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Friday, September 7, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Dawn Uses


Will Dawn get soap scum off?

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Clenching Your Teeth is Detrimental to Your Health


teeth grinding has been attributed to magnisium deficiancy.
it may be simple to stop with a dead sea salt bath, or magnisium oil on the skin.

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "PYRO-" <pyroen3@...> wrote:
> Clenching Your Teeth is Detrimental to Your Health
> =========================================
> ## Habit of Teeth Clenching
> It is interesting to note that a lot of people clench their teeth when
> exerting some type of force or concentration.
> Clenching your teeth can make the other muscles of your body stronger.
> This is similar to when you grip the weights or handles harder in a gym.
> The other way to say this is that muscle A becomes stronger if you
> contract muscle B at the same time.
> Now the question is, "Is it bad to clench your teeth?" The answer
> depends on how long you clench your teeth or jaw.
> Our finding shows that gritting or clenching your teeth for a long
> period of time weakens your other muscle groups significantly, resulting
> to blurred vision, weak concentration, and weaker muscle activity.
> We also found that various mysterious symptoms of the body begin to
> appear because of teeth clenching.
> ## Teeth Clenching While Sleeping
> Usually, you do not clench your teeth while you are asleep. However, if
> you wake up with headache or acute pain, you may be clenching or
> grinding your teeth at night. In fact, many people are not aware that
> they are suffering from involuntary teeth clenching during sleep. This
> disorder is known as "bruxism".
> ## Why Gritting or Clenching Your Teeth is Detrimental to Your Health
> Whenever you exert some type of force or mental concentration, the
> natural reaction is to clench your teeth or jaw. It's a natural part of
> the human 'fight' instinct. By doing so, the strength of the muscle
> contraction around your body is increased—but for only 30 seconds.
> This is because by clenching your teeth, your body triggers the release
> of performance-sapping hormones (cortisol) and lactic acid. Plus, the
> airflow through your throat will be restricted. Your overall strength,
> power, and speed will start to diminish. Eventually, clenching your
> teeth continuously will result to " muscle fatigue"
> In other words, constant clenching of teeth can lead to headaches, chin
> ache, waste pain, stiff shoulders, knee pain, neck pain, vertigo,
> tinnitus, and poor vision, due to muscle fatigue.
> Aside from these symptoms, teeth clenching, including bruxism,
> interferes with the flow of saliva, causing it to accumulate in the
> mouth. This makes you swallow the saliva more often and inhale a lot of
> excess air. This will cause belching or fart gas to occur.
> It is therefore very important, to break your habit of teeth clenching.
> Write a reminder on a piece of paper, and place it in front of your
> computer, on your desk, or in your other workplaces.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> About the Author:
> Junji Takano is a Japanese health researcher involved in
> electromedicine. In 1968, he invented PYRO-ENERGEN, the first
> electrostatic therapy machine that effectively eradicates viral
> diseases, cancer, and diseases of unknown cause.
> Free newsletter: http://www.pyroenergen.com/newsletter.htm
> <http://www.pyroenergen.com/newsletter.htm>
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article within your website, blog,
> or newsletter as long as the entire article remains the same as well as
> the "About the Author" box.
> http://www.pyroenergen.com/ <http://www.pyroenergen.com/>
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[AlternativeAnswers] Muscle Testing


Muscle testing is also called Applied Kinesiology and there are hundreds
(literally) of variations of the basic technique.

Alan Smith

Alan E. Smith

UnBreak Your Health <http://www.unbreakyourhealth.com/>

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