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Monday, June 11, 2012

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Asthma/ David


I am "bookmarking" all the emails and THANK YOU ALL...for your wonderful response.!!!..I have been drinking a lot of water, but doubt if that causes anything except helping get rid of toxic in the body.
I am watching carefully what I eat...hardly ever eat beef...but...I have terrible "sugar cravings"again...thanks!

> From: Linda Bumpas <lindabumpas@yahoo.com>
>To: "AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com" <AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com>
>Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 9:31 AM
>Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Asthma

>How much do you spray? Does it matter where you spray it?
>From: david kenna <davidjohnkenna@yahoo.co.uk>
>To: "AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com" <AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com>
>Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 4:12 AM
>Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Asthma

>drinking a lot, stress, and certain meds increase use up a lot of magnesium.
>Getting up to normal levels can take a long time.
>The best type is spray on magnesium chloride.
>Much is lost in the digestive system with tablets.
>From: jmr1290 <jomarex@earthlink.net>
>To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
>Sent: Saturday, 9 June 2012, 17:22
>Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Asthma

>Magnesium is what fixes me up for the asthma. I tried all kinds of natural remedies, and none of them helped me at all. 8 tablets of magnesium oxide had me breathing freely within an hour. And every time since. Sounds like large doses of magnesium won't hurt anybody unless they have kidney problems.
>That was several years ago; I gradually tapered off the large doses, down to like one tablet a day, then I'd skip it for awhile after a bottle ran out, then finally lately, I hadn't taken any at all for a few months.
>Suddenly, allergy runny nose and asthma hit a couple weeks ago. The magnesium fixed me right up again. So now I'm wondering if the body stores magnesium for awhile...
>--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "rchilders36" <rchilders36@...> wrote:
>> I have really been "plagued" with my allergies this season and hoping this great group can help me with an alternative" instead of the albuterol puffer....I need to stay inside and it seems I react to any physical excersise also.
>> Hope some of you have some great remedies!
>> Rita
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>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Asthma


How much do you spray? Does it matter where you spray it?


From: david kenna <davidjohnkenna@yahoo.co.uk>
To: "AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com" <AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 4:12 AM
Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Asthma

drinking a lot, stress, and certain meds increase use up a lot of magnesium.
Getting up to normal levels can take a long time.
The best type is spray on magnesium chloride.
Much is lost in the digestive system with tablets.

From: jmr1290 <jomarex@earthlink.net>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, 9 June 2012, 17:22
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Asthma

Magnesium is what fixes me up for the asthma. I tried all kinds of natural remedies, and none of them helped me at all. 8 tablets of magnesium oxide had me breathing freely within an hour. And every time since. Sounds like large doses of magnesium won't hurt anybody unless they have kidney problems.

That was several years ago; I gradually tapered off the large doses, down to like one tablet a day, then I'd skip it for awhile after a bottle ran out, then finally lately, I hadn't taken any at all for a few months.

Suddenly, allergy runny nose and asthma hit a couple weeks ago. The magnesium fixed me right up again. So now I'm wondering if the body stores magnesium for awhile...

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "rchilders36" <rchilders36@...> wrote:
> I have really been "plagued" with my allergies this season and hoping this great group can help me with an alternative" instead of the albuterol puffer....I need to stay inside and it seems I react to any physical excersise also.
> Hope some of you have some great remedies!
> Rita

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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Diabetic allergic to vegetables - help


The Benefits of Artichoke in Diabetes Mellitus
Posted by Alice Martinez at 11:57 PM
Jerusalem artichoke is easily cultivated and is perhaps the most undemanding plant in the garden. Other name - "artichoke", "Jerusalem artichoke", "wild sunflowers.

This is a perennial herb native to North America. Tubers are irregularly shaped, yellow, light brown and even red. Jerusalem artichoke crop yields in the autumn, but very tolerant of frost, so it may lie in the ground until spring.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers are eaten in raw form, and as part of meals. Has a distinctive sweet taste with a pronounced nutty flavor.

Composition of the Jerusalem artichoke: Protein - 3% inulin - up to 18%, nitrogenous compounds - up to 4%, fructose, vitamins, and carotene. 100 g of Jerusalem artichoke contains about 58 calories. Shelf life: 7-10 days.

