*Reuters)* -* Low levels of nuclear radiation from the tsunami-damaged
Fukushima power plant have turned up in bluefin tuna off the California
coast, suggesting that these fish carried radioactive compounds across the
Pacific Ocean faster than wind or water can.*
Small amounts of cesium-137 and cesium-134 were detected in 15 tuna caught
near San Diego in August 2011, about four months after these chemicals were
released into the water off Japan's east coast, scientists reported on
That is months earlier than wind and water currents brought debris from the
plant to waters off Alaska and the U.S. Pacific Northwest.
The amount of radioactive cesium in the fish is not thought to be damaging
to people if consumed, the researchers said in a study published in the
journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. * (ed note:And how
many times has the public been lied to before abut this?)*
Without making a definitive judgment on the safety of the fish, lead author
Daniel Madigan of Stanford University's Hopkins Marine Station noted that
the amount of radioactive material detected was far less than the Japanese
safety limit.
"I wouldn't tell anyone what's safe to eat or what's not safe to eat,"
Madigan said in a telephone interview. "It's become clear that some people
feel that any amount of radioactivity, in their minds, is bad and they'd
like to avoid it. But compared to what's there naturally ... and what's
established as safety limits, it's not a large amount at all."
He said the scientists found elevated levels of two radioactive isotopes of
the element cesium: cesium 137, which was present in the eastern Pacific
before the Fukushima Daiichi disaster in the spring of 2011; and cesium
134, which is produced only by human activities and was not present before
the earthquake and tsunami hit the Japanese plant.
Because cesium 134 is generated only by human activities - nuclear power
plants and weapons - and there was none in the Pacific for several years
before the Fukushima accident, they reckoned that any cesium 134 they found
in tuna off California had to come from Fukushima.
There was about five times the background amount of cesium 137 in the
bluefin tuna they tested, but that is still a tiny quantity, Madigan said:
5 becquerels instead of 1 becquerel. (It takes 37 billion becquerels to
equal 1 curie; for context, a pound of uranium-238 has 0.00015 curies of
radioactivity, so one becquerel would be a truly miniscule proportion.)
The researchers figured that the elevated levels of cesium 137 and all of
the cesium 134 they detected came from Fukushima because of the way bluefin
tuna migrate across the Pacific.
Bluefin tuna spawn only in the western Pacific, off the coasts of
http://www.reuters.com/places/japan>and the Philippines. As
young fish, some migrate east to the California
coast, where upwelling ocean water brings lots of food for them and their
prey. They get to these waters as juveniles or adolescents, and remain
there, fattening up.
Judging by the size of the bluefin tuna they sampled - they averaged about
15 pounds (6 kg) - the researchers knew these were young fish that had left
Japanese water about a month after the accident.
Most of the radiation was released over a few days in April 2011, and
unlike some other compounds, radioactive cesium does not quickly sink to
the sea bottom but remains dispersed in the water column, from the surface
to the ocean floor.
Fish can swim right through it, ingesting it through their gills, by taking
in seawater or by eating organisms that have already taken it in, Madigan
Bluefin tuna typically have low levels of naturally occurring radioactive
material, such as potassium 40, which was present in the world's oceans
long before human beings walked the Earth.
Compared to these natural levels of radioactivity, the amount contributed
by Fukushima raised the level about 3 percent, Madigan said.
He said there were probably much higher levels of cesium 134 present in
bluefin tuna off Japan soon after the accident, as much as 40 to 50 percent
higher than normal. Cesium 134 decays quickly, with a half-life of two
years. Bluefin tuna excrete it on a daily basis and it also gets diluted in
their bodies as they grow.
(Reporting By Deborah Zabarenko, Environment Correspondent;
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