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Monday, April 23, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Alternative Answers for Treating Cuts and Bruises


Good Morning!

Alternative Answers for Treating Cuts and Bruises

Cuts result from injury or incisions to the skin. Superficial cuts and wounds
heal naturally and require little treatment. They sometimes can result in
scarring if they are extensive or are not properly cared for.

How To Care For Cuts

First, stop the bleeding. When a small cut occurs, allow it to bleed for a
minute, which actually cleans out any dirt or bacteria, naturally. Then clear
the area of blood, elevate the wound above the level of your heart (if possible)
and apply direct pressure on the cut. When a large cut or wound occurs, stop the
bleeding immediately by elevating the wound above the level of your heart (if
possible) and applying direct pressure. Any extensive blood loss should be
treated by a doctor immediately.

Clean the wound. This is important to prevent infection and to decrease the
chance of permanent discoloration, or scarring. Wash the area with soap and
water or just water if soap is not available in the moment. Your own saliva
contains many enzymes, which kill bacteria. Use it to clean the area if
soap/water are not available. The object is to dilute the bacteria in the wound
and remove debris. Also, if you don't remove stones or sand from the cut, they
can leave pigment under the skin, which acts like a tattoo. Gently clean your
cut twice a day.

Disinfection is necessary, pour 3 percent hydrogen peroxide into the wound, let
it foam up, repeat, and pat dry with a clean piece of gauze or cotton.

Yunnan Paiyao is an excellent Chinese herbal powder, which helps to stop
bleeding, closes the wound and decreases scarring. This patent formula alone
helps the flesh regenerate and prevents blood stasis and infections, which could
lead to scarring. It can be used externally and taken internally as well!

Tetanus shots are not necessary for open cuts that bleed, only for deep,
non-bleeding puncture wounds. Medical attention is imperative for cuts caused by
rusty objects, deep punctures and wounds that bleed heavily.

Eastern Herbal Remedies

Trauma Liniment

"Die Da Jiu Liniment", which literally translates to "hit fall wine" is the
NUMBER ONE remedy for bruises, contusions, sprains and fractures. This formula
was developed centuries ago in kung fu schools to treat bruises and injuries due
to injuries that would occur during daily practice. Soak a cotton ball and press
this herbal formula into the skin where ever trauma to an area has occurred.
Bruises, contusions, sprains, shin splints, repetitive motion injuries and
fractures, (which needs a proper doctor's care after a break), can be treated
with amazing results. This herbal formula, which has been decocted in alcohol,
has been prepared with safe and effective herbs to move stagnation of energy and
blood that occur after injury.

Trauma Pills

One of two patented formulas, Liangcai Xin Die da Wan (Tieh Ta Wan) is the
internal counterpart to Trauma Liniment. Taken in tandem with the lotion, these
pills strongly breaks up blockage of blood and fluid due to trauma. It moves
accumulation, which sits in the area of the injury, preventing blood from
congealing in the tissue.

Yunnan Paiyao

Treating open wounds correctly is the best way to prevent scars from occurring.
This patent formula alone helps the flesh regenerate and prevents blood stasis
and infections, which could lead to scarring.

Valuable first-aid remedy for internal and external bleeding, traumatic
swelling, insect bites, nosebleeds, open and infected wounds, ingrown toenails,
spider bites, post-surgical healing, prevents scarring, stops bleeding,
disperses stagnant blood, disinfects and stops some pain. Commonly used for
excessive menstrual bleeding, severe menstrual cramps, ulcer bleeding,
carbuncles. Take capsules both internally and externally by opening a capsule
and sprinkling the powder directly into the wound.

Herbal Ice

Herbal Ice "San Huang San" is composed of three cooling Chinese herbs that
reduce inflammation while dispersing congealed blood and fluids. This is the
single most useful herbal poultice for your first aid trauma kit! This is most
helpful for immediate sprains, strains, turned ankles, muscle pulls, twisted
wrists or severe contusions. Where ever you would use ice, this should be
substituted right away.

When an injury occurs, blood will stagnate in the muscle tissue and often does
not reabsorb back into the system. The blood can congeal and harden, adhering
the muscle fibers together and blocking normal circulation in normal areas,
creating pain and stiffness. Applying ice, can exacerbate this injury in the
long term.

"San Huang San" Herbal Ice is in a Vaseline base and should be gently massaged
into the injury morning and night. Wrap lightly with gauze and cover with an ace
bandage (not too tight). Clean the area before re-applying.

Tendon Lotion

This combination of warming herbs is best used for chronic conditions or old
injuries such as tendonitis, which includes tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, shin
splints, old sprains or reoccurring problems made worse by cold and dampness.
When heat makes your injury feel better, this is the formula for you. Massage
this lotion into affected areas twice a day. This unique blend of Chinese herbs
works deep down into the tendons to stimulate circulation!

UI Oil

This wonderful massage oil (pronounced "ooh-eee") is used for stiff, sore,
overexerted muscles and joints that are worse with the cold and dampness. This
oil is also great to massage into cold muscles before exercise to help them warm
up and to prepare them for stretching and activity. This patent Chinese formula
comes in a 1 fluid oz. bottle in a protective can.

