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Friday, October 23, 2015

[AlternativeAnswers] The Life-Changing Magic of Tidyin gUp, Friday, 30 October 2015


"The Life-Changing Magic of Tidyin gUp" reminder
Friday, 30 October 2015
07:00 PM to 09:00 PM
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time - Dublin / Edinburgh / Lisbon / London
Kathy Wolfskill presents Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up© Plus how and where to dispose of, donate, and sell unloved things Friday, October 30  7 – 9 pm $15 General Public/$10 Caritas Members at The Caritas Center 5723 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder, CO 80303 Marie Kondo writes: "A dramatic reorganization of the home causes correspondingly dramatic changes in lifestyle and perspective." The KonMari Method is not about a little cleaning or decluttering each day—you'll be cleaning and decluttering forever. It's about a "tidying marathon" letting go of any item that "doesn't spark joy." Results include being surrounded with loved items only and each stored item being energetically renewed and seen in each opened closet and drawer. The new look and feel of your home is so different that the new practices are permanent with no rebounding. We'll cover why we can't keep our house in order, how to graciously discard items without guilt, the correct technique and order of discarding items by category (not location), and how to store the items we keep. We'll discuss how to graciously part with belongings and learn the (sometimes surprising) places and events where we can donate, recycle, and sell our possessions to help others and make money too. Do you want to make space in your life and your mind to start a flood of new, authentic changes, synchronicities, and gifts? Join us for an inspiring, feel-good course in creating that free space! Kathy Wolfskill spent 7 weeks earlier this year on pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago in Spain with all her worldly needs carried in her 22-pound backpack. It was a taste of a simple, beautiful existence without "excess baggage." She came home to clean out a lifetime's worth of (neatly stored, no less) possessions from her father's house after his death. She emerged with an unquestioned compulsion to drastically clean out her own house and her life. A friend recommended Marie Kondo's book to her at exactly the right time. The resulting sense of spaciousness and freedom in her home and in her life has been, indeed, life-changing! For info, Call 303-449.3066 or go to: www.CaritasCenter.org
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Thursday, October 22, 2015

[AlternativeAnswers] Boulder Screening! Award Winning Documentary The Business of Disease- Fri. 10/23


Boulder Screening! Award Winning Documentary

The Business of Disease

Friday, October 23, 7 pm

Giveaways and Q&A After Screening!

Q&A with the producer, Sonia Barrett after the film.


This 77 minute documentary explores what the producers call the "hypnosis of marketing" – a belief system that has evolved over many decades about healing that is generated and perpetuated by the marketing arms of the drug and medical industry; the meaning behind Business of Disease. Alongside a group of spiritual leaders, speakers and doctors, the producers aim to present an alternative view of self-care and a holistic approach to healing. The film aspires to educate individuals on their understanding of healing in addition to learning about the body's natural ability to heal.


The documentary traces the reasons why individuals and society have abandoned self-care and it doesn't just dwell on the marketing of disease, but also on the social and environmental systems that teach people to avoid self-care and holistic approaches. The purpose is not to dismiss the contribution of science but to understand the limitation of science as compared to a holistic approach that encourages self-care with a deep rooted understanding of the body, mind and spirit.


Watch the trailer at www.thebusinessofdisease.com. 

Get your copy of the book: Health an Inside Job, an Outside Business


A book that supplements the film- Each chapter is written by those in the film!


At The Caritas Center

5723 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder, CO 80303

To register, call 303-499-3066 or go to www.CaritasCenter.org



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[AlternativeAnswers] New Spiritism 101 Course at Caritas; Weekly Study Group: The Spirits’ Book by Allan Kardec


New Spiritism 101 Course at Caritas


Weekly Study Group: 

The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec 

Wednesdays, beginning on November 4, 

5:30 – 7:00 pm


The Spirits' Book is the foundational book on the Spiritist philosophy. Organized in the form of questions and answers, it presents a rich collection of dialogues between Allan Kardec and the spirit-instructors. The dialogues cover a broad area of human thought and spirituality. Translated into more than 45 languages, The Spirits' Book is a classic of spiritual literature. This study group follows the traditional Spiritist method of reading text in class and discussing as we go for a more in-depth understanding of the material. Consequently, there are no reading assignments and the length of the course is 7-9 months.  Facilitated by Gloria Coelho.

Topics include:   

·       The origin and nature of spirits

·       The purpose of incarnation

·       The Soul after death

·       The afterlife

·       Reincarnation and the destiny of the human race

·       Transitional worlds

·       Spirit life

·       Relationships in the Spirit realm

·       Memory of incarnate lives

·       Out of body visits between the living

·       Telepathy

·       Trance, ecstasy and second sight

·       Spiritual intervention in the incarnate world

·       Guardian angels, mentors, and guides

·       Occupations and missions of Spirits

·       ….and much more!

There are several translations of this book.  The one we'll be using is available for purchase at Caritas for $15.

This class is a pre-requisite for the Caritas Training Course in Spiritist Healing.  All others are also welcome! Although there is no charge for The Spirits' Book Study Group, a $5 donation per class is suggested to help defray costs.

At The Caritas Center

5723 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder, CO 80305 * 303-449-3066 * www.CaritasCenter.org



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