It was me talking about the magnesium tablets :-)
Back then, I lived in a small town that Walmart took over, so I just bought what they had, and it did the trick. I've been to other stores since then, but with so many forms of magnesium and so many brands and prices, I got so confused I just gave up and went back to Walmart.
I bought some more the other day, but I think it's a different brand. Still magnesium oxide, still has some other questionable ingredients in it, but it works. This one has 250 mg of Mg (sorry, couldn't help myself ;+) -- magnesium oxide, which even though the body won't absorb very much of it, it's cheap and it works for me.
This bout of asthma, after the first couple days of taking around 8 tablets (they dissolve easily in water) and having some very loose bowels from so much of it, I've been taking 2 or 3 tablets once or twice a day, or whenever I feel the tightness or that peculiar taste in my mouth that tells me I'm about to have an asthma attack. This might be just the right amount for me, because it keeps me from being constipated, but doesn't take me too far the other way.
hope that helps!
p.s. Milk of Magnesia is magnesium hydroxide, which is just magnesium oxide with water added (which happens in your body anyway). Sometimes I take that, since it's easier and cheaper. Not so easy to measure though.
Any chemists - feel free to correct me!
--- In, Wilayne Vandevender <affiliatemable@...> wrote:
> David - can you tell us how many mg. of Magnesium is in each of your
> pills? Thank you.
> On Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 9:22 AM, jmr1290 <jomarex@...> wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> > Magnesium is what fixes me up for the asthma. I tried all kinds of natural
> > remedies, and none of them helped me at all. 8 tablets of magnesium oxide
> > had me breathing freely within an hour. And every time since. Sounds like
> > large doses of magnesium won't hurt anybody unless they have kidney
> > problems.
> >
> > That was several years ago; I gradually tapered off the large doses, down
> > to like one tablet a day, then I'd skip it for awhile after a bottle ran
> > out, then finally lately, I hadn't taken any at all for a few months.
> >
> > Suddenly, allergy runny nose and asthma hit a couple weeks ago. The
> > magnesium fixed me right up again. So now I'm wondering if the body stores
> > magnesium for awhile...
> >
> >
> > --- In, "rchilders36" <rchilders36@>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > I have really been "plagued" with my allergies this season and hoping
> > this great group can help me with an alternative" instead of the albuterol
> > puffer....I need to stay inside and it seems I react to any physical
> > excersise also.
> > >
> > > Hope some of you have some great remedies!
> > >
> > > Rita
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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