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Thursday, September 13, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Emergency Medicine: Choking: The Heimlich Maneuver


Good Morning!

Emergency Medicine: Choking: The Heimlich Maneuver

The universal sign for choking is hands clutched to the throat. If the person
doesn't give the signal, look for these indications:

-Inability to talk
-Difficulty breathing or noisy breathing
-Inability to cough forcefully
-Skin, lips and nails turning blue or dusky
-Loss of consciousness

The Heimlich maneuver is an emergency technique for preventing suffocation when
a person's airway (windpipe) becomes blocked by a piece of food or other object.

It can be used safely on both adults and children, but most experts do not
recommend it for infants less than 1 year old. You can also perform the maneuver
on yourself.

If choking is occurring, the Red Cross recommends a "five-and-five" approach to
delivering first aid:

First, deliver FIVE back blows between the person's shoulder blades with the
heel of your hand.

Second, perform FIVE abdominal thrusts (also known as the Heimlich Maneuver).

Third, alternate between FIVE back blows and five abdominal thrusts until the
blockage is dislodged.

The Heimlich Maneuver

To perform the Heimlich Maneuver on someone else:

1. Stand behind the person. Wrap your arms around the waist. Tip the person
forward slightly.

2. Make a fist with one hand. Position it slightly above the person's navel.

3. Grasp the fist with the other hand. Press hard into the abdomen with a quick,
upward thrust ? as if trying to lift the person up.

4. Perform a total of five abdominal thrusts, if needed. If the blockage still
isn't dislodged, repeat the "five-and-five" cycle.

To perform the Heimlich Maneuver on yourself:

1. Place a fist slightly above your navel.

2. Grasp your fist with the other hand and bend over a hard surface ? a
countertop or chair will do.

3. Shove your fist inward and upward.

4. If you do not have the strength or the object is not coming out, find the
corner of a table or chair and push your body upward and inward.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Emergency Medicine: Seizures


Good Morning!

Emergency Medicine: Seizures

A seizure is a temporary abnormal electrical activity that occurs in a group of
brain cells. Often, a recurring, unprovoked seizure is called epilepsy, but some
seizures may occur in people who do not have epilepsy. A seizure can manifest as
a temporary alteration in mental state, tonic (contraction of short muscle
groups), clonic (involuntary contractions due to sudden stretching of larger
muscle groups), movements, convulsions, and various other psychic symptoms.

Emergency medicine (action) for a seizure depends on the type of seizure.
General seizures may cause the person to fall, which may result in an injury.

A tonic-clonic seizure results in violent movements that cannot and should not
be suppressed. The person should never be restrained, or should there be any
attempt to put something in the mouth.

Potentially sharp or dangerous objects should also be moved from the area, so
that the individual is not hurt.

After the seizure if the person is not fully conscious and alert, they should be
placed in the recovery position. The recovery position or semi-prone position is
a first aid technique recommended for assisting people who are unconscious, or
nearly so, but are still breathing. (See: Recovery Position, below)

It is not always necessary to call an ambulance if the person is known to have
epilepsy or if the seizure is shorter than five minutes and is typical for them,
if it is not immediately followed by another seizure, and if the person is
uninjured. (When in doubt, always call 911).

A seizure longer than five minutes is a medical emergency.

A sudden fall can lead to broken bones and other injuries.

Recovery Position

Before using the Recovery Position, perform the preliminary first aid steps. The
initial assessment should be done quickly, in a minute or less.

First assess whether the scene is safe for the rescuer. If not, leave. Assess
whether the victim is Alert, Breathing and has Circulation (ABCs). If the victim
is alert and an adult, obtain consent before performing first aid. For children,
attempt to obtain consent from a parent, guardian, or other responsible
caregiver. If the victim is not alert, and is not breathing, check for a pulse.
If there is no pulse, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. If there is
circulation, perform Rescue breathing.

Next, call 911

Rescue Breathing can include:

Mouth to mouth - This involves the rescuer making a seal between their mouth and
the patient's mouth and 'blowing', in order to pass air in to the patient's body

Mouth to nose - In some instances, the rescuer may need or wish to form a seal
with the patient's nose. Typical reasons for this include maxillofacial
injuries, performing the procedure in water or the remains of vomit in the mouth

Mouth to mouth and nose - Used on infants (usually up to around 1 year old), as
this forms the most effective seal

Mouth to mask � Most organizations recommend the use of some sort of barrier
between rescuer and patient to reduce cross infection risk. One popular type is
the 'pocket mask'. This may be able to provide higher tidal volumes than a Bag
Valve Mask

-If no spinal or neck injury is indicated

The correct position is called the "lateral recovery position. Start with the
victim lying on the back and with the legs straight out. Kneel on one side of
the victim, facing the victim. Move the arm closest to you so it is
perpendicular to the body, with the elbow flexed (perpendicular). Move the
farthest arm across the body so that the hand is resting across the torso.

Bend the leg farthest from you so the knee is elevated. Reach inside the knee to
pull the thigh toward you. Use the other arm to pull the shoulder that is
farthest from you. Roll the body toward you. Leave the upper leg in a flexed
position to stabilize the body.

-If spinal or neck injuries are possible

When the injury is apparently the result of an accidental fall, collision or
other trauma, the risk of spinal or neck injuries should be assumed. Movement of
spinal-injured victims should be minimized. Such victims should only be moved to
a recovery position when it is necessary to drain vomit from the airway.

In such case, the correct position is called the "HAINES modified recovery
position." HAINES is an acronym of High Arm IN Endangered Spine. In this
modification, one of the patient's arms is raised above the head (in full
abduction) to support the head and neck

First Responder Notes

If an individual has suffered a fall or injuries that suggest damage to the
spine, your priority is to keep the airway open. If breathing, then leave them
in the position you found them.

