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Sunday, July 1, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] File - Improve Your Health Now.doc


File : Improve Your Health Now.doc
Description : Tops 10 Ways to Improve Your Health right now! by Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.

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Saturday, June 30, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Dr Bate's newsletter 6-30 - Drug Free "Cures"

*A Few Simple Free Non-Drug solutions to Common Problems*

*Solving Atrial Fib*
This simple free solution has worked for me for several years. Simply get
a metronome (one of those music things that has a "beat")), set it at or
around 70 beats per minute, and go to sleep. In the morning, turn it off,
and your pulse beat will be steady at that beat. Do this for a week or
so, It has worked for me and others I've given it to. You may have to
repeat once a week or so if the fibrillation comes back. Beats the hell
out of surgical implants and drugs with side effects. If you have a
computer, simply google search for "free Metronome". The volume need not
be annoying, as the unconscious mind hears much better than the conscious
mind. If you don't have a computer, you can often buy such at music
stores, thrift stores, etc.

Research has shown in the past that two people that sleep together often
wake up with the exact same heart beat.

Alone with a Heart Attack
This could save your life. If you are alone, and even think you are
having a healt attack. start coughing continually. This keeps your heart
beating by the contraction of the muscles of coughing. Cough hard and
fast, and you will last several minutes longer than without it. Maybe it
can save your life.
For more info - http://drbate.com/content/heartAttack.shtml

*Solving PMS*
Start taking 200 to 250 mg of B6 daily, along with magnesium and a minimum
of a 50 mg B complex. If you take a lot of any B vitamin, then the
unconscious mind develops a "deficiency" of one of the others. Since MD"s
don't get vitamin and mineral knowledge in Med school, there were several
MD's who heard about this from their patients, and got some very "mixed"
results, good and bad. This was 20-30 years ago. They "blamed B6 because
of their lack of vitamin knowledge, and this "solution" got a bad name from

My wife at that time had very bad PMS, which was cured totally with 200 mg
of B6 and an additional 50 mg of B complex. Since then, I've told many
others with universal good results.

*Solving Underactive Thyroid Problems*
Broda Barnes developed this system many years ago. MD's use 3 blood tests
to see if a person is either high or low in thyroid activity. If low ,then
the person is usually overweight and has low energy. If high, the the
person is usually thin, and has high energy. The three tests used at T3,
T4, and T7. The reason why 3 tests are needed is because none of them are
very accurate.

Since the thyroid governs the body temperature, it is much simpler to
simply measure it, and it is more accurate than a blood test. (But the MD
can't make any money if you do it, so---). Here's what to do. Shake down
a thermometer before going to bed, and place it handy on the bedside
table. On waking , simly place the thermometer in an armpit, and hit the
"sleep 10 minute alarm, and drowse for 10 minutes. Then read it. If
between 97.8 smf 98.2, you're OK. For more info -

*Solving Herpes Problems*
Herpes ranges from a simple "fever blister" to one of the most painful
"disease" in the world. People have actually committed suicide from Herpes
Zoster - a mutated form of the Chicken Pox virus. About 20% of the people
in the US have it in one form or another. It seems to break out when the
balance between two amino acids in the bloodstream become unbalanced.
These are Lysine (good) and Arginine (bad). So one simple solution is keep
your Lysine level high.
There's much morefree non drug information on this for anyone with Herpes
at: http://drbate.com/content/herpes.shtml

After over 30 years as an Orthomolecular Psychologist, I've learned a lot
and much of what I've learned is posted on a free web page on my site "
www.drbate.com" Check it out.
*Alternate Health Weekly Digest*
From Natural News:
Merck being accused of running a 10-year vaccine fraud that sought to
falsify data about its mumps vaccines:

AMA backs unlabeled GMO foods -- if they're 'verified'

The CDC now ridiculously claims that as many as 573,000 people died from
Swine Flu in 2009. But... huh? Where are all the dead bodies? That's what I
ask in today's satire piece:

Is US government setting stage to outlaw Vitamin D like raw milk?
Mainstream media attacks nutrition

The Syngenta corporation reportedly faces criminal charges related to a GMO

And here's some great news about sustainable gardening: Learn about the
permaculture herb spiral:

U.S. Senator Rand Paul is among the members of the U.S. Senate who recently
voted against GMO labeling. Surprised? I was:

Meanwhile, the political left is suddenly waking up to GMO labeling.
Recently, both Bill Maher and even Rachel Maddow came out in favor of GMO
labeling (video):

The level of electromagnetic radiation we are all exposed to today is
billions of times higher than what our ancestors experienced:
Blood thinners are ridiculously over-prescribed these days, but what about
natural alternatives? Here are some blood-thinning solutions from the world
of Mother Nature:

New science reveals that the methanol found in aspartame is neurologically

From Dr Mercola:
Court Rules in Stunning Blow Sure to Infuriate Conventional Medicine

Why Is Big Corn Continuing to Run 'Corn Sugar' Ads Even After FDA Denial?

Raises Your Uric Acid in Minutes - Wreaks Havoc on Blood Pressure, Insulin,
and Kidneys

Three Key Factors for Sports Nutrition

Nutritious Food Demonized by CNN and NY Times - Don't be Fooled

How Your Gut Flora Influences Your Health

10 Shocking Medical Mistakes

New Initiatives to Finally Outlaw a Poison Most People Consume Every Day

Coming Soon: New Technology to Help 'Persuade' You to Vaccinate

Are Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes the Answer to Quell Dengue Fever?

Poised: When Doctors Question Your Family's Vaccine Choices, Have Your
Answers Ready

From Alliance for Natural Health:
URGENT: Don't Let the GMO Industry Make an End Run around the Courts!

Is "BPA-Free" a Lie?

Mainstream Medicine Takes Another Big Step Backward on Vitamin D

From Easy Health Options:
Stay Naturally Heart Smart This Summer

Help For The Ailing Heart

The Chinese Secret To Longevity

Improve And Balance Your Cortisol, Testosterone, Estrogen And Thyroid

The Three Most Common Gluten-Free Mistakes

That's it for another week of this newsletter that brings you the weekly
Alternate Health News without having to wade thru all the advertising.
Hope it is of use to you and yours. Please feel free to forward it on to
friends and relatives.

To join this weekly Digest and edorial newsletter simply go to
http://drbate.com, and enter your email address in the to right. It's


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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Dessicated thyroid


isn't there a problem with liver from animals? Who knows what drugs, antibiotics growth enhancers
and pesticides they have eaten? Did you know that animals concentrate environmental pollution
by a factor of 10x.
Would you really want to eat that?

From: Mair MacKinnon <mairciless@yahoo.com>
To: "AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com" <AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, 29 June 2012, 16:32
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Dessicated thyroid

Hi Martha,

I put my clients on a combo of Standard Process Thythrophin PMG and homeopathic thyroidinum, and that works like a charm! I also take this combo, as I was on regular thyroid medication for about 10 years and it works very well. I don't know the brand you're thinking of taking, but yes, desiccated thyroid works very well, to answer your question.

Mair MacKinnon, N.D.

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