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Friday, September 14, 2012

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Foods for Oral Hygiene


Another good rinse for the mouth is plain baking soda and warm water. You can add peroxide to it in equal parts water and peroxide. Alone baking soda has helped me when I had gum pain in my mouth. It drains the infection from a sore gum. And it is a very cheap mouth rinse.

--- On Mon, 9/10/12, wellness4ideas <wellnessdeas@yahoo.in> wrote:

From: wellness4ideas <wellnessdeas@yahoo.in>
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Foods for Oral Hygiene
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, September 10, 2012, 8:23 AM


Foods for Oral Hygiene:

Nutritionists recommend certain foods that boost the oral hygiene and

make the teeth whitening naturally while eating the same. These foods

are also considered as teeth whitening foods and have been becoming

popular in the U S A, United Kingdom and in other parts of the world

including India. Generally, we brush the teeth with toothpaste to

maintain oral hygiene once or twice a day. But Dental experts advise to

clean the teeth after every meal; of course it is not possible for

everyone to do the same everyday and after every meal.

Here we discuss certain foods for oral hygiene that clean the teeth

naturally and improve the oral health and prevent tooth decay and

cavities. The most recommend foods for cleaning the teeth are fresh

vegetables and fruits. Fruits such as apples require lot of chewing while eating, that clean the

teeth surface naturally. Vegetables like, cucumber, broccoli,

cauliflower, carrots, celery and Peas provide the same action as that of

apples, that clean the teeth, and the fiber that is placed between

teeth function, while eating the same, acts as natural floss. These

crunchy fruits and vegetables boost the secretion of saliva in the

mouth, leaving the mouth fresh and clean.

Dental experts and Nutritionists advise to take crunchy fruits as

snacks between meals to get rid of plaque, as this provides same action

of cleaning the teeth with paste and brush after meal. These natural

foods provide good health

to teeth and mouth and improve overall general health. In general,

Doctors say, mouth is the window of overall general health, and hence

maintaining oral health is as important as maintaining overall health.

Oranges enriched with Vitamin C prevent the enamel loss on teeth, strengthen the teeth and gums, and promotes overall oral hygiene. When we eat celery, it produces more saliva that nullifies cavity causing bacteria in the mouth. Intake of apples reduces the consumption of sugar, and it strengthens gums and teeth.

Dairy products such as cheese, milk, yoghurt, stabilizes mouth PH levels, prevents the loss of enamel on teeth, produces more saliva, prevents gum disease by killing cavity causing microbes, and the presence of lactic acid prevent tooth decay, while the presence of calcium, phosphate improve oral health.

The enzyme known as malic acid found in grapes makes the teeth white and clean. Fresh green beans also keep the teeth healthy. Gargling of water after meals reduces the staining of teeth. The consumption of sufficient water is very important for oral hygiene. Just taking one or two slices of onions along with meals; kill the disease causing bacteria in the mouth due to the presence of anti bacterial property. Cashew nuts kill the bacteria that cause tooth decay as proved in the research. Wasabi is found to prevent bacteria sticking on teeth.

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[AlternativeAnswers] National Yoga Month: Crystals for a Yoga Practice


Good Morning!

September is National Yoga Awareness Month. I am dedicating my writings to the
power of yoga! Yoga has been a huge influence in my life and has given back to
me in so many ways! So this week, I am introducing the power of yoga and how it
may have an influence over you.

National Yoga Month: Crystals for a Yoga Practice

Any gemstone can help you connect with your practice! Crystals can "speak" to us
in different ways and it is usually due to the fact that we instinctually need
something from it. It may be that we are attracted to its shape, color or sheen.
It could be its size, wieght or properties, but whatever it is that draws us in,
there is a reason behind it. When this happens at first glance, I often like to
look up it's metaphysical properties and color meanings. This often explains
immediately why I was drawn to it. Below is a list of my favorite stones I use
in my yoga practice. I hope you find a stone or two that calls to you!