UI Oil contains the light, warming aromatic oils of cinnamon, peppermint, lilac
oil, and the tree resin "xue jie" also known as "dragon's blood" (a resin known
for its ability to dispel congealing blood and relieve pain). The main
ingredient is the warming herb "ai ye" or mugwort (folium artimisae). Mugwort's
properties penetrate obstruction, activate local circulation and drive out cold.

Black Ghost Oil

This oil, also known as Hak Kwai Pain Relieving Oil is the most deep penetrating
massage oil used for deep bone bruising that occurs in areas where there is
thick muscles overlaying bones. This area is bruised and painful but shows no
visible swelling or discoloration on the surface. This is the MOST effective oil
for this type of injury because it contains very aromatic herbs and oils, which
penetrate this kind of obstruction.

How To Care For Bruises

Bruises are the result of damaged blood vessels under the skin. As blood leaks
from the damaged vessels, the skin can turn blue/black (bruising is down to the
bone), green (bruising is down to the level of the tendon), and or yellow
(bruising is more superficial to the muscle level). You may often see a
combination of these colors. as well.

First, to minimize swelling, pain, and bruising after an injury, always apply
ice or a cold compresses to the injured area as soon as possible and keep them
on for 15-20 minutes for most of the first twelve hours, with occasional breaks
to prevent excessive chilling.

Western Medicine is limited in the treatment of bruises. Eastern medicine has
wonderful herbal applications, which decreases bruising time and pain.

Second, apply Trauma Liniment and massage into the bruise. Follow this by taking
2 Trauma Pills a day for two days.

Third, if the bruise is felt but not seen, this is considered deep bone
bruising. Massage a Black Ghost Oil into the area instead of Trauma Liniment.

Bruising after traumatic injury is a normal body response. It is only when
bruising occurs often and from very minor (often unnoticed) trauma that a
problem may exist. While easy bruising is usually not a cause for concern,
people who experience this problem should consult a physician to rule out more
serious conditions that may cause bruising. If you suddenly begin to bruise
easily, you may have a problem with blood clotting.

Medical causes of easy bruising sometimes may be diagnosed from a few blood
tests conducted by a doctor. More often, however, no clear cause for easy
bruising is found. Bruises look like areas of blue to purple-colored skin that
may turn yellow to dark brown over the course of a few days. The conventional
treatment is to manage any underlying medical condition, such as liver or kidney
disease, blood disorders (e.g., hemophilia, platelet dysfunction,
thrombocytopenia, leukemia, and multiple myeloma), connective tissue disorders
(e.g., scurvy, Marfan's syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome), or the use of
blood-thinning medication (e.g., aspirin and Coumadin).

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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[AlternativeAnswers] Hemocyl Hemorrhoid, 4/23/2012, 9:00 am

Reminder from:   AlternativeAnswers Yahoo! Group
Title:   Hemocyl Hemorrhoid
Date:   Monday April 23, 2012
Time:   9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Repeats:   This event repeats every day.
Notes:   Hemocyl clinically proven to cure your hemorrhoid, quickly and effectively, hemorrhoid treatment using hemocyl natural ingredients
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[AlternativeAnswers] The Science of Synchronized Prayer, 4/27/2012, 7:00 pm

Reminder from:   AlternativeAnswers Yahoo! Group
Title:   The Science of Synchronized Prayer
Date:   Friday April 27, 2012
Time:   7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location:   The Caritas Spiritist Center, 5723 Arapahoe Ave., #1A, Boulder, CO
Notes:   The Science of Synchronized Prayer

with Claude Swanson, Ph.D.

Friday, April 27, 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Let us avert war and heal the world through Global Peace Prayer.

The power of prayer has been known for thousands of years. Recent scientific experiments have proven that when people pray together at the same time, it has even more impact. Science has also discovered there is a special time of day when we are most receptive to spiritual and intuitive messages. Prayers received at this time are likely to have the greatest effect. Fifteen or twenty minutes of concentrated prayer every day at this time can work miracles.

The Princeton PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) Lab, the Global Consciousness Project and other research institutions have discovered that consciousness affects physics and can be measured. The human mind and human intention alter the behavior of devices called "random event generators," or REGs. They measure the power of human intention to affect distant events. In scientific studies on prayer, it has been found that when many people pray together the effect is larger.

New Global Prayer Protocol

We humans are at a turning point. Are we able to handle our technology to make our lives better and to spread wealth and opportunity to all? Or do we have a streak of violence, hatred, and greed which will doom us to bring about the destruction of this beautiful world?

Come learn about the science of prayer and how we can best use it to improve our global peace.

$15; Caritas Members $10
at The Caritas Spiritist Center, 5723 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder
Call 303-449-3066 or Register at www.CaritasSpiritistCenter.org
Dr. Claude Swanson was educated as a physicist at MIT and Princeton University. During those years he worked at the MIT Science Teaching Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory and a Virginia cyclotron. At Princeton he received the National Science Foundation Fellowship and Putnam Fellowship. His Ph.D. thesis at Princeton was done i
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