If breathing has stopped, regardless of possible injury to the person, perform
your standard checks:

DR & ABC (Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing, Circulation).

Then move them into the recovery position to open the airway. If they do not
start breathing, begin CPR. If they begin to breathe, keep them in that

First Responder Priorities.

1 Breathing, everything else comes second.

2 Get Help, you are the stop gap that keeps them alive until they get to the

Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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[AlternativeAnswers] “Beyond Screenwriting: Insider Tips and Career Advise”, SuNite 7p AZT 16 Sept



Join Andrew Aloha "Live"
with Sterling Norman Anderson
in "Beyond Screenwriting: Insider Tips and Career Advise"

Sterling N. Anderson

SuNite, 16 September 2012
From 7 – 8:30pm MST
On Spiritual Image Production's BlogTalkRadio

Connect with us @ http://lnk.ms/6wQwY <http://lnk.ms/6wQwY>

** BTR and Skype Users call (646) 716-4251

Or, conference call (712) 432-0075, access code 689328#

[Listen to Andrew Aloha with Spiritual Image Productions on
BlogTalkRadio] <http://lnk.ms/6wQwY>
(Click Button Here to Listen!)

Sterling Norman Anderson is an award-winning, Emmy-nominated
screenwriter of more than 20 years. He has written for some of the most
popular network television shows, such as The Unit on CBS, as well as
NBC's Medium and Heist. His teleplay The Simple Life of Noah
Dearborn, written for CBS starring Sidney Poitier, received three Emmy
nominations and won an Image Award. Sterling's extensive resume also
includes screenplays written for Lions Gate, Disney, HBO, TriStar
Pictures and Columbia Pictures.

Anderson has written two books on writing. Beyond Screenwriting
(available in paperback and ebook) and Writing Without Fear (available
in ebook). The author often guest lectures and panels on screenwriting
at film schools and festivals across the country.......for more on this
story go to www.spiritualimageproductions.com/LiveFromSedona

For more on Sterling Norman Anderson go to
www.sterlingandersonwriter.com <http://www.sterlingandersonwriter.com/>


Andrew Aloha

For More Visit Us @:

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A Big Aloha to the following for underwriting our show:

Revitalized Bio Genic Water @ www.revitalizedbiogenic.com

Born out of the Soviet space industry, Revitalized Water, the product of
30 years, and billions of dollars of Russian research is believed brings
about more the science of water together in one product than any other
water available today. The well-defined, perfect crystal shaped water
enables rapid absorption and usefulness by our cells. Thus, the
increased osmotic drive created by imprinting the water with a high
amplitude frequency that assists the cells with a healthier foundation
for nutrient uptake and release of toxins, speeds up the delivery of
nutrients into the cells and potentially increases your energy.

Neil Baker @ www.neilbakerpsychic.com <http://www.neilbakerpsychic.com/>

Neil tunes into your vibrational energy and translates it using his
talent as a gifted psychic. He believes that one must get to the core of
a specific issue in order to present understanding and course of action
to follow. He tunes into the content of your soul and evaluates it in
terms of past life events or present life circumstances. Or, whether
what's happening now is connected to a past life. From there, he
determines even deeper layers of information that reveal meanings behind
our present connections and their ultimate outcomes.

Dr. Martha Reed Ph.D. @ www.the-dragonfly-effect.com

An International Metaphysical Spiritual Counselor with INSIGHTS FOR
LIFE, Dr. Martha Reed Ph.D. assists others in overcoming fears and
limiting behaviors. She uses her gift of Intuition, the tools of
Hypnotherapy, NLP, Life Coaching, Reiki and Energy Medicines such as
Color, Homeopathy and Flower essences to help balance your life on every
level. She also manages a successful wellness center in Arizona and
hosts numerous group sessions on weight loss, stress-reduction,
relaxation and more.

Lorae Lauritch @ www.femininewisdom.com <http://www.femininewisdom.com/>

Sacred Sexuality Educator Lorae Lauritch is a natural teacher who will
guide you on a journey that integrates both ancient Eastern esoteric
practices with discoveries in Western medicine & science. She has
developed a unique approach to healing and empowering others. She knows
her subject intimately. She listens mindfully and thoughtfully to each
individual, cultivating their life force to help discover their bliss.

Devi Ward @ www.femininemergence.com <http://www.femininemergence.com/>

Devi Ward is an Authentic Tantra Educator. She is Founder of Feminine
Emergence & creator of Sacred Erotic Dance™, a Movement-Healing
modality that uses The 5 Core Pelvic Movements™, Authentic
Tantra™, & Sensual Dance to produce healing. She has been teaching
Sensual Empowerment classes, workshops, and private sessions since 2005.
She offers Soul-Song Coaching Programs & Authentic Tantra Education
while specializing in supporting women in using sensual awareness as a
vehicle for personal transformation, life-empowerment and spiritual

Dr. Laurie Nadel @ www.laurienadel.com <http://www.laurienadel.com/>

Recently completing her postgraduate training at Harvard Medical
School's Institute for Mind/Body Medicine, Dr. Laurie Nadel, PhD has
built a psychotherapy and coaching practice to help people recover from
stress disorders. Her expertise in cutting-edge scientific approaches to
recovering from traumatic loss have helped thousands of people overcome
their creative blocks, resolve internal conflicts and build inner
strength needed for complex life decisions. Sessions are intense and
focused on finding the most efficient modalities to help get you the
results you want, need and deserve to lead a full and happy life.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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