Properties: This ancient petrified resin (possibly pine tree) has
electromagnetic properties. Rubbing a piece of amber with a cloth, will build up
an electric charge that makes it attract small items such as wood shavings,
paper and straw. It is excellent at detoxification and protection from
radiation, especially x-rays, sun, computers, airport, planes and other people's
energies. Due to its strong connection to nature and the earth, amber is a great
stone for grounding our higher energies. Amber can add stability to your life
and your yoga practice. Helpful in clearing up depression and suicidal thoughts
therefore, bringing about a positive mental state. Also useful as a memory aid,
which makes it a good stone for any yoga student. Amber is used for past life
work, divination and scrying. It aligns mental and emotional bodies via its deep
orange and yellow color.


Properties: The stone of transformation, and spirituality. It is used for
contentment and meditation. Provides common sense and flexibility in decisions.
Strengthens and enhances psychic abilities, imagery and mind quieting. This
soothing stone is in tune with your Brow and Crown"Chakra. Amethyst contains the
grounding color of red with the energy of blue, which is expanding, spacious and
flows with peace. Amethyst is the color that you see in the sky as twilight
transitions into night. Amethyst takes you on this transition from the magic
time of dusk to a conscious shift into a different place. Crossing this
threshold is the lesson of humility, which Amethyst can teach us.


Coral is a rich blend of calcium and calcite. It resonates with our body and is
used to bring about diplomacy and concurrence, quiets our emotions, and brings
peace to our inner self. Facilitates intuition, imagination, visualization, and
expedites and accelerates the transfer of knowledge. Strengthens both
circulatory and bone structure in the body therefore it good for us on the mat.
It helps with disorders of the spinal, alimentary canals, nervous system and
thalamus. Different colors of Coral can be used alone, in combination, or all
together. Sympathetic to both the skeletal structure and the circulatory system.
Coral has a true link with the past and can pass knowledge along.


Properties: Emerald is a symbol of love and good fortune. This stone is used for
abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity and honesty. It used
against negative energy and has been used in many forms of divination. Most
effective on the Heart Chakra perhaps because it access desires held deep
within. Emerald provides inspiration and helps those in need of balance,
healing, and infinite patience. Lifts depression, helps with insomnia,
knowingness of the heart and peaceful dreams. Helps the wearer gain physical,
emotional, and mental equilibrium. The pale, clear, green Emeralds are valuable
in meditative work, as well as healing.


Properties: This crystal is the most recommended stone for grounding and is
associated with the Root Chakra, by encourages ones survival instincts and is
centering. Hematite condenses scattered feelings, turns fuzziness into mental
clarity, enhances concentration, memory, practicality, helps those who study, do
bookkeeping, detailed work and helps with sound sleep. Considered the symbol of
life energy, hematite allows for more confidence, will power and boldness. Helps
us adjust to being physical. A protective stone and helps bolster low
self-esteem. Hematite is known to deflect negativity. It restores equilibrium,
stability and is also used for astral protection. It brings our awareness back
to the body and helps one maintain their sense of self. If worn, Hematite should
be placed near the base of the spine.

Herkimer Diamonds:

Properties: These clear crystals closely resemble Diamonds but are really
Quartz. Considered a "Dream stone", they are used in meditation or under your
pillow to enhance visualization, astral travel into the light and dream recall.
Most effective on the Brow and Crown Chakra therefore, this stone shifts the
brain powerfully into alpha/deep stillness. Amplifies and stores thoughts,
energy; and can be used as a bridge to stimulate energy flow (kundalini) up
through the Chakra centers, opening the Brow and Crown Chakra for a strong,
clear channel for psychic awareness, intuitive insight and yoga meditation. USe
this stone to help you choose a direction to follow that will offer the path of
least resistance. They contain a store of ecological memory that can be utilized
by a person who can tune into the energy. Can also guide you in remembering your
own past-life experiences (on or off your yoga mat.)

