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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

[AlternativeAnswers] Renal Cell Carcinoma


what supplements/foods do you suggest for fighting Renal Cell Carcinoma? Thank you so much for any information you might have!


Posted by: "Sherry" <momanddad1@cox.net>
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[AlternativeAnswers] Ayurveda: Determine Your Dosha


Good Morning!

Ayurveda: Determine Your Dosha

The following test will give you a good idea of the levels of your doshas. We have to remember that everyone has all three doshas, but in varying degrees. After reading each description, mark 0 to 7 in the space provided. Note that values 2 and 5 are not assigned at all (don't use them).
0, 1 = Does not apply 
3, 4 = Applies sometimes 
6, 7 = Applies most of the time 

Evaluating My Vata
Physical Attributes:
1.My physique is thin - I don't gain weight easily.___ 
2. I am quick and active. ___ 
3.My skin is usually dry, more so in winter.___ 
4.My hands and feet are usually cold.___ 
5.My energy fluctuates and comes in bursts.___
6. I usually develop gas or constipation.___
7. I usually have difficulty falling asleep or having a sound night's sleep.___
8. I am uncomfortable in cold weather.___
Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Attributes
9.My nature is lively and enthusiastic.___
10. I have difficulty memorizing things and remembering them later.___
11.It is easy for me to learn new things quickly, but I also forget quickly.___
12. I am not good at making decisions.___
13. I am anxious or worrisome by nature.___
14. People think I'm talkative and that I talk quickly.___
15. I am usually emotional by nature and my moods fluctuate.___
16. My mind is restless, but also imaginative.___
17. I have irregular eating and sleeping habits.___
Total Vata: ___ 

Evaluating My Pitta
Physical Attributes:
1. I don't tolerate hot weather. ___
2. I sweat easily.___
3. I can't tolerate delaying or skipping a meal.___
4.My hair is fine, straight, light, blonde, red, graying early, or balding. ___
5.My appetite is very good and I can eat big meals.___
6.My bowel movements are regular. I might have occasional loose stool but not much constipation.___
7. I like cold drinks and such foods as ice cream.___
8. I often feel hot.___
9.Spicy, hot foods upset my stomach.___
Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Attributes
10.I consider myself efficient.___
11. I try to be organized and accurate.___
12. I have a strong will and my friends think I am stubborn. ___
13. I am impatient by nature.___
14. I tend to become irritable or angry quite easily.___
15. I try to be meticulous and am a perfectionist by nature.___
16. I get angry easily, but I don't hold a grudge.___
17. I am usually critical of myself and others.___
Total Pitta: ___ 

Evaluating My Kapha
Physical Attributes:
1.It is easy for me to gain weight but difficult to lose.___
2. Skipping meals is easy for me and does not cause any problems.___
3. I tend to have congestion, mucus, or sinus problems.___
4. I'm a sound sleeper.___
5. I have thick, oily, dark, wavy hair.___
6.My skin is smooth and soft with an almost pale complexion.___
7.My body frame is large and solid with a heavy bone structure.___
8.My digestion is slow, so I feel full after eating.___
9. I have a steady energy level with good endurance and strong stamina.___
10. I'm sensitive to cool and damp weather. ___
Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Attributes:
11. I tend to be slow, methodical, and relaxed.___
12. I need to sleep a minimum of eight hours to feel well the next morning.___
13.By nature I am calm and composed. I don't get angry easily.___
14. I am not a quick learner but I am good at memorizing things and remembering them later.___
15.Many people consider me affectionate, forgiving, and peaceful.___
16.I usually oversleep and have difficulty waking up the next morning. ___
17.I am very reluctant to take on new responsibilities.___
Total Kapha: ___ 

My total scores are: Vata_____, Pitta_____, Kapha_____.
I am ________ first, ________ second, and ________ third. 

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit 


Posted by: yogiguruji@aol.com
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[AlternativeAnswers] Dreams: Gateway to Self-Discovery, Wednesday, 15 July 2015


"Dreams: Gateway to Self-Discovery" reminder
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
08:00 PM to 10:00 PM
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time - Dublin / Edinburgh / Lisbon / London
Dreams: Gateway to Self-Discovery 6-Week Dream Course with Gloria Coelho 6 Wednesdays, 7 - 9 pm, beginning July 8 Dreams, arising from your deepest Self, are an immediate and accessible way of identifying the questions and solutions most relevant to your current life circumstances. Every dream, whether evoking tears of laughter or a heart-throbbing rush of terror, contains within its symbolism a message both relevant and vital to your life. Dreamwork provides the key to interpreting this rich language of metaphor and symbol through which your dreams communicate their profound wisdom. The class will focus on: • Week 1: Ten Precepts of Dreamwork • Week 2: Techniques for Interpretation • Week 3: Discerning the Shadow • Week 4: Jungian Archetypes • Week 5: Dream Symbols • Week 6: Dream Incubation (an effective and easy technique for generating a dream for insight on a given topic) In addition, each week we will work experientially as a group with dreams shared in class. Tuition: $175; Members $150. Tuition includes dreamwork binder with all study materials. This class is limited to 10 people. Registration Required. Register at www.CaritasSpiritistCenter.org or call 303.449.3066 Gloria Coelho, founder and director of The Caritas Spiritist Center in Boulder, has practiced Jungian-based dreamwork for over 20 years, and has taught courses in dreamwork since 1998. Also a Spiritist healer, Gloria often utilizes dream interpretation to assist people in their emotional, spiritual and/or physical healing process. At The Caritas Spiritist Center 5723 Arapahoe, Boulder, CO 80303
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