at this situation that has
been presented to you.

"Who Am I"

You have now been given a rare opportunity to look at yourself. To
observe your true self without any co dependent entities around you.
Now is your chance. Who are 'You'? I will not sit here and tell
you, "It happens, get over it!" No. It is hard. As seekers of light
and love, we take the human traits we formed early in life to use
these traits on our journey. The journey we seek is one of a
Spiritual journey. We seek to better ourselves, to follow our dreams,
to seek out our light that will take us to a higher plain. Depending
on our beliefs we discover along our journey the outside influences
such as people, places, things: such as money, property, and prestige
or external manifestations such as looks, talent and intelligence.
These external dependencies or often, co-dependencies can distract us
and make us feel better temporarily but they cannot address the core
issue - they cannot fulfill our Spiritually journey. They can give us
ego-strength but not self-worth. True self-worth comes from accessing
the eternal Truth within, from remembering the state of Grace that is
our True condition. The real reason we have set out on our journey in
the first place.

We Need To Love

For it is Love and the lose of Love which truly allows us the
greatest steps in our journey as a Spiritual being. The fact, that
you yourself have loved is all that is required.

"Energy Follows Thought"

"With each beat of our heart and every breath that we take, we get a
new opportunity to make a choice as to where we want to direct the
energy of our lives. Every new moment offers a possibility to open a
crack in the door that brings forth the power of the universe. The
ever-present "now" is always offering new opportunities to improve
our lives. As we verbalize and visualize during our prayer meditation
sessions, the now is always turning the present into the past.
Scientists have recently determined that the human brain takes an
average of three seconds to process and transfer information from
reality to memory, to change the present to the past. Each new moment
gives us another chance to reevaluate in the light of the present,
giving us an opportunity to make new choices and decisions as to what
we want to do with our lives. "1

Energy follows thought. Where your thoughts are directed, there is
where your energy will go and manifest. Grieving losses are important
because it allows us to 'free-up' energy that is bound to the person,
object, or experience, so that we might re-invest that energy

Grief and Grieving

Grief is a normal and natural response to loss. Though we often
expect to grieve the death of a family member or friend, many other
significant losses can also trigger grief.

Examples include:
*The end of a relationship
*A move to a new community
*A much-anticipated opportunity or life goal is suddenly closed to us
*The death of a pet

"Until we grieve effectively we are likely to find reinvesting
difficult; a part of us remains tied to the past. Grieving is not
forgetting. It is not drowning in tears. Healthy grieving results in
an ability to remember the importance of our loss -- but with a new-
found sense of peace, rather than searing pain.",

"Sometimes our reactions are so changeable, intense, or irrational
that we fear we may be going crazy. Often grieving people are afraid
to confront their grief for fear that if they open the door they will
be drowned in a flood of tears or rage. Though this is very unlikely,
allowing others to help us in our grieving is good 'insurance' that
we will keep our balance. No matter what our intense experiences of
grief may be they are temporary. There IS life after heartbreak -- if
we acknowledge and work through our reactions, rather than trying to
stop them." "Fortunately, much of the process of healthy grieving
seems to be 'built into' our genes. Acknowledging and growing from
losses is such a natural process that much of it will happen without
our direction -- if we relax our expectations of how we "should"
grieve and give up some of our need to be in control. But healthy
grieving is an active process; it is NOT true that, "You just need to
give it time." One way of understanding the work to be done is to
think of grieving as a series of tasks we need to complete (not
necessarily in any order).

Tips To Consider:

*To accept the finality of the loss;

*To acknowledge and express the full range of feelings we experience
as a result of the loss;

*To adjust to a life in which the lost person, object, or experience
is absent;

*To 'say good-bye,' to ritualize our movement to a new peace with the
loss. Good friends, family members, or a personal counselor can all
be helpful in doing this vital work. You can also do a good deal to
help yourself.

*"Active, healthy grieving requires balance -- balancing the time you
spend directly working on your grief with the time you spend coping
with your day-to-day life; balancing the amount of time you spend
with others with the time you spend along; balancing seeking help
from others with caring for yourself."

*Go gently -- take whatever time it needs, rather than giving
yourself a deadline for when you should be "over it";

*Expect and accept some reduction in your usual efficiency and

*Try to avoid taking on new responsibilities or making major life
decisions for a time;

*Talk regularly about your grief and your memories with someone you

*Accept help and support when offered;

*Be particularly attentive to maintaining healthy eating and sleeping

*Exercise moderately and regularly;

*Keep a journal; Write down your lessons. Healthy grieving will have
much to teach you.

