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Monday, July 9, 2012

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Stomach issues


Please get checked for parasites. I am an American living in Mexico, and I have
found that parasites can cause many issues that the Western doctors don't
respect. I take one tablet every 6 months and when I do, I feel a relief with 30
min. In the mean time, for my stomach, I drink a teaspoon of baking soda in
temped water. This makes any gas build up, or pressure or burning to stop... let
some really good belches go for relief. I also drink water with a good
pharmaceutical grade electrolyte (in holistic stores too) for dehydration and
for the body to be able to carry the chemistry to the right places. Hope this
brings you some comfort.

Participating Fully,
Wholly Human to Become Wholly Divine
Rev. Maxi Harper

Source of postings when applicable by author: www.marhatis.com

From: "thornfam@sbcglobal.net" <thornfam@sbcglobal.net>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, July 9, 2012 7:52:45 AM
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Stomach issues

I received your website from another member. Hoping you will be able to give me
some advice or information to help me through this stomach discomfort.

I have been having stomach issues for the last 2 years. 1) Having acid taste in
my mouth, went to my dentist for a deep cleaning service, no help, 2) stomach
discomfort such like a small burning pain, took anti-acid medication, no help,
3) pressure when have a bowel movement, more constipation, 4) feel like
something is always stuck in my throat.

I have been seen by 2 GI doctors (that my medical insurance, with the network
are allowing me to see), 3 colonoscopies, small pollups were found the last 2
precedures and hemmoriads were found. Was diagnosed with H.Polary (a bacteria
infection in my stomach) and GERD. I was prescribed 4 different medication, but
nothing has helped.

I am in process of trying to get a 3rd opinion from another G.I. by writing a
letter to my primary care physician to request for another one.

Are there other medical suggestions, pain and stomach relieve anti-acid pills
that are safe to take for my discomfort?

Thank you for any suggestions or advice.

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[AlternativeAnswers] “The Golden Age Psychic Travel Show” with Rosy Hot Mist Chasers, FriNite, 7p


Join Andrew Aloha "Live"



Rosy Hot Mist Chasers


Our Guest Psychic Mediums
Neil Baker

Jeannie Irwin

Kerrie Preston

FriNite, 13 July 2012
From 7 – 8:30pm MST

On Spiritual Image Production's BlogTalkRadio

Connect with Us @ http://lnk.ms/6wQwY <http://lnk.ms/6wQwY>

Or, BTR and Skype Users call (646) 716-4251

Or, conference call (712) 432-0075, access code 689328#

Join radio show host Andrew Aloha "Live" on "The Golden Age
Psychic Travel Show" as we introduce you to business establishments
and vendors, then do psychic readings on them afterwards. What does 2012
have in store for them? Are there ghosts in their stores that they may
wish to deal with? Are there specific changes they may wish consider
making that may allow them to grow better and faster? Are there new
products they may wish to consider marketing and selling? There is much
potential and possibility.....tune in and find out for yourself.....:)

This month we're featuring Rosy Hot Mist Chasers
<http://www.rosyhotmistchasers.com/> . Rosy Rose is the owner of Rosy
Hot Mist Chasers, a ghost chasing/paranormal investigation all girl team
based out of Reno, Nevada. Rosy grew up in haunted houses, so when she
started seeing and hearing entities in her new Reno home she wasn't
concerned. Although, when her boys started to experience the paranormal
activity she began learning more about it......for more on this story go
to www.spiritualimageproductions.com/The_Golden_Age_Psychic_Travel_Show

For more on Rosy Hot Mist Chasers go to Rosy Hot Mist Chasers



Andrew Aloha

Reserve your Private Party Session with SIP's Golden Age Aloha
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A Big Aloha to the following for underwriting our show:

Revitalized Bio Genic Water @ www.revitalizedbiogenic.com

Born out of the Soviet space industry, Revitalized Water, the product of
30 years, and billions of dollars of Russian research is believed brings
about more the science of water together in one product than any other
water available today. The well-defined, perfect crystal shaped water
enables rapid absorption and usefulness by our cells. Thus, the
increased osmotic drive created by imprinting the water with a high
amplitude frequency that assists the cells with a healthier foundation
for nutrient uptake and release of toxins, speeds up the delivery of
nutrients into the cells and potentially increases your energy.

Stephen West @ www.powerheal.com <http://powerheal.com/>

By Divine design you can Power Heal yourself. Do you or any of your
loved ones suffer from pain, depression, stress, cancer, obesity,
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, AIDS, inflammation, tumors, arthritis,
broken bones, head injuries or anything else? Do you want peace, love,
joy, energy, fun, endurance, power or inner beauty that is truly coming
from within as well as without? Fast, proven, successful and safe, Power
Heal™ methods through Zero Disease can help you stop pain, loss of
energy and disease in less time than taking pills. Check for local
listings in California, Oregon, Hawaii, New York, Texas, Arizona,
Washington, and Vancouver.

Neil Baker @ www.neilbakerpsychic.com <http://www.neilbakerpsychic.com/>

Neil tunes into your vibrational energy and translates it using his
talent as a gifted psychic. He believes that one must get to the core of
a specific issue in order to present understanding and course of action
to follow. He tunes into the content of your soul and evaluates it in
terms of past life events or present life circumstances. Or, whether
what's happening now is connected to a past life. From there, he
determines even deeper layers of information that reveal meanings behind
our present connections and their ultimate outcomes.

Lorae Lauritch @ www.femininewisdom.com <http://www.femininewisdom.com/>

Sacred Sexuality Educator Lorae Lauritch is a natural teacher who will
guide you on a journey that integrates both ancient Eastern esoteric
practices with discoveries in Western medicine & science. She has
developed a unique approach to healing and empowering others. She knows
her subject intimately. She listens mindfully and thoughtfully to each
individual, cultivating their life force to help discover their bliss.

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[AlternativeAnswers] KEFIR



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