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  Good Morning,  Nutrition and Hormonal Balance As an acupuncturist in the area of fertility, I realize tha...

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Monday, July 20, 2015

[AlternativeAnswers] Hand Points


Its worth a try. 






It s All In The Palm Of Your Hand: Push These Points To Eliminate Your Pain

Here is a simple way to relieve pain without without stuffing yourself with chemical-loaded drugs.

Read the following instructions carefully and improve your condition:

  1. Locate the point on your thumb that is associated with the pain in your body. Press it for 5 seconds.
  2. Release the pressure for 3 seconds.
  3. Press again and repeat the same step for several minutes.
  4. Do this at least once a day and you will feel much better within a week.


Posted by: Boonight@aol.com
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

[AlternativeAnswers] Renal Cell Carcinoma


what supplements/foods do you suggest for fighting Renal Cell Carcinoma? Thank you so much for any information you might have!


Posted by: "Sherry" <momanddad1@cox.net>
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[AlternativeAnswers] Ayurveda: Determine Your Dosha


Good Morning!

Ayurveda: Determine Your Dosha

The following test will give you a good idea of the levels of your doshas. We have to remember that everyone has all three doshas, but in varying degrees. After reading each description, mark 0 to 7 in the space provided. Note that values 2 and 5 are not assigned at all (don't use them).
0, 1 = Does not apply 
3, 4 = Applies sometimes 
6, 7 = Applies most of the time 

Evaluating My Vata
Physical Attributes:
1.My physique is thin - I don't gain weight easily.___ 
2. I am quick and active. ___ 
3.My skin is usually dry, more so in winter.___ 
4.My hands and feet are usually cold.___ 
5.My energy fluctuates and comes in bursts.___
6. I usually develop gas or constipation.___
7. I usually have difficulty falling asleep or having a sound night's sleep.___
8. I am uncomfortable in cold weather.___
Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Attributes
9.My nature is lively and enthusiastic.___
10. I have difficulty memorizing things and remembering them later.___
11.It is easy for me to learn new things quickly, but I also forget quickly.___
12. I am not good at making decisions.___
13. I am anxious or worrisome by nature.___
14. People think I'm talkative and that I talk quickly.___
15. I am usually emotional by nature and my moods fluctuate.___
16. My mind is restless, but also imaginative.___
17. I have irregular eating and sleeping habits.___
Total Vata: ___ 

Evaluating My Pitta
Physical Attributes:
1. I don't tolerate hot weather. ___
2. I sweat easily.___
3. I can't tolerate delaying or skipping a meal.___
4.My hair is fine, straight, light, blonde, red, graying early, or balding. ___
5.My appetite is very good and I can eat big meals.___
6.My bowel movements are regular. I might have occasional loose stool but not much constipation.___
7. I like cold drinks and such foods as ice cream.___
8. I often feel hot.___
9.Spicy, hot foods upset my stomach.___
Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Attributes
10.I consider myself efficient.___
11. I try to be organized and accurate.___
12. I have a strong will and my friends think I am stubborn. ___
13. I am impatient by nature.___
14. I tend to become irritable or angry quite easily.___
15. I try to be meticulous and am a perfectionist by nature.___
16. I get angry easily, but I don't hold a grudge.___
17. I am usually critical of myself and others.___
Total Pitta: ___ 

Evaluating My Kapha
Physical Attributes:
1.It is easy for me to gain weight but difficult to lose.___
2. Skipping meals is easy for me and does not cause any problems.___
3. I tend to have congestion, mucus, or sinus problems.___
4. I'm a sound sleeper.___
5. I have thick, oily, dark, wavy hair.___
6.My skin is smooth and soft with an almost pale complexion.___
7.My body frame is large and solid with a heavy bone structure.___
8.My digestion is slow, so I feel full after eating.___
9. I have a steady energy level with good endurance and strong stamina.___
10. I'm sensitive to cool and damp weather. ___
Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Attributes:
11. I tend to be slow, methodical, and relaxed.___
12. I need to sleep a minimum of eight hours to feel well the next morning.___
13.By nature I am calm and composed. I don't get angry easily.___
14. I am not a quick learner but I am good at memorizing things and remembering them later.___
15.Many people consider me affectionate, forgiving, and peaceful.___
16.I usually oversleep and have difficulty waking up the next morning. ___
17.I am very reluctant to take on new responsibilities.___
Total Kapha: ___ 

My total scores are: Vata_____, Pitta_____, Kapha_____.
I am ________ first, ________ second, and ________ third. 

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit 


Posted by: yogiguruji@aol.com
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