Himalayan Sea Salt:

Properties: Pure Himalayan Pink Salt is hand- mined in the Himalayan Mountains.
This salt is known for its unique healing properties. According to the Global
Healing Center, "this salt's unique cellular structure allows it to store
vibrational energy. Its minerals exist in a colloidal form, meaning that they
are tiny enough for our cells to easily absorb them." Himalayan pink salt
naturally generate beautiful ions, which improve air quality and health. Place a
few chunks in a bowl and place the bowl in any room in the house. Most of us
live in home environments surrounded by computers, microwaves, air conditioners
and other electronc appliances. These lifestyle conveniences emit excessive
amounts of positive ions into the air we breathe, often resulting in mental and
physical exhaustion. Counteract the excess by using Pink Himalayan Sea Salt.
Place a chunk of sea salt in a hot bath. Heat magnifies the natural healing
properties of the salt. The chunk will dissipate slowly, lasting for a couple of
baths. Click here and learn all about the healing remedies with Sea Salt.


Properties: This stone is a methodical and meticulous worker of practical, down
to earth solutions. It has the ability to foster and nurture and its energy is
used for grounding and protection. Considered more effective if it is used for
long periods of time because it works slowly. Each color of Jasper has
additional, specific qualities when used alone. Jasper is very effective when
use on the Root Chakra. Jasper is a general tissue regeneration; mineral
assimilation; and general healing. Darker colors are more grounding. Suggested
to be used for elixirs because it will not over-stimulate any part of the body.


Properties: In tune with emotions, water, and women, especially pregnant women,
pearls are a symbol of pure heart and mind; innocence and faith. Because it is
from the sea, it has watery and lunar elements, therefore it is used for
balancing emotions, especially for water signs. Absorbing by nature, this
mineral absorbs thoughts and emotions and because of this, must be used with
caution. If you feel excessively negative while wearing a pearl, it will hold
that energy until it is cleansed. Remember, Pearl is the result of layer upon
layer of substance produced to combat irritation. Pearl can cool and soothe. It
is very nurturing. If using pearls in conjunction with other gemstones, consider
Diamonds to amplify and purify, or Emeralds to bring negative energy out and
disperse it.


Properties: also spelled phenakite, is a powerful, loving, healing, spiritual
stone. It is believed to be one of the highest vibrational crystals yet
discovered. The clearer the stone, the more intensely it opens the Third Eye,
Crown Chakra and Transpersonal Chakra as a white light channel. Hence, its aura
clearing abilities are phenomenal! This stone ignites clairvoyance/spiritual
communication, meditation, astral travel, as well as life journeys. Helps one to
map out a pathway within the dimensions. Energizes meridians and the healing of
other stones. It is a powerful crystal for clearing and activating the chakras.
It helps one to go further in a trance state and gives a deeper awareness of
one's inner structures. Phenacite can be used to amplify the energies of other
stones used for healing, and to balance energy within one.

Quartz: "Rock Crystal"

Properties:Quartz is the Master Healer and the "stone of power"! Probably the
most versatile multipurpose healing stone. Easy to cleanse, store
information/energy in, program or amplify energy and is used as a healing
instrument. The natural tendency for quartz is for harmony. Quartz can both draw
and send energy therefore it is effective for sending/receiving guidance. Quartz
is used for transformation in healing and in all levels of change
(mentally/emotionally, physically and spiritually). Quartz stimulates the
natural crystal in body tissues and fluids to resonate at the highest healing
frequency. Quartz works with All Chakra and master gland for balancing,
cleansing and healing. It is the perfect stone for complete Aura balancing.

Clear Quartz: is thought to amplify both body energy and thoughts. It can assist
in the creation of power, clarity of thinking, meditation, cleansing, clearing
the aura, spiritual development and healing. Clear Quartz is considered the
"stone of power". A dedicated healer. Pure white light passes through it easily,
leaving all the colors of the spectrum unaltered and giving substance to the
argument that Clear Quartz crystals can help balance all the elements needed to
make us whole and fulfilled. Amplify whatever influences are present in an
individual or location. Acts as a purifier and tunes into the frequency of each
individual. Will unblock specific areas or organs blocked from transmitting or
receiving the flow of energy throughout the body. Helpful in guiding our search
for the meaning and importance of existence. Aids in meditation. Can be used in
conjunction with any other stone or gem for specific physical problems. It will
amplify the effects of individual stones and attune the treatment to the energy
of an individual person.