The benefits of artichoke health

Jerusalem artichoke - the ideal food for diabetics because it contains inulin (a natural polymer of fructose) , assimilation of these substances the body goes without insulin. Also in the Jerusalem artichoke is a lot of dietary fiber.

Regular consumption eliminates constipation and severe form of intestinal obstruction.

Jerusalem artichoke normalizes metabolism, and therefore can be used as a dietary product in the fight against obesity and overweight.

Tubers of "artichoke" contain practically all the useful and irreplaceable pectins, amino acids, macro and micronutrients and vitamins. Removes from the body toxins, heavy metals and radionuclides, strengthens the immune system.

Jerusalem artichoke - a natural tonic, so doctors recommend it for diseases of the cardiovascular system, which often occur as complications of diabetes.

In Europe, the Jerusalem artichoke and drugs based on it is used to treat pancreatitis, gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension and urolithiasis.

Novosibirsk Institute of Immunology, Jerusalem artichokes recommended as nutritional therapy for patients with diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer disease, anemia, colds, etc.

Cooking artichoke

Therapeutic effect persists regardless of how to cook tubers. So you can safely have Jerusalem artichokes raw, cook, bake, roast and even marinate.

It is not necessary to clean the Jerusalem artichokes like potatoes. The peel contains a lot of iron, so it is well washed and rubbed kitchen brush.

In raw Jerusalem artichoke are added to salads, roasted and fried tubers are used as toppings for pancakes, pies and cakes. Dried Jerusalem artichoke should be a good grind and brew the coffee.

Doctors recommend a daily basis to eat 1.2 Tuber on an empty stomach 15 minutes before meals.

There are also contraindications. Jerusalem artichoke is not recommended for people affected by strong flatulence, and if you are hypersensitive tissue.

And remember, if you decide to engage in cultivation of artichoke, take care of other useful crops. Jerusalem artichokes are very fast and aggressive breed, depleting the soil.

would recommend that you read this and try the sun chokes!

--- On Mon, 6/11/12, DiAnne <dec.mom@att.net> wrote:

From: DiAnne <dec.mom@att.net>
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Diabetic allergic to vegetables - help
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, June 11, 2012, 10:23 AM


I have been a diabetic II for about 6 years and always responded well to oral insulin. I am also allergic to Oxalic Acid and was on Poly Citra Rx and COULD eat veggies for the first 3 yrs of diabetes. Then my insurance refused to pay for it. Tried generic poly citra & blood sugar went over 500 plus I had kidney stones and was hospitalized for kidney infections
The Oxalic Acid in most foods attaches to the calcium in my body, makes me extremely tired, causes uncontollable restles legs, then kidney stones, then kidney infections, all in that order.
I have not been able to eat anything with Oxalic Acid for the last 3 years and was still able to maintain blood sugar with pills while eating carbs. While I was being treated for a small bit of cancer 2 yrs ago I then got the dawn phenomenon. I was also on Prandin then and it did not work lower blood sugar plus I was constantly craving carbs. Recently Doc put me on Metformin and I broke out in huge hives. I switched back to Prandin, it still does nothing and I constantly crave sweets that I want to go out at 3am and buy candy. I don't give into the cravings and then my stomach hurts terribly. I was in constant cravings and pain. I quit taking Prandin because I cannot stand it. Since I cannot eat vegetable, beans, grains, fruits, plus I cannot eat any carbs or sweets I am in a terrible limbo.
I eat beef and chicken but cannot use any gravies, dips or sauces. And, I still crave food.
Sometimes I can eat raw organic vegetables but then I never fall asleep. I drink baking soda water when the restless legs start but cannot prevent the stones. I make organic salads at home without lettuce, but the dressings cause problems, either with the diabetes and/or the stones.
I have tried to mimic the poly citra with potassium citrate and the baking soda, and I think it helps, but I still cannot control my blood sugar.
A ND told me that I have hyperinsulin and I believe I do. But, if I have enough insulin in my body and it doesn't work then I believe I am Insulin Resistant. My fasting blood sugar this morning was 356. I have no idea what to do.
I want to go on the Paleo Diet but I am very allergic to it.
Wonder if someone might have ideas so I can eat vegetables. Thank you.

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