*Read -- there are many helpful books on grief; (see References). If
grief is understood it is easier to handle;

*Plan, and allow yourself to enjoy without guilt, some GOOD TIMES.

*The goal is balance, not martyrdom;

*Carry or wear a linking object -- a keepsake that symbolically
reminds you of your loss.

*Anticipate the time in the future when you no longer need to carry
this reminder and gently let it go;

*Tell those around you what helps you and what doesn't. Most people
would like to help if they knew how;

*Take warm, leisurely baths;

*See a counselor;

*Get a massage regularly;

*Set aside a specific private time daily to remember and experience
whatever feelings arise with the memories;

*Choose your entertainment carefully -- some movies, TV shows, or
books can only over-intensify already strong feelings;

*Join a support group -- there are hundreds of such groups and people
have a wonderful capacity to help each other;

*Plan for 'special days' such as holidays or anniversaries. Feelings
can be particularly intense at these times;


*Take a yoga class;

*Connect on the Internet. There are many resources for people in
grief and heartbreak, as well as opportunities to chat with fellow

*Vent your anger in healthy ways, rather than holding it in. A brisk
walk or a game of tennis can help;

*Speak to a member of the clergy;

*Plant yourself in nature;

*Do something to help someone else"

*Find motivating music that will turn you forward and allow you the
strength you need.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit


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Monday, February 8, 2016

[AlternativeAnswers] The Psychological Aspects of Rose


Good Morning!

The Psychological Aspects of Rose

I am often drawn to the psychological aspects of any healing modality and essential oils are no different. Roses represent Love, Trust and Self-Acceptence. Originally from Asia, there are some 250 species with over 10,000 hybrid varieties. Only three can be distilled for their aromatic perfume. Rosa Gallica (French Rose), Rosa Damascena (Damask Rose) and Rosa Centifolia (Cabbage Rose). It is the Bulgarian Damask Rose that gives the finest quality of distilled essence or "Otto".

Since it takes about 120 lbs or 60,000 roses to be distilled down to 1 ounce of Rose Otto, it is reasonable to see why it is such an expensive essential oil. Rose Absolute, created by using a solvant in the process of distillation, allows for this oil to be significantly less expensive and is used by the perfume industry. Often blended in a base of jojoba or sunflower oil, Rose Absolute is what is often sold by most essential oil companies.

A gentle Heart tonifier, Rose's psychological properties play mostly upon it effects on the mind. The mind, which is the center of our emotional being, extends it's energy to the heart. Rose oil calms, nourishes and supports the heart and helps restore a sense of well being. Rose oil can be very beneficial in helping with anxiety, palpitations and insomnia. The compassion of the Rose is seen through it's ability to heal emotional wounds. When loss, rejection or sorrow has injured our capacity for nurturing and self love, Rose oil brings a sweet and gentle comfort, binding the "heart strings" from the Heart to the Mind. In cases of a broken heart, injured from abuse or hurt, Rose oil can reach deep to warm the soul again and touch the deepest despair, restoring the trust that makes it possible to love again.

In Traditional Chinese Herbology, Mei Gui Hua (Flos Rosae Rugosae) is looked at in a beautifully poetic manor. Rose buds regulate the Qi Energy and harmonize the connection between the Spleen and Liver, soothing distention, pain, fullness and indigestion. Roses are also utilized in a tea for mildly moving Qi related to Menstrual Disorders. The Heart which is Yin, is paired with it Yang channel, the Small Intestines. It is stated that when emotional problems of the Heart take over and become excess in nature, we tend to see Urinary tract infections in the lower portion of the body. Roses were called the "Queen of Flowers" by the Greek poet Sappho. The exquisite fragrance, sweet aroma, blushing colors and considerably therapeutic effects, ensures its special place in the perfumery and medicinal Materia Aromatica that is no less revered today!

Botanical name: rosa damascena 
Use: fights infection, reduces inflammation, relieves muscle spasms. 
Increases urination, bowel movement, regulates menstruation. Calms 
nerves, decreases depression, stimulates sexual desire.
Perfume Note: Base
Blends well with: Jasmine, Fennel, Vetiver, Geranium, Clary Sage
Source: flowers
Production method: steam distillation
Aromatherapy benefits: relaxing, soothing, sensual
Aroma type: sweet, floral
Safety Information: nontoxic, non irritant. 

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit 


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