Rose Quartz:

Properties: Rose Quartz represents love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving,
lovingness, self-love and emotional balance! Rose Quartz works with the Heart
Chakra. It is a soft, gentle, soothing stone that warms the heart center. Its
value as a nurturing friend cannot be overstated. Neither can it's soothing
influence. Helps diffuse negative stimuli and uncomfortable memories. Helps us
discover the ability to love ourselves and makes us more open to other people.
It is of particular value in helping us to forgive ourselves, hastening
self-acceptance. Helps us realize that all change is important, even difficult
change. Stimulates love and tender appreciation of all things. One of the best
stones to bring self love and compassion into your practice!

Shiva Lingham:

Properties: Lingam is the sacred Sanskrit word for phallus. In Tantra, the shape
embodies the masculine energy; dynamic expression and knowledge. The markings or
Yoni depicts female energy; wisdom and intuition. The Tantric Shiva Lingam
unifies the dualistic female/male world into harmonious balance. This Sacred
Stone relates to the Heart Chakra, and represents the harmony and balance of the
soul that is maintained within the hearts of all of us. Shiva Lingham stones are
used for spiritual detox, allowing us to see the higher knowledge within
ourselves. The stone gives us the capacity for hanging on to the beliefs which
work the best for us and letting go of those beliefs which no longer serve us.
When used during meditation, lingam shows us how to connect with our physical
and spiritual energies and therefore, our higher selves.

Smoky Quartz:

Properties: Smoky Quartz is a grounding stone. It is used most often to overcome
depression, nightmares and stress. Quartz stimulates the natural crystal in body
tissues and fluids to resonate at the highest healing frequency. The clearest
smoky quartz are the most intense, powerfully opening the Crown Chakra emanating
light down to the Root Chakra, therefore, inducing Alpha/deep meditation.
Because of this situation, it's benefits also include channeling higher
guidance, deep relaxation and helping with unconditional love. Heightens your
understanding of nature and concerns for the environment. Smoky Quartz helps
store information well for easier recall. Because it is associated with the Root
Chakra, it helps to alleviate fear, anxiety and associated emotional depression.
When placed opposite other smokies in a crystal grid these stone vibrate at a
high energy level.

Crystal Clusters

I love using crystal clusters in my practice. I have often used a quartz,
amethyst or selenite tower in the middle of the yoga studio and have my students
circled around facing the stone throughout the practice. Another idea is placing
the stone(s) on my yoga mat as I practice, to remind me why I am here on the mat
this day. Clusters of crystals bring a "group" energy to it's surrounding area.
They are used to foster protection, cooperation, purification, harmony,
friendship, intimacy and to break up negative energy in the environment.
Clusters help to keep all life forms energized and clear of heavy or
unproductive energy.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Emergency Medicine: Seizures


My dog Bijou use to get frequent seizures. I did some research and found
Taurine helps seizures. My dog is now 13 yrs. old since I have been giving
her 500 mg. of Taurine a day, (started this year and a half ago) her
seizures have stopped.

Also found out people and pets you can get seizures from Hypoglycemia.


In a message dated 9/12/2012 11:40:48 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
yogiguruji@aol.com writes:

Good Morning!

Emergency Medicine: Seizures

A seizure is a temporary abnormal electrical activity that occurs in a
group of
brain cells. Often, a recurring, unprovoked seizure is called epilepsy,
but some
seizures may occur in people who do not have epilepsy. A seizure can
manifest as
a temporary alteration in mental state, tonic (contraction of short muscle
groups), clonic (involuntary contractions due to sudden stretching of
muscle groups), movements, convulsions, and various other psychic symptoms.

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