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Friday, December 18, 2015

[AlternativeAnswers] Numbers


Seeing Frequent Numbers and there Meanings:
Master Numbers 11,22, 33

People keep running into frequent number patterns. The most common are 11 or 11:11, 22, and 33.  According to the study of numerology, all these numbers are master numbers. They have special significance and meanings.

The number 11 often represents new beginnings or more accurately double new beginnings. This could be humanity's wake up call to focus on spiritual advancement and love rather than the material world. The number 11 can also mean duality. Dealing with and balancing polar opposites can also come into play. Learning to accept masculine and feminine energies or logic and reason are just some of the challenges this number presents. It can also mean wisdom and intuition. Seeing 11's may signal that you are ready to fully embrace your inner knowing.

The number 22 often represents transitions. It can help you move from dreams to reality. Often called the Master Builder, 22 takes the spirituality of 11 and makes it practical. In a way it is like bringing heaven to earth. Seeing 22's may suggest that you are ready to translate your ideas into physical form. It will provide the discipline and determination to get you there.

The number 33 often represents healing through love. It is the true gift of nurturing and altruism. Seeing 33's could indicate that you have wonderful gifts and abilities that you are ready to share with the world. It contains the energies of humanitarianism, understanding and universal brotherhood.  Also:


  • 10:10 is the Alpha-Omega number. The number of beginnings and endings, it is full of promise, and of opening to the "Compassionate Heart."
  • 11:11 means "the Gateway", it's the doorway to your evolving self, your place within the current ascension of the planet.
  • 12:12 is the number when the Higher Realms wants to download into your consciousness new ways of being a human being and experiencing life on Earth. It is like the switch, turned on for you to step into your Divine Path to be of service for humanity and every living thing on the planet.
Numerology readings - type in your birth name and if different current name. This is very accurate. You can also do a numerology reading on your birthdate.
  • Diane


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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

[AlternativeAnswers] Coping with Holiday Expectations


Good Morning,

Coping with Holiday Expectations

We expect things in life. We expect things to be as they were in our childhood, the way we were brought up. We expect things to be the way we want them to be, the way we feel things should be. We expect things to be the way we want them to be in our love life, our careers, our families, our vacations and our relationship with others.

"The greater you expect things to be, the harder it is to deal with things that do not go your way!"

Already, I can sense resistance!

Having no expectations is one of the greatest lessons we can learn. This is not an easy concept to wrap your mind around.

In my practice, I see this everyday:

The 30 year old female who gives up other interests, activities, and friends, now that she is in this new relationship. She is expecting that each new relationship is "the one." She feels incomplete without a relationship and she is expecting that he will change into the man she wants him to be.

The 75 year old grandmother, who expects her children and grand children to all be with her on every single holiday.

The 23 year old college grad who expects to have all the computer companies knocking at his door to employ him because he was at the top of his graduating class. 
Are you ready to forget about what you think you want, and learn more about the endless possibilities that are available to you?

1. Allow change to happen freely. 
2. Let go of old ideas. 
3. Embrace new ideas, no matter how different they are from yours. 
4. Conflicting thoughts are not a threat. They can be a window of opportunity. 
5. Go into EVERY situation with an open mind. 
6. Follow a new idea or opportunity where IT leads you, NOT where you want it to go. 
7. Take a new situation, one day at a time. 
8. Be available mentally, emotionally, spiritually for an approach that may be different than yours. 
9. Find the positive in EVERY situation that is presented to you. Why was this situation brought to me? 
10. Learn the lesson the Universe is tossing your way. 
Progress is not possible unless people embrace new ideas, mind sets, skills and expectations to match the opportunities afforded by the introduction of something new to them!

By allowing yourself to be open to ANYTHING that is new to you and giving it a chance, you can find your life going in the direction of new adventures and endless possibilities!

No Expectations = Endless Possibilities

Try it today! 

Andrew Pacholyk MS. L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit 


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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

[AlternativeAnswers] Onion Health Benefits


The Health benefits of Red and Yellow Onions

Onions are not only a savory cooking staple to use as an inexpensive seasoning and flavoring agent in your favorite recipes. They also happen to be literally packed with beneficial compounds. So packed in fact, that they are actually healthier ounce for ounce than most "superfruits" like pomegranates, goji berries and blueberries.

Onions contain high amounts of quercetin

Quercetin is a polyphenol compound in the flavonoid family of antioxidants. Yellow or red onions are the best source of this nutrient while white onions are lacking. The general rule of thumb is the more pungent an onion tastes and smells the higher the overall antioxidant value. This means mild and sweet onions generally are not as beneficial.

The quercetin compound is also found in red wine, apples, citrust fruits, olive oil and blueberries to name a few. The compound is linked with lower rates of all types of cancer due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It is also an excellent remedy for arthritis and other diseases caused by inflammation.

Quercetin is also thought to improve prostate health in men and therefore may be an effective weapon against prostate cancer. It has also displayed natural antihistamine properties thereby reducing allergic reactions and general allergies. Studies are being done on the potential benefits quercetin may have to help preserve healthy cholesterol levels (HDL) while suppressing unhealthy cholesterol (LDL).

Onions are rich in sulfur compounds

Sulfur compounds offer an array of health benefits not to be ignored. These odorous compounds are responsible for the pungent taste and smell of an onion as well as the release of eye-irritating gases when the flesh is cut. They are also responsible for the potent antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of the onion. In fact, onion can be used as a preserving agent for meat that needs to keep for a longer period of time.

Sulfur compounds have long been regarded as a cancer fighting nutrient. Like quercetin,  they possess anti-inflammatory properties, which is why the onion is such a great combination of nutrients. There is also evidence that the sulfur compounds found in onions may improve the symptoms of asthma and other breathing problems related to inflammation.

Sulfur compounds also help to prevent blood clotting and therefore act as a superior natural  blood thinner. This can prevent cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Onions are rich in other important vitamins and minerals

Onions contain high levels of vitamin C, copper, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin E. Vitamins A, E and C are all excellent antioxidants. Copper is a mineral that is important in the maintenance of bone and joint  health and integrity and may help women especially to prevent osteoporosis. Additionally copper is excellent for maintaining firm skin.

As if all of this weren't enough, onions also may help to ward off bowel and stomach disorders. High onion consumption has been linked to lower risk of bowel cancer. It has also been linked to a lower risk of colorectal cancers. Organisms in the onion are thought to encourage healthy bacteria growth in the gut while inhibiting the growth of destructive bacteria.

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