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Saturday, May 12, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Homeopathic Remedies for Insect Bites


Homeopathic Remedies for Insect Bites

If your pet does get bitten by fleas, spiders, ants, or other insect, or
gets stung by a bee, think of these homeopathic remedies as first aid.

Apis mellifica 30C or 200C is made from the venom of the honeybee. So if
you see your dog get stung or see a reaction in your pet that looks like it
might have been caused by a bee or wasp sting (hot, redness, swelling –
could be anywhere on the animal: mouth, throat, skin-- give three pellets every
5 minutes for three doses. If the swelling and reaction doesn't stop by
the third dose, try another remedy listed here. If the swelling is extreme or
your dog collapses, rush your dog to an animal hospital. Sometimes a bee
sting reaction can be fatal if the throat swells so much that your pet
cannot breath. (Give the remedy to the dog on the way to the animal hospital.
Perhaps by the time you get there, the dog will be feeling better.)

Ledum palustre 6C, 12C or 30C (Masha tea; Wild Rosemary) Is an excellent
remedy for any kind of puncture wound. Of course, an animal bite, snakebite,
insect bite or bee sting is also a puncture wound. The wounded area may
twitch and seem itchy (more so at night). This is also the first remedy to
give if your animal steps on a nail or something else that may puncture its
pads/foot. Here again, give three pellets every 10 minutes for three doses.
Then wait to see if there is improvement. If so, stop and let the body
continue the healing process. If no improvement occurs, try another remedy
listed here. Ledum palustre (in tincture) can also be applied topically to the

Grindelia 3C to 30C (Grindelia robusta and Grindelia squarrosa) If Ledum
is not successful try this for flea bites every 10 minutes. You may see a
rash, like roseola, and the dog will feel severe burning and itching. You may
see skin eruptions. This remedy can also be used for exposure to poison ivy
or poison oak.

Caladium sequinum 6C to 30C (American arum; Dieffenbachia sequine) This is
a less common remedy but may help some dogs who are sensitive to flea
bites. The characteristic feature is that the site is itching and burning,
perhaps worse at night.



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[AlternativeAnswers] Honey in eyes


I read about Organic Manuka Honey or Organic Raw Honey in the eyes for
eyestrain, infection, cataracts and dry eyes. Also can be applied to itchy
irritated eyelids.

How to prepare the drops. Take a liquid natural organic honey, which have
not yet crystallized and clean spring or distilled water. One drop of liquid
honey mix with 10 drops of water (1:10).
Mix it and drop in the eye once per day every morning.


The Egyptians also used honey as medicine, including as a eye treatment
for eye diseases.

Aristotle wrote in 350 B.C. "White honey is a good salve for sore eyes".

In the Journal of the American Apitherapy Society, Dr. Mamdouh AbulRhman,
professor of paediatrics in the Faculty of Medicine at Ain Shams University
in Egypt described how he successfully treated cornea ulcer with honey in
just a few weeks after antibiotics, antiviral agents and corticosteroids
failed for 7 months.

One researcher believes that flavonoids present in healing honey have the
necessary properties to access the eyes lens. Along with healing honey its
antioxidant and osmotic properties it will heal the eye thus improving your
sight and curing eye infections.

Dr Golichev recommended vitamin intake and diluted honey to treat cortical
and incipient senile cataracts after a study with 108 patients in Russia.
Visual acuity was maintained in 80% of 2492 patients presenting incipient
cataracts treated with honey!

"On the advice of Professor E. Fisher of the Ophthalmology Department of
Odessa Regional Clinical Hospital, Ukraine, honey ointments are widely used
for various lesions of the cornea.", N Yoirish - The Gourmet Medicine

In "Honey – Health and Therapeutic Qualities," a compilation of scientific
studies on the healing powers of honey in the United States, a study with
120 patients who had various eye disorders that did not respond to
conventional treatment indicated that 85 per cent experienced improvement and the
other 15 per cent has no further deterioration when treated with honey.

In India, Dr. B.G Gokulan launched a therapeutic programme tagged: Vision
Pro aimed at revitalizing the eyes with honey. According to him, honey
increases blood circulation in the eyes and tones up the ocular muscles. He
added that honey has excellent healing properties and is highly effective for
the treatment of abrasions and ulcers in the cornea.

In "Honey and Your Health", a Canadian mother was quoted as follows: "Two
of my daughters contracted sore eyes in school where there was an epidemic
at the time. They were cured in two days with honey, while it took other
children treated with conventional medicine three weeks to get rid of the
same problem."

Another study in Russia has also proved that raw honey could protect the
eyes of heavy computer users by countering the harmful effects of

Research to investigate the effect of 20% honey solution eye drops on human
patients with dry eye syndrome. Thirty six patients (72 eyes) of mean age
44.7 years old were examined. Investigations were carried out before and
after the treatment. Nineteen patients were treated with 20% honey solution
eye drops three times a day, and 17 patients were treated with artificial
tears three times a day as a control.

After treatment with the honey eye drops, improvement of ocular changes
was observed in most of the patients compared to the control treatment b. We
also found a positive effect of the honey eye drops on the state of the

Journal of Apicultural Research, vol 46 (4) pages 232 - 234, December


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[AlternativeAnswers] Study: Red Pepper and Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Good Morning!

Study: Red Pepper and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Authors: Bortolotti M, Porta S.

Reference: Effect of red pepper on symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome: preliminary study. Dig Dis Sci 2001; 56:3288-3295.

Design: Random double-blind placebo controlled trial

Participants: Twenty women and thirty men, 18-65 y.o. with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), per Rome II criteria.

Study Medication and Dosage: After a 20-week washout period, 23 patients received four pills/day for six weeks and 27 patients received placebo. Each active pill was coated to dissolve in the colon and contained 150 mg of red pepper powder. Eight patients dropped out from the study, six in the red pepper group, due to abdominal pain and two in the placebo group. In eight patients, the pills were reduced to two per day due to abdominal pain at the onset of treatment.

Primary Outcome Measures: The primary outcome was the intensity of abdominal pain and bloating following the 5-point Likert scale. Weekly symptom mean scores and patient subjective evaluation were used to evaluate treatment.

Key Findings: In patients taking red pepper, the mean score values of the last two weeks of treatment showed significantly improved abdominal pain compared to pre-treatment values. Those taking placebo showed transient improvement during the first four weeks which then disappeared during the last two weeks. In the final patient subjective evaluation, the red pepper group scored significantly better than placebo.

Practice Implications: This preliminary study indicates that chronic enteric coated red pepper powder has the potential to help patients with IBS symptoms and reduce the intensity of abdominal pain and bloating. Clinicians need to be aware that some individuals may experience an increase in abdominal pain in the first few days of red pepper administration. This is thought to be due to the phase of sensitization due to capsaicin on the nociceptive fibers that precedes the densensitization and analgesic phase. The low dose of two capsules per day seemed equal to the four caps per day in effectiveness and may offer an advantage in avoiding or decreasing the potential of the initial abdominal